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  1. guidedbyechoes

    Yay Or Nay

    I misread the sight it had species from both places. :blush:
  2. guidedbyechoes

    Yay Or Nay

    but apistos are from africa and that would throw my whole plan off :unsure:
  3. guidedbyechoes

    Yay Or Nay

    I just know it fits the south American theme and a website said they would make good tank mates. I initially wanted to do an all cichlid tank but they get filled quickly and the aggression factor for most means 6 fish and lots of reorganizing. As for the platies I have a tank freed up. I can...
  4. guidedbyechoes

    Yay Or Nay

    So far I have most of the hardware out of that I still need the lighting and a stand. I have not purchased anything living so far. I also forgot to mention I have a CO2 system that I was using in my 25 gallon high. But I'm most likely going to shut it down or use it for breeding. Yeah but I...
  5. guidedbyechoes

    Yay Or Nay

    30 gallon long with. Pair of German rams. Pearl Gourami. 3 Variatus Platies and some tetras(undecided opinions welcomed), 6 pygmy cories. 4 shrimp and some mystery snails. Fluorite substrate covered by larger smooth gravel. Small Driftwood attached to slate. 3 caves. Plants: Java moss...
  6. guidedbyechoes

    Blue Rams And Mates

    I went to the usual lfs to do some "research" and I didn't see any pearls there..... I saw a ton of them at another lfs and they were amazing looking. Now I need to go to the newb section and post what I plan on keeping and see if its a good idea.
  7. guidedbyechoes

    Blue Rams And Mates

    my tank doesn't even have water in it yet. I'm researching first. :good: :good: my tank doesn't even have water in it yet. I'm researching first. :good: :good: I'm going for a south american theme. Most likely gouramis, rainbows and tetras. Or I might put the rams in the 25 gallon I also...
  8. guidedbyechoes

    Blue Rams And Mates

    I want to keep a pair of blue rams but I don't know what else to put with them. Its a 30 gallon us long. I have read they are community fish but with ph and temp differences I don't really know where to start. :crazy:
  9. guidedbyechoes

    From Fresh To Salt

    Its a 30 long btw. I think that rule along with other variable mostly lack of knowledge about cycling really screws up people getting into this hobby. I don't want to end up one more fishing the tank and end up with a hole in the pocket of 300 or so dollars. OK guys I've been doing a lot of...
  10. guidedbyechoes

    From Fresh To Salt

    Ok I'm a tad confused. This is what I currently have. a 30 gal tank that is 36x12x16 1/2. and a 25 gallon sump. Can I fit in an osc. Clown, sail fin blenny, a firefish, and a 6 line wrasse? Also what about factoring the cleaning crew what am I going to need?"
  11. guidedbyechoes

    From Fresh To Salt

    ok so I was doing some calulations in my hand and to my understanding with my 30 gallon I can keep a maximum of 6 inches of fish?
  12. guidedbyechoes

    From Fresh To Salt

    Besides what bleaching ment I knew most of that information already. I have been advised to wait a ear before adding an anemone. Thats if I want to breed mostly which I am not really looking into. Now with the 30 g options have opened up and while I do like clowns, there are far more interesting...
  13. guidedbyechoes

    From Fresh To Salt

    I eventually want an anemone. But besides that nothing that light intensive. polyps, bubble and frogspawn have caught my eye so far.
  14. guidedbyechoes

    From Fresh To Salt

    I gathered that one would not be good from some reading I did. So basically I need 3. 1 being for backup. Is there such thing as overlighting corals?"
  15. guidedbyechoes

    From Fresh To Salt

    back from the trenches I was looking at used lighting and tanks at aquatics I saw a 30l for 30 dollars and a 55 for 65. I came to the conclusion that at 500 used for 150 watts metal halide. Then I decided that going the route of the 30 was in my interest. Since I am space deficient. Next step is...
  16. guidedbyechoes

    From Fresh To Salt

    Thanks man. Yeah this sand did get dirty pretty quick everything shows up on it. :crazy: I have some algea bloom so I was hoping that I could add the salt and it would kill that too. I plan on using RO water to help with that.
  17. guidedbyechoes


    too bad we couldn't come up with an attractive gutter system that would redirect the water to a reservoir tank. But good luck on the tank. :good:
  18. guidedbyechoes

    From Fresh To Salt

    It looks like the sand in florida. I don't remember the brand name. wasn't carib sea. I'll try to find out. Tahitian moon I think it was. It was something to do with a moon :blink:
  19. guidedbyechoes

    From Fresh To Salt

    Yeah I bought some java moss from aquatics unlimited. They know what they are doing. I was just thinking of using the 25 gallon as a sump. I moved its inhabitents into a smaller aquarium since it was a betta, a frog, and 2 shrimp. I was planning on upgrading the light on it. its 15 watts...
  20. guidedbyechoes

    From Fresh To Salt

    I don't think I'd try drilling a tank :crazy: might have to do an overflow. I am from Waukesha, WI. 8)
  21. guidedbyechoes

    From Fresh To Salt

    I forgot to mention the powerhead. I know I need one that does 250 gallons per hour. The ones you named are the ones I want. I plan on adding the coral later though. No need to get into a big rush :rolleyes: I mean I could just save up a little buy everything I need to get the tank set up, then...
  22. guidedbyechoes

    From Fresh To Salt

    Hello all. I am pondering turning my freshwater 25 gallon US into a saltwater setup. Am I right in assuming that I will have to go through the cycling process yet again for salt? Also I was wondering about live rock. Does it all have to be added at once during cycling? I have a hangon filter...
  23. guidedbyechoes

    Filter Problem

    Success!!!! I got deep into the filter and there were two peices of carbon keeping it from setting in fully. Now it is hard at work clearing up the tank. Should be crystal by morning!!!
  24. guidedbyechoes

    Filter Problem

    Its the impeller but I dunno what to do about it. after work I'll get a pipe cleaner and try to clean out the place where it connects to the filter.
  25. guidedbyechoes

    Filter Problem

    tried that its two months old. I just changed the substrate out and it got plugged up. So I'm gonna let the sand settle down overnight and try again.
  26. guidedbyechoes

    Filter Problem

    I just took out my crushed coral substate to add sand. I turned the filter on to help clear up the water faster. Well it stopped. I cleaned it out, inserts every thing. The motor hasn't burned up because I can still hear it trying to work but the suction isn't happening. I have a biowheel if...
  27. guidedbyechoes

    Invert Tank

    nope it literally looked like a red and black tarantula.... It looked close to an anome crab.
  28. guidedbyechoes

    Long Vs High

    24" 12" 20" lwh thats what it is...
  29. guidedbyechoes

    Long Vs High

    25 us gallons. :blush: I really just want a clownfish a couple shrimp and some softy corals.
  30. guidedbyechoes

    Invert Tank

    I ment live rock and two crabs. I thought the name of the particular crab was the red legged. I saw it at my lfs. It was perched on a rock. It was red and black and looked a lot like a turantuala? I thought it was quite amusing looking. Its not at my lfs anymore.... and I can't find pictures of...
  31. guidedbyechoes

    Torn Tail

    I added some marine salt about 1 tablespoon and his tail has healed dramatically. :hyper: :good:
  32. guidedbyechoes

    Invert Tank

    How many gallons would I need to keep a emerald crab and a red legged crab?
  33. guidedbyechoes

    Long Vs High

    compacts more specifically a 2x65 with the leds for sim moonlight. Jawfish are quite attractive fish but don't they just borrow into holes most of the time?
  34. guidedbyechoes

    Long Vs High

    Yeah I know who desgned highs anyway? I guess they were ment for freshwater community tanks. 4 watts per gallon enough? I don't want anything too light demanding.
  35. guidedbyechoes

    Long Vs High

    If I have a tank that is 25 gallon high what does that translate into in the saltwater world? 24 inches long. :(
  36. guidedbyechoes

    Decision Time

    I already have a co2 system. The only problem is I dunno what kind of fish to stock the FW with..... I have also thought of getting a nano salt.
  37. guidedbyechoes

    My Sons Littel 60l Nano

    How many gallons is it? And long or high?
  38. guidedbyechoes

    Torn Tail

    looks to be something in the ludwiga family.
  39. guidedbyechoes

    Torn Tail

    My betta has a tear in his tail. What can I do to help it heal? The only thing in the tank is the adf and some plants. -_-
  40. guidedbyechoes

    Decision Time

    Any one? I've learned a ton and have decided to up the nano to a 50 G.