Tank Arranging


Sep 15, 2007
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Waukesha WI
Ok so I have
1 betta
2 sunset dwarf gourami
5 panda cories
1 goldfish ( the gold fish is going to a very nice pond)

I have one 25 gallon tall
one 30 gallon long
and a 2 gallon bowl

I live in the US.

I'm wondering how can I get the betta into one of the tanks and still fully stock it with interesting fish. The gourami are pretty dull and don't do too much compared to the other fish. Except when one chases the other away. I think I may get rid of them in favor of something else. The cories seem to school sometimes and even though they are a lot less colorful I always find myself watching them the most.

That and my betta Zao is in a 2 gallon tank, the goldfish is now in the 25 gallon. The betta hardly swims around like he used to and he's the first fish I purchased after I got back into fish keeping. So I really like school of 1-3 in fish and wonder what I can do to fully stock them both yet keep everything happy.

I would take the gourami's back to your LFS and trade them for female bettas. You should be ok adding the bettas into your main tank then. I don't think you would have a stocking problem at all.


Sometimes it works with a betta in a community tank, and sometimes it doesn't. The best thing you can do, is to take non-nipping, non-agressive species (you can take rasboras for instance) and let them settle in your community tank. Then add the betta and see how things go.

I currently have a female (but dominant) betta with a dwarf gourami, and they are doing well. I just made sure she was introduced last. In your 30 gallon you could even have the 2 gouramis and your betta, if the male tolerates being with others at all. Like I said, it mostly works if they are introduced last.
Sometimes it works with a betta in a community tank, and sometimes it doesn't. The best thing you can do, is to take non-nipping, non-agressive species (you can take rasboras for instance) and let them settle in your community tank. Then add the betta and see how things go.

I currently have a female (but dominant) betta with a dwarf gourami, and they are doing well. I just made sure she was introduced last. In your 30 gallon you could even have the 2 gouramis and your betta, if the male tolerates being with others at all. Like I said, it mostly works if they are introduced last.

The gourami's won't nip at his fins? That was my main concern these fellas are pretty quick when they want to be.

I would take the gourami's back to your LFS and trade them for female bettas. You should be ok adding the bettas into your main tank then. I don't think you would have a stocking problem at all.



If I got this route I still have the empty 25 gallon.
Sometimes it works with a betta in a community tank, and sometimes it doesn't. The best thing you can do, is to take non-nipping, non-agressive species (you can take rasboras for instance) and let them settle in your community tank. Then add the betta and see how things go.

I currently have a female (but dominant) betta with a dwarf gourami, and they are doing well. I just made sure she was introduced last. In your 30 gallon you could even have the 2 gouramis and your betta, if the male tolerates being with others at all. Like I said, it mostly works if they are introduced last.

The gourami's won't nip at his fins? That was my main concern these fellas are pretty quick when they want to be.

Gouramis in general are not nippers. They do fight over territory with fellow gouramis (including bettas). Take the 30 gallon, re-arrange all the decor so no fish does recognise it and can claim territory from the start. Introduce your non-agressive fish, let them settle in, and then introduce your gouramis with your betta.

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