Final Stock List For 75 Gallon


Fish Fanatic
Apr 8, 2007
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Hey everyone......after doing some research, I think I have decided on a stock list. I would like to know if I will still be overstocked, and if so, please give me a list of how many of each of the following fish I SHOULD have in my 75 gallon tank, Thanks!

5-6 Guppies
8-10 Dalmation mollys
3-4 Platys
1-2 Angelfish - to help control livebearer breeding
8-12 Cory cats
3-4 Angelicus Loaches
Well I was thinking. Should I get 4 angels instead of just 2? Or will 2 be fine? Also, will the angels eat my guppies and 3 week old Dalmation Molly fry?
Well I was thinking. Should I get 4 angels instead of just 2? Or will 2 be fine? Also, will the angels eat my guppies and 3 week old Dalmation Molly fry?

i would say the 2 angels would be fine and im pretty sure theyll eat whatever fry will fit in their mouth :) you wont be overstocked at all :) if the tank has just finished cycling though you may want to add them a few at a time :good:
If I have a lot of plants/driftwood hiding places, will SOME fry make it every now and then?
Angels are known to nip guppies, even when full grown. So I wouldn't put in guppies or neons for that matter with angels. Get more platies instead or go for a group of rasboras. Also I would definately go for 4 or 5 angels too.
will I still not be overstocked with 4 angels? I've always loved angels and have had quite a few, but I didn't think I could add any in my new 75g because I thought I'd be overstocked.

Looks like now:

5-6 Guppies......dont have anywhere else to put them
3-4 Platys
8-10 Dalmation Mollys
4-5 Angelfish
8-12 Cory Cats
3-4 Polka Dot Loaches
what about salt?

the top three fare better in harder water with some background salt in there...

the bottom three are all softwater and definitely don't agree with salt adding to their environment.....

I would go one or the other and personally...

what about some rainbows maybe?...
Well, I've never had salt in any of my tanks and they've always done fine? Not that I shouldnt, but I just never have and my fish have always done great
will I still not be overstocked with 4 angels? I've always loved angels and have had quite a few, but I didn't think I could add any in my new 75g because I thought I'd be overstocked.

Looks like now:

5-6 Guppies......dont have anywhere else to put them
3-4 Platys
8-10 Dalmation Mollys
4-5 Angelfish
8-12 Cory Cats
3-4 Polka Dot Loaches

hmm, personally I would make room for the angels... they are so great. And I would also personally rehome the guppies. Angels and guppies aren't a good mix. Are you really getting mollies too? Ideally, they should be in a brackish tank I was told which is why I rehomed mine.

So this is the list I would do...
6 Platies
5 Angelfishes
8 Cories
6 Polka Dot Loaches some room for growth, but I'm not sure how much. It's easier to tell after the groups you have are there and settled in.

EDIT: Do not put salt in this tank!
Yes, I have a pair of Dalmation molly's and they just had about 20 babies. I'll be giving some of them away, but I really like Mollies. If they keep doing good without salt, will they be okay? I'll have to put the guppies in there because I'm getting rid of my other tank, but if they eat the guppies, what about some swordtails? That would make me having mollys, platys, and swordtails. Angels wouldnt mess with them since they are much larger than guppies. However, would some of my babies make it if I have a lot of hiding places even with 5 Angels?

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