jewel chiclids


New Member
Mar 15, 2004
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preston uk
i have a pair of breeding jewels and they have just breed.the eggs have just hatched and was wondering how long it will be before i will have to separte the babys. :kana: .i am realy pleased about this as it is the first time i have breed chiclids :cool:



i am sorry if this is in the wrong forum as i am not sure were to put this thread :*)
i just thought i would try and get a pic of the fry for you all

but as you can see you cant see them very good :sad:

and this is 1 of the parents protecting the fry
when you see them swiming around the tank catch them if you can [ syphoning is the easiest way for me ..Jewels make pretty good parents , The male may start beating on his mate , If he does you should remove her [alive ] before it's to late . Keep an eye on them . In my experience , It's easier to remove the parents , they may even eat the fry . If you want them to breed , set them up in an almost bare tank [say a 20 long with a heater an air stone , better yet a sponge filter , an existing sponge could be of great service to you not only will it help to keep the water quality good but the fry may find something to eat on it ] , after the fry have hatched and become free swimmers take the parents out of the tank . Make sure you have something to feed the fry . Mine have taken prepared fry foods in the past , don't over do it with the food as you can easily polute the tank . Make sure their water is clean , change the water frequently 2[3] times a week , small water changes.
My Jewels have been succesfully breeding now for the last 5 months, in that time i have 4 batches, my latest are now 4 weeks old and still swimming with theparents. Though after the first batch, the parents started eating them after 2 weeks, then a few days later bred again, so i removed that batch after 2 weeks, the 3rd batch i decided to remove after 3 weeks and my parent jewels bred again a few days later with this 4th batch.

In experience, they make pretty good parents though they need an eye keeping on them the first couple of times until they are more confident on what they are doing.

The male will go a bright red colour when he's wanting to mate again, and thats when he will start eating his young.

Jewels breed on average every 4 weeks, though can be sooner, and the times she lays the more fry there will be, though that will diminish if she isn't conditioned every so often.

To condition the female you need to remove her from the male for a short period.

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