New To Forum Would Like Some Fish Identifying?

got another question for someone to help 2 dwarf puffas aswell yesterday all is well there doing good but just wondered do they actually puff up at all???

thanks for all the input on the previous question is much appreciated

I have a pair of these and they do tend to puff up when they are fighting for food or if I walk past their tank too fast. Are you keeping these fish in their own seperate tank or in your community aquaria?
the second pic has 2 types of fish. the one on the left is a gastromyzon ctenocephalus and the one on the right does look like a bushynose pleco
ime keeping the puffa's in a comunity tank with 2 mollies a siamese fighter a pair of killi fish a hong kong plec a bottlenosed plec and 2 of the other fish in the pic at the start of the topic.
The first picture is a Kribensis or Pelvicachromis pulcher :good:

No, It looks like it is more into the apistogramma area. And dont you tell me that is a krib( I have seen them all). Kribs arnt that dull in color and there head isnt as flat.

Ohh yea you have seen them all,every single krib,how ignorent can you be.The pic is taking from the back of the tail,the head is much like a kribs from that picture.I had about 20 kribs at one point (all fry which had been raised) and when i transferred them to one of my friends tanks they would go that colour.
now now lets not get sarcastic its only a fish.......

I would have to ay that the top pic certainly doesn't look like a kribs as I haven't seen one with that type of banding on it before, but then again it could be a x breed. we are all set though that it is a cichlid possibly a blue acara.
I just do not like it when someone has to blatently disagree in a rude way...
first pic is a Dorsigera, at times they are hard to distinguish from Curviceps but having bred curviceps, and with a current pair of dorsiger getting broody I would say L. Dorsigera for sure.
ime keeping the puffa's in a comunity tank with 2 mollies a siamese fighter a pair of killi fish a hong kong plec a bottlenosed plec and 2 of the other fish in the pic at the start of the topic.

You're going to have some serious problems sooner or later :S Puffers don't mix with other fish, *especially* brightly coloured ones like bettas, killies, mollies and suchlike. Bettas aagain, aren't really community fish, and the 'hong kong plec' really needs a river biotope because it needs high currents, lots of oxygen and low temperatures to thrive.
You're going to have some serious problems sooner or later :S Puffers don't mix with other fish, *especially* brightly coloured ones like bettas, killies, mollies and suchlike. Bettas aagain, aren't really community fish, and the 'hong kong plec' really needs a river biotope because it needs high currents, lots of oxygen and low temperatures to thrive.

how come the dwarf puffa fish dont like the other fish then?? cant see them doing any damage when there only the size of a garden pea. i brought them from i highly recomended shop a man and son have set up at there home that started out as a hobby years back and developed into a business so trust what they say....but i will keep your advice in mind just incase they should start playing up. and could you please explain a little more about the river biotope please...the fish though is acting fine an eating perfectly fine. i will be buying another small tank this weekend to try and breed my killifish which is already pregnant so if the puffas do play up they can go in there. could anyone tell me about different lighting as my light seems dull and doesnt bring out the true colour of my fish like the shop did lol.

Cirtanly a Laetacara curviceps, DA was right.
As for Laetacara curviceps and dorsiger being different, dorsiger has a red belly and is a bit more squat in shape with darker colours on the body and fins. The Baensch aquarium atlas vol 1 has excellent photos of both sp.
how come the dwarf puffa fish dont like the other fish then?? cant see them doing any damage when there only the size of a garden pea. i brought them from i highly recomended shop a man and son have set up at there home that started out as a hobby years back and developed into a business so trust what they say....but i will keep your advice in mind just incase they should start playing up. and could you please explain a little more about the river biotope please...the fish though is acting fine an eating perfectly fine. i will be buying another small tank this weekend to try and breed my killifish which is already pregnant so if the puffas do play up they can go in there. could anyone tell me about different lighting as my light seems dull and doesnt bring out the true colour of my fish like the shop did lol.

"Dwarves should be kept in a species only tank. They are a very aggressive little fish and will nip the fins off just about any other fish. They are capable of killing tank mates much larger than themselves with their relentless picking and nipping. There is one species of fish that many people have found compatible with dwarves. Otocinclus - Known as "ottos". Almost everyone who has tried them has successfully kept them in a dwarf tank with little to no problems. They remain small and do not attract much attention to themselves."

The above is a quote from this page.
how come the dwarf puffa fish dont like the other fish then?? cant see them doing any damage when there only the size of a garden pea.

Heh, not a good attitude to have. Somewhere on the site there's pictures of what some dwarf puffers who had been living in a tank with other fish for a while, peacefully, decided to do to a group of rummynose tetras twice their size one night. Not pretty viewing.

and could you please explain a little more about the river biotope please...the fish though is acting fine an eating perfectly fine.

Meaning a coldwater tank with high currents provided by powerheads. Acting and eating 'fine' is completely different to thriving- ultimately, the lifespan and quality of life are severely decreased.
hi people am new to the forum i would like to put across my first question of identifying a couple of my fish as not to sure what they are....was told the names when i got them but forgot shortly after so just fort ide ask some experts.

First picture the man in the shop told me they are closly related to the cichlids....i hope thats how its spelt appologise if not. the fish have a blue/yellow colour in the tail and fins thats realy sparkles when it cathes the light and the body of the fish has a yellow and black striped effect

The second picture is of my 2 plecs i know the one on the left is a hong kong plec so it is the other i would like identifying. the fish is still small as you can see it fit on a piece of cucumber. it has light yellow spots over its body with a yellow tip to its top fin and tail

any help would much be appreciated.

The cichlid is a female 1 spot gourami (i think)

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