My 30 Gal


Sep 15, 2007
Reaction score
Waukesha WI
Ok so I am almost halfway stocked with my 30 gallon.

So far I have 5 panda corys and 2 blue sunset flame gouramis.

I'm not sure what else to add really.

I have a Betta I want to add. And I would like to get some shrimp.

I have some planting to do before I get every one settled in. So far I just have java moss. I feel that my 110 watts of light is going to waste on just the java moss. Not just that I also have a co2 system to place in it. For filtration I have 2 biowheel units. A 30 gal and a 50gal. So it is well filtered.

Any suggestions plant or fish wise.

My PH is 7.6, if that helps at all.
when you say well filtered, watch the current if you're adding a betta.

yeah I was thinking about that. I also have a spare 25 I could put him in along with the smaller biowheel. I just didn't want to run 2 tanks really.
you can always get a female betta instead of a male. they do better in tanks with surface movement, but too much surface movement is bad for both sexes.

also, i don't think your betta will do too well with the gouramis, especially if you get a male. they will most likely fight.
you can always get a female betta instead of a male. they do better in tanks with surface movement, but too much surface movement is bad for both sexes.

also, i don't think your betta will do too well with the gouramis, especially if you get a male. they will most likely fight.

I already have a male. I was told on this forum it would be ok :crazy:
Plant wise how about Brazilian water ivy? It grows fast and looks cool when it reaches the surface. Or maybe Ludwigia, with your lighting the red variant should show its red leaves. Cabomba also looks good and as you want to add shrimp it will look great as they'll eat the algae which IMO plagues this plant. As a centre piece how about an Amazon sword?
For fish why not choice a mid-top dwelling shoaling species?
Plant wise how about Brazilian water ivy? It grows fast and looks cool when it reaches the surface. Or maybe Ludwigia, with your lighting the red variant should show its red leaves. Cabomba also looks good and as you want to add shrimp it will look great as they'll eat the algae which IMO plagues this plant. As a centre piece how about an Amazon sword?
For fish why not choice a mid-top dwelling shoaling species?

like platies and rasbora?

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