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  1. F

    Red Badis :)

    theres been a bit of confusion on the naming as there have been a few new species classified since 2000; this was formerley Badis Assamensis; reclassified as Badis Blosyrus. Personally I think they are the same species but they are the scientists eh!! Ive also kept Badis Badis (the blue...
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    Fish Room Nearly Ready - Good News!

    Finally managing to get my fish room sorted; racking is now installed and painted, tanks coming friday 10 of 18"*15"*12", and the cellar radiator and double glazed window go in before friday.... I've got room for 12 foot of tanks so far and thats just one wall, hopefully will get the other...
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    Red Badis :)

    Hi everyone been messing about trying to get the macro function on my new digicam to work and though i'd drop a picture of my red badis on here. can't recommend these guys enough full of personality excellent little fish... cheers Craig
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    Uk Pricing Hikes

    prices are increasing from when I worked at the LFS in leeds 4 yrs ago.. I always compare what I class as staple fish - kuhli loach, cherry barbs, peppered cories ... all gone up. look at the more common cichlids too: keyholes, kribs etc... wholesale increases.. barring inflation I reckon a...
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    Filter Crash - To Transfer Fish Or Not

    agreed, second opinion always worth asking. cheers they are on the way now .. :(
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    Filter Crash - To Transfer Fish Or Not

    Hi Guys, as the topic reads ive had a filter crash, clown plec un-charicteristically visible for the past couple of days and now dead, 2 ottos gone. out with the test kit and ammonia reading around 1 on the test - api freshwater kit... never had ammonia reading that high before... on with a...
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    Airpumps And Airlines Need Help Setting Up?

    sounds like the pump doesnt have enoogh output to power more than a single outlet - is the Airvolution1 the smallest in the range? I've always liked Rena pumps, particulary the 300 and 400. As far as I've experienced they are the quietest in terms of noise. To reduce the noise try muffling the...
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    Upgrading From 20 To 25 Gallons

    Ctenopoma are really nice fish, i'm after microctenopoma ansorgii when I can find some, but they dont come around that often... bumblebees can be kept in both brackish and freshwater and we sold and maintained them in both setups when I ran the LFS a few years back.. but I would personally keep...
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    Upgrading From 20 To 25 Gallons

    hi darkehorse... personally i would: 1)lose the ctenopoma, they really prefer to be in small groups and a little more tank space would suit them... 2)keep the otto, maybe get a couple more. they are small enough not to have a massive impact with the added bioload on the filter.. 3)forget about...
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    Final Stock List For 75 Gallon

    what about salt? the top three fare better in harder water with some background salt in there... the bottom three are all softwater and definitely don't agree with salt adding to their environment..... I would go one or the other and personally... what about some rainbows maybe?...
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    New To Forum Would Like Some Fish Identifying?

    first pic is a Dorsigera, at times they are hard to distinguish from Curviceps but having bred curviceps, and with a current pair of dorsiger getting broody I would say L. Dorsigera for sure.
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    Fish House - Air Ring Q's

    though so, prevents back pressure doesn't it. plastic pushfit the best way to go?? or is it better to use solvent weld?
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    Fish House - Air Ring Q's

    Hi Guys, been a long time since I posted but glad to see the sites going strong. After a couple of moves and selling most of my fish gear we are buying a house so I 'm re-investing in a nice new fish room in our cellar.. Going for individual air driven filtration and space heating to keep...
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    Ram With Eye Problem -- Pop Eye?

    ooops need to get profile sorted im in the UK, northumberland. cheers
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    Ram With Eye Problem -- Pop Eye?

    Cheers had a good read of that. the fish is healthy in terms of its eating and is in breeding colour again. the surface of the eye ball and socket looks fine the swelling is pushing the eye out. Do you think its brought some kind of bacteria in with it then?? I can isolate and treat thats...
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    Ram With Eye Problem -- Pop Eye?

    Hi guys, I need a few opinions on this, I have a blue ram been in the tank maybe 4 months has developed a massive swelling on or just behind its eye socket. Ive seen pop eye before and this looks completelty different I'm wondering if it could be some sort of internal bacteria it carried with...
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    online fish shippers uk

    as noted any suggestions for places online that ship fish in the uk -- only one i can really find i s trimar.... guys?
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    okay now I am worried

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    Fluorite in the UK??

    im interested how many guys use seachems fluorite\onyx as a substrtae\ substrate additive?? havent been able to find it in the UK; could our friends from the other side of the pond recommend it??? is it worth trying to get hold of over here? thanx
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    gold saum -- best tank size?

    as the topic suggest,s i have a gold saum bought as a A.pulcher(easy mistake to make as juvenile..) hes now approaching 4" and getting a little aggresive for the keyholes hes in with.. 1)is a 48*18*18 a suitable size to keep him in, would this allow for any tankmates of a similar...
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    fish house -- heating methods>>?

    thanks. £100 a year i dont think is that bad really... less than £10 a month.... cheers man, craig :D :D
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    fish house -- heating methods>>?

    thanks..... im in halifax so a similar set-up would seem reasonable.. so this means the insulation is 1 foot thick on all side, right? the oil filled radiators are the plug in type you can get at B+Q>? how much is your electricity bill increased by??? how many tanks are you keeping?? (thanks...
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    fish house -- heating methods>>?

    as the topic implies; im looking at increasing the number of tanks my garage holds; obviously they all need heating!! which method do you feel is better\cheaper\more practical??? any thoughts welcome. thanks craig ;)
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    What kinda cichlids does everyone have?

    damn right. my opinion of which species he is changes every day......... :S hes going in with the 3" acara soon......... well wait and see then.. -_-
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    What kinda cichlids does everyone have?

    here goes: 1 pair kribs. 50+ anomalochromis thomasi(2 breeding pairs and fry..) 3 keyholes 4 laetacara curviceps(1 mated pair) 1 blue acara 1 acara\green terror ( :*) ) hell at 1 1\2" who knows..) 1 pair orthochromis stormsii
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    heya... there are a few synonyms for flag fish i think the one you mean is:this which is classed as a Killifish..... Let us know your water perams, and well have loads of suggestions as there are many many beautiful interesting dwarf species..... hth :D
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    insulating fish houses..

    im hopefully gonna turn my garage into a full blown fish house, but am having trouble finding 2" thick 8x4 polystyrene sheets , to insulate the walls roof... anyone in the uk know of any decent places to obtain any????? cheers craig
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    Kribs new Home

    hey there... nice to here theyve spawned.... a 10g is usually sufficient for a pair of kribs.... (thats 18"long x 12"deep x12"high.....) hth....
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    Wheres all the Algae??!!

    try feeding algae wafers at feeding time, or alternatively before you turn lights out at night... id bet he loves em... dont worry, one of the first mistakes i made was buying a "small pleco"............. ;) jus make sure you do sell him before he gets too big -- a 29g is a 3ft tank right...
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    male or female

    i had a lot of trouble finding males, and spent a lot of time in many LFS with my face pressed up against many a krib tank. I'd say both females.
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    Cichlids in small tanks

    ph, kh etc...
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    Cichlids in small tanks

    hey oscar, what are your water perameters?? that'll go a long way to determining what you choose.... personally i have kribs, keyholes and thomasi cichlids, with the thomasi breeding like wildfire( roughly 50 or so 1cm fry thus far..) i have lots of ideas... :D
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    Fish shipping

    try , theres a decent article on there....... :D
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    Fish Selections

    ok, cobbles are rocks made smooth in rivers and streams.... links then; n. transvestitus others...scroll to the bottom of the page and herefor the plants...... hth
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    Fish Selections

    for the biotope -- sandy substrate, lots of smooth worn pebblescobbles, well planted lots of vallis, anubias........ maybe a couple of low laying pieces of bogwood....... for inhabitants.... 3 pairs of dwarf cichlids -- from ; nannochromis transvestitus, parilius or nudiceps anomalochromis...
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    Fish Selections

    no probs... are you set on the lake set-up though??? dependent upon your water at source, you could go for a softwater dwarf cichlid tank... maybe even a african river biotope, including those Nudiceps....... if you like that idea i can throw a lot of ideas for species at you........>>>>??
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    Fish Selections

    hey.... nannochromis require soft acidic water, a definite no-no in a Lake set-up.......... not sure bout the others..... hth
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    Help, my kirbenisis is attacking each other!

    hiya, you might find that if they are locally tank bred, you have a leaning towards one sex or the other, as ph has an effect regards % of males to females in any given brood. there is some difference in the patterning, due to regional variation, suffice to say all males dont have spots and...
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    Help, my kirbenisis is attacking each other!

    heya.... first thing id ask is are they males and female or same sex??? if they are malefemale then it could be one is ready to breed, and the other not so hot on the idea. When they do start, you'll notice the female(smaller, fuller more colourful belly) start bending and flipping round the...
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    "tomassi krib"?

    hey there..... i have 2 pairs of mated thomasi, and 1 krib in a 36x12x18 tank. the only problem is that the tank bottom is pretty much no-go....for the krib, but as soon as i find a male there will be a pair..... id go for it.... to sex them -- males will be a LOT blacker, with the stripes...