Blue Sunset Dwarf Gourami


Sep 15, 2007
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Waukesha WI
I love these little fish. They hang out with each other and use their little feelers like hands. At one point it looked like they gave each other a guy and a kiss. Or is that agression? Its to early to tell if they are male and female....

I was wondering what else I could put with these. I have a 30 gal US. I was thinking 5 panda cories and some other things but not settled yet.
Are you wanting to brred them. I have mine housed with cories, and endler and 3 scissortails. But I'd imagine they go fine with other peaceful fish like guppys and molleis.
Are you wanting to brred them. I have mine housed with cories, and endler and 3 scissortails. But I'd imagine they go fine with other peaceful fish like guppys and molleis.

not trying to breed. I think they may both be male. They now share the tank with 5 panda cories.
Are you wanting to brred them. I have mine housed with cories, and endler and 3 scissortails. But I'd imagine they go fine with other peaceful fish like guppys and molleis.

not trying to breed. I think they may both be male. They now share the tank with 5 panda cories.

If they're both male than you will want to split them up.
Two males should be fine in a 30 gallon provided it is planted and has enough hiding places, so they can each delimit their own territories. I am keeping my dwarfs with pearl gouramis, serpae tetras, otos. golden wonder killies and cories. As long as the water stats and temp. are compatible you can keep dwarfs with almost any type of fish, as they only get agressive with their own kind or family members (this includes bettas) apart from pearls.
Two males should be fine in a 30 gallon provided it is planted and has enough hiding places, so they can each delimit their own territories. I am keeping my dwarfs with pearl gouramis, serpae tetras, otos. golden wonder killies and cories. As long as the water stats and temp. are compatible you can keep dwarfs with almost any type of fish, as they only get agressive with their own kind or family members (this includes bettas) apart from pearls.

They seem to hang around each other, the brighter colored one doesn't like it sometimes. I was gonna add some pearls but they look kind of dull at the lfs. I was gonna add some rasbora and platies. This is of course to go along with the 5 panda corys I have.

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