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  1. guidedbyechoes

    Compatibility For 700 Gallon Tank

    What do you do for a living?
  2. guidedbyechoes

    Should I Just Give Up?

    Upload the video to youtube and then link it to here.
  3. guidedbyechoes


    What if you plan to give it to some one that has no interntion of selling them? On another note I didn't know africans and new worlds could mate. A person I know has some Nimbochromis venustus and Archocentrus nigrofasciatus cross. They are still quite young, but I wonder how they will turn out.
  4. guidedbyechoes


    Would that be truw with every cross or just with those that are very differnt from each other.
  5. guidedbyechoes


    So ethically I see nothing wrong with attempting it besides the chance of having to euthanize some or them developing sensitivity to certain genetic diseases. But I guess most people aren't willing to take that chance.
  6. guidedbyechoes


    I know a few people have warned me about mixing certain species of cichlids. I also know the parrot and blood parrots are hybrids. They seem to be very popular. So besides trying to pass them off as another species for more money. What is the harm?
  7. guidedbyechoes

    Diy Canister

    Just got back from the LFS and I shopped a couple other places. A pump the size I needed would be 100 dollars USD. Throw in the substrait and tubing and valves and it would be more than just purchasing an eheim canister of the same handling capacity. I'm just gonna go the easy route and buy one...
  8. guidedbyechoes

    Thinking Of Starting A Mbuna

    so thats what I think I'm gonna go with. after I check with kj23502 about her nyererei .
  9. guidedbyechoes

    Thinking Of Starting A Mbuna

    I came up with this list from the LFS Metriaclima callainos or Metriaclima fainzilberi Pseudotropheus saulosi Cynotilapia axelrodi Haplochromis sp. "Flameback" Labidochromis chisumulae Pundamilia nyererei (one of my favorites, looks like it was colored by a first grader)
  10. guidedbyechoes

    Diy Canister

    I have two HOB filters and wanted to try to make one for my planted 30G. I was told they are better for not disturbing the surface as much. Also I'm planning on a cichlid tank and wanted to be able to over filter it so I could slightly overstock it. Also a friend of mine wanted to try one...
  11. guidedbyechoes

    Thinking Of Starting A Mbuna

    I know the peacocks are from the same lake but don't they have different requirements since they are closer to the middle and are from a less rocky area? Unless they are tank raised then I guess that point would be moot. But what about the food requirements? Also don't you have a lot of...
  12. guidedbyechoes

    Diy Canister

    I know the basics of making a canister except how much water should be used. Like a 30 gal US for instance would a gallon be over kill? I also want to set up a 75. I could use anything from a ice cream bucket to a 5 gallon bucket for that. Which would be closer?
  13. guidedbyechoes

    Thinking Of Starting A Mbuna

    I want to go for a 75 gal quite similar to this But without the brown and black looking cichlids and less of the yellow since they look similar enough that it might cause aggression problems and I prefer the lab. Also no crayfish please. Can...
  14. guidedbyechoes

    My Planted 30

    Tanks doing great water has cleared up a ton from lowering the wpg. THe swords are still going perfectly. I would update with pics but the cam battery is dead and I can't find the charger....
  15. guidedbyechoes

    My Planted 30

    I just pulled one and its till going! I have always had these lights with this setup and the water never stays clear. I put the fish in a 25 and there was no problem. SO that must be it. I'm bummed about the filter, I have two of those. Could I possibly put the diffuser lower in the tank where...
  16. guidedbyechoes

    My Planted 30

    I forgot to mention the microswords. I can just pull a bulb and be close to 2 watts per gallon. Is the large amount of algae causing my water to turn green? Also HOB stands for what exactly?
  17. guidedbyechoes

    My Planted 30

    Here is my 30 gallon. I use DIY co2 injection. 4 watts per gallon. Thinking of getting some flourish. Fluorite under the substrate. I can never get the water crystal clear for some reason. Fish are a 3 spot gourami, flame honey gourami, 6 guppies (1 male, 3 females, 2 juvis) 3 panda cories and 5...
  18. guidedbyechoes

    Corys In Tank

    the gourami ignore them completely.
  19. guidedbyechoes

    Corys In Tank

    I had some bamboo shrimp but the betta over stressed them and they didn't live.
  20. guidedbyechoes

    Corys In Tank

    I live in Big Bend, WI, USA
  21. guidedbyechoes

    Corys In Tank

    Yeah I thought it was close to stocked I could sneak in a few snails I guess. I wanted some shrimp but I think that will take it too far.
  22. guidedbyechoes

    Corys In Tank

    2 dwarfs goramis 6 guppies 5 Pandas
  23. guidedbyechoes

    Corys In Tank

    I have an issue with the filter for my 30 so I have moved my corys to my 25. Is it ok to just leave them in there? Or do I need to resetup the 30 once more?
  24. guidedbyechoes

    Asian Biotope

    Thanks. But if I do it authentically no shrimp?
  25. guidedbyechoes

    Asian Biotope

    I come from a hard water area with a ph of 7.6. My betta must have been aquacultured? I have seen the other fish in the local water thriving quite well. :blink: even tetras and they are pretty picky. No blue rams though.
  26. guidedbyechoes

    Asian Biotope

    I have a spare 25 US Gal lying around and decided to move my betta into it. But I decided I would stock and plant it with the other inhabitants first. At least some. I planned on Harlequin rasbora and some various shrimp. I also want to plant it. This project is gonna be low light. So I want to...
  27. guidedbyechoes

    Blobfish... Funny Chaps.

    It looks like ziggy from the ziggy comics. :hyper:
  28. guidedbyechoes

    My 30 Gal

    like platies and rasbora?
  29. guidedbyechoes

    My 30 Gal

    I already have a male. I was told on this forum it would be ok :crazy:
  30. guidedbyechoes

    My 30 Gal

    yeah I was thinking about that. I also have a spare 25 I could put him in along with the smaller biowheel. I just didn't want to run 2 tanks really.
  31. guidedbyechoes

    My 30 Gal

    Ok so I am almost halfway stocked with my 30 gallon. So far I have 5 panda corys and 2 blue sunset flame gouramis. I'm not sure what else to add really. I have a Betta I want to add. And I would like to get some shrimp. I have some planting to do before I get every one settled in. So far I...
  32. guidedbyechoes

    Tank Arranging

    Of what exactly? I still need to add more plants I only have java moss in there so far. And a peice of driftwood attached to slate.
  33. guidedbyechoes

    Tank Arranging

    If I got this route I still have the empty 25 gallon.
  34. guidedbyechoes

    Tank Arranging

    The gourami's won't nip at his fins? That was my main concern these fellas are pretty quick when they want to be.
  35. guidedbyechoes

    Tank Arranging

    Ok so I have 1 betta 2 sunset dwarf gourami 5 panda cories 1 goldfish ( the gold fish is going to a very nice pond) I have one 25 gallon tall one 30 gallon long and a 2 gallon bowl I live in the US. I'm wondering how can I get the betta into one of the tanks and still fully stock it...
  36. guidedbyechoes

    Blue Sunset Dwarf Gourami

    They seem to hang around each other, the brighter colored one doesn't like it sometimes. I was gonna add some pearls but they look kind of dull at the lfs. I was gonna add some rasbora and platies. This is of course to go along with the 5 panda corys I have.
  37. guidedbyechoes

    Panda Cories

    I thought they were supposed to be bottom dwellers but they seem to be all over the tank except the highest part.
  38. guidedbyechoes

    Panda Cories

    I never thought I would think a catfish is cute. :blush: I have 5 of them and they run the tank so far.
  39. guidedbyechoes

    Blue Sunset Dwarf Gourami

    not trying to breed. I think they may both be male. They now share the tank with 5 panda cories.
  40. guidedbyechoes

    Blue Sunset Dwarf Gourami

    I love these little fish. They hang out with each other and use their little feelers like hands. At one point it looked like they gave each other a guy and a kiss. Or is that agression? Its to early to tell if they are male and female.... I was wondering what else I could put with these. I have...