FAO the cheese specialist

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i just lost everything that i replied to by hitting my back button -_-

just as well as i dont want to wind you up anymore ( i didnt want to in the first place) and it obvious you dont like what i said.

I strongly believe that we take the decision to keep fish (or any other creature) we take full responsibility to give them the quality of life we would expect ourselves as living creatures and that means a little research should be taken. some reasearch is not hard for us to do when lives are at stake and keeping fish that we know very little or nothing about is wrong (especially cichlids)

im not going to go on anymore as its obviously not worth it but....



by the way. each goldfish should have about 5 gallons of water each.
if you would like me to answer all you quotes to my post i will be quite happy to back up all my words..

but only if you agree :S
kribs mate said:
i just lost everything that i replied to by hitting my back button -_-

just as well as i dont want to wind you up anymore ( i didnt want to in the first place) and it obvious you dont like what i said.

I strongly believe that we take the decision to keep fish (or any other creature) we take full responsibility to give them the quality of life we would expect ourselves as living creatures and that means a little research should be taken. some reasearch is not hard for us to do when lives are at stake and keeping fish that we know very little or nothing about is wrong (especially cichlids)

im not going to go on anymore as its obviously not worth it but....



by the way. each goldfish should have about 5 gallons of water each.

So why put somethig in capitals and attempt to put it into a larger size if you do not want to cause trouble?

If you care to look at the thread I linked you to, others have said my tanks are ok - "overstocked by anyone's standards", I think not.

It's actually the case that goldfish should have 10gallons each, not 5 and as I have said at least twice I AM GIVING THEM AWAY. However, I am not going to give them to just anyone and not until the weather is warmer. At this time they have adequate space.

The cichlids were not bought on impulse or anything of that nature. They had been travelling overnight and I had the choice to either put them in my tank and see how they got on or let them die. I did do research, if you care to search this and other forums you will find me looking for information on them. I called the supplier of the fish and got advice from him as well as doing research on various sites, none of the information led me to think they could not live in my tank at least for now.

Incidently, I understand that my larger tanks are overstocked but my smaller ones are not. How could one female krib in a 10gallon be overstocked by anyone's rules? I don't think my 19US is overstocked even using the inch per gallon rule, maybe slightly. My levels are always perfect and my fish get on well without bullying etc. I have a maintenance plan and I feed sparingly to keep the tank free of waste.

Do you know what...I don't even know why I am going to the trouble of replying to you when you clearly do not care to read what I have to say about the situation.

Seems to me like you are looking to cause trouble. I appreciate advice on my set-ups and I actively seek it. However, you have not given me any advice, rather simply stated what you think is wrong with my tanks and clearly not read my responses fully or perhaps understood them.

not here to cause trouble at all and like yourself i dont know why i am bothering as you dont want to listen anyway.

your tanks ARE overstocked and anyone who says they arnt really has no idea as far as i am concerned.

im not here to have petty squabbles and to justify everything i say. but i will give you one piece of advice.

your WILL run into problems with your tank that is a fact. unless you sort something out (like buy a 500 gallon tank) just look at you fish and imagine when they are fully grown (not that i believe for a minute they will live that long) its easy to listen to advice that you want to hear, not so easy to listen to advice you dont want to hear. I think you know the answers already to be honest.

Do the decent thing and take care of those lives you have in your hands.

TBH, and its not having a go, i do think that your tank is way overstocked, i have been reading your posts, and im not just sticking up for my friend. Its good that you have a good maintenance program, so should everybody that keeps fish, but that said, its wrong to to just assume that by doing that you can comfortably keep as many fish as that in one tank. And you say you are ridding of those fish, you should not of had them in the first place espesially as, as you say its a 10 gal per goldfish rule. I can't for one instance imagine the affect its had on your filter.
kribensis and krib mate... why are you attacking Cheese Specialist? She is obviously a good fishkeeper, and can take care of her fish just fine. It appears that you are out to correct all the potential problems of other fishkeepers. What business is this of yours? Why don't you concentrate on your own fish, and let others concentrate on theirs. If Cheese needs help, she will post for it. Advice that is not asked for is rude... especially to post it in a public forum. Couldn't you maybe use PM if you think you have to correct someone's ways?

And also, why don't you stay with the rest of the perfect people on TFC?

*edit* oops! unasked for advice... but good nonetheless. :p w/o the smile
Kribs mate........

you are a RUDE ...... -_- *??* :huh: person!!

I hope if you are reading this Cheese that you just go on about your business and don't even reply again. This person is trying to act like God, everyone does it from time to time, just ignore them and they will post another thread about someone else's tank :sad: There are so many tank owners on here that could use constructive criticism, but I don't believe you are one of them -_- :no: !!

I'm sure if we knew a little more about miss Matey then we could direct her fish keeping in ways also!! :nod: :lol:

G'day MATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those of us that "know" you know that you take good care of your fish and that you do alot of research on each of the species you keep. Keep up the good work girl! :thumbs:
silver said:
Hi there Krib mate!!

Sorry, but I think this post is rather RUDE!!

I think that maybe you should have looked through her posts first or PMed her or something, but to just announce this so called "Topic" about your so called "concern" for her tank.......I really don't get why you did that!!

Pretty rediculous if you ask me!!

No one here deserves to have their tank picked at in a Topic like this

JMO :dunno:

LOL As you can see its not only CS who can be grumpy, but Silver can too! Trust me I'd know (insider...BETTA's LOL)

No im just joking guys...I tihnk enough has been said on this post and its about time to lock her up...anyone second that? ;)
drobbins27 said:
I tihnk enough has been said on this post and its about time to lock her up...anyone second that? ;)
Not only do I think it should be locked. I think kribensis and mate should be banned from this site. What a rude duo!

lou_zerr said:
I think kribensis and mate should be banned from this site.
But not until they've had a chance to read what we think of them. :whistle:
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