Brackish water question


Fish Fanatic
Jun 11, 2003
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I don't keep livebearers, but a friend of mine does and he wants to know what livebearers can be kept in brackish water?
i forget off the exact fish...but i have a feeling it is sailfin mollies which can be kept in brackish water

not 100% sure though
Hiya, thanks for the reply, is there any other type like say endlers or more unusual types???
I know its not a livebearer but if you have the room for it a Ruby Scat is a beautiful brackish fish and its peaceful.
Yes mollies can be aclimatised to live in a marine setup if introduced to the water using a drip method over a long period of time.. so they can definitely be introduced to a brackish setup with success :D
Really? Thats cool. I heard from somwhere that only basic guppies, platy's and mollies we're brackish, but my friend want's some of the more unusual livebearers.

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