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  1. M


    Hi guys :) Tanked I'm in the same boat as you..ICK has taken over my tank uggghhh.. I believe mine started due to adding the new platy's ( one has since died) He was bullied from day one.. kept a close eye on him but no luck.. :/ My mollies have it the worst.. Could they have contracted it...
  2. M

    I think i've mastered the platie breeding

    Hi guys/gals fresh veggies...need tips on the best way to add them to the these veggie clips work okay?
  3. M

    Everyone must read this!

    with any luck they will "come Back" as fish and end up living in a tank run by people just as stupid as them...they have no heart :sick:
  4. M


    :flowers: :fish: Welcome aboard...everyone here are great at keeping us newbie's afloat.
  5. M

    not a pet or myself, just a nice sunset

    Beautiful. I had the pleasure of going to Key West 2 years ago. It was so peaceful & relaxing. Did not want to come home actually. :D Would love to go back again. Thanks for sharing the pic * Duval Crawl was rough Lmao *
  6. M

    my 450g :) just got it the day before yesterday

    and to think my family thought I was nuts for wanting the 125 gal! Wow that is huge! You will have to post more pics so we can all drool :D
  7. M


    :thumbs: Very nice great clarity on those pics
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    What goes with...

    Les they are the funniest! it's pretty fun to watch them Waddle around the tank. My mollies & platy's do fine together. If you decide to add the salt just do it very slowly in small does until everyone adjusts.. I have heard that the tetras will be okay in a slighty salted tank... lol matter of...
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    I think i've mastered the platie breeding

    :thumbs: Got my finger's & toes crossed for ya bigfish...I know you have been waitin' for them babies! Lots of Luck keep us posted :D
  10. M

    What goes with...

    :o Don't forget the Mollies! lol ;) mine all eat the same thing's ( 3 mollies, 3 platy's, 1 pleco) they love the bloodworms..looks like a feeding frenzy :lol: P.S. WELCOME WELCOME :nod:
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    N. brichardi

    nice looking pair. :thumbs: Love the rock formation
  12. M

    I have little platies!

    :thumbs: Congrats! I just had some platy babe's too.. :wub: I'm new to fish keeping but the other fine folks here have told me they have to be at least 1 inch before rejoining the main tank. That way they won't fit in the other fishes mouth's :sick: lol. Unless of course you have some of the...
  13. M

    Bad News

    Aww I really hate when any of my babies pass.. I always end up depressed for a few days.. It is hard when we become attached to them so easily. Hugs
  14. M

    compatible fish

    thanks WWW Don't have the exact dims yet...gonna get the tank in say another week (waiting for carpet to be installed in new house) Thanks for the external filter info It just helps to know what your looking at lol I'll let ya know more on the tank once I have it in the house... I do know...
  15. M

    New fishes!

    I think in my case it was pure dumb luck! lol But hey any luck works for me :lol: :thumbs:
  16. M

    New fishes!

    Thanks... I think if They are okay without salt I may just try to keep it I said in my" beginner" post I'll be eventually moving them all into a 125gal. and want several tetras so the salt may become an issue.. The babies are so sweet!! But boy was I shocked to find them that...
  17. M

    compatible fish

    :D Tanks a bunch Les, Kryten, & Fishsmurf... I was thinking along the lines of the tetra's & cory's... I have decided to stick with the peaceful community tank with only smaller friend's. That way the kids can each pick their favorite species and we will have alot of variety. How many pleco's...
  18. M

    compatible fish

    Hi everyone, Hope you are all doing great! Anyhow I will be getting a 125gal. in about 2 weeks..Will be setting it up slowly . This will be a community tank, fully planted with lots of hiding area's.. What are the best tankmates for mollies, platies & tetra's.. oh I also have 1 pleco at the...
  19. M

    New fishes!

    :nod: Well I now have platy babies...Geez they were quick lol, Have no salt in the tank. Just got luck to buy a prego platy..Wasn't really expecting to find some this quick lol I'm so excited! Molly Momma now Platy Momma too... :thumbs: :thumbs: :wub: :wub:
  20. M

    New fishes!

    :thumbs: :D :D Just thought I'd let everyone know I just bought new fish lol (like that's a big surprise here LOL) I bought my first platies. 2 female, 1 male red wags. Geez I had a heck of a time decidin' which ones to get, kids love the Mickey Mouse ones ( have to surprise them with some...
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    I need for every one to read this

    Just wanted to add my 2 cents for all it may be worth... I lived in a town that had water problems constantly... at the time I only had betta's 1 each in a gallon tank...the britta filter works okay for small amounts at a time. But if you have to refill, recycle & maintain a tank 10 gallons or...
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    What to feed Siamese Fighters

    hi Kryten, bettas can be very picky eaters. Try Betta Bio-Gold by Hikari( pellets). I have had luck with that or Betta Bites. 3-4 pellets a feeding and my guys seem to do fine, no problems (knock Wood) :lol: Try not to give bloodworms too ofton to high in fat Hope this helps Good Luck :thumbs:
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    Satellite photo

    Hmm very interesting TAA it is still a cool pic
  24. M

    My tank

    :thumbs: Very nice :thumbs:
  25. M

    More Pics!!

    nice tank indeed :thumbs: We are moving and hubby told me I get new livingroom set...I said set included a new tank he said" If I can't recline on it forget it" I said "Here's some goggles jump in "
  26. M

    Plants for fry cover

    Hi I'm new to this fishy world and have only fake plants... in my tank I have these dense short thing's that were called fry cover have no clue what they are representing in a real plant but you could find them at lps. I want to eventually get real plants too... You may want to post this in...
  27. M

    Help!!! Can't get my Finicky Betta 2 Eat!

    :nod: Yep spoiled boy that Charlie. As gad said just try to give him the pellets..sooner or later he will eat.. I'm surprised that your other betta eats the flakes too...never seen a betta eat flakes..Have you tried the bio gold pellets? I've had alot of luck with those. my guys tried to...
  28. M

    Frog lovers!

    Frogs are cute.. thought about having a few in my tanks...gotta research though because I know Nothing about them. They have to get along with my fishy darlings too :thumbs:
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    I'm new too!!!

    :lol: Brad now behave :lol: just kiddin ya... Welcome frogette!!
  30. M

    Hello Everyone!

    Hello & Welcome Don't do like I did :*) and add fish too soon .It is really healthier for your new friend's if you cycle first. You won't run into nearly all the problems I did. **head hung in shame** Good Luck!
  31. M

    Hey y'all

    Hello & welcome I have little tanks too..children 4 LOL :D :P
  32. M


    Welcome :D Come on in, have fun, offer advice, or get some. :D See ya around the boards
  33. M

    Tank Commander

    :lol: Really cute! Cat says "Yum sushi, now if I could only get the stupid top off!"
  34. M

    A few questions.

    Josh, How would you learn if you never asked a ton of question's? So feel free and I'll do my best to help. :D I've heard that tetras do well with bettas so do mollies :thumbs: Dwarf frog's. No guppies they are to similar in finnage.. Females can be just as aggresive as the male...
  35. M

    New tank

    OH WOW!!! Okay Eddie next tank I get I'm having you design it for me :lol: very creative with the levels.. Can't wait to see it planted :thumbs: toodles :P
  36. M

    A few questions.

    Hi Josh, Wild betta's are found in rice field's. The closest you would want to come is natrual substrate suchas small stones & a planted tank. Angelfish can't be with bettas because of the finnage. A betta would probably make short work of your poor angels. :-( Male & Female betta's should...
  37. M


    Welcome! I'm a newbie too.. My best advice for you is do not ever forget to check with this site! hehe Everyone here are not only a friendly bunch but give the best advice. Good Luck & see ya wandering the board sometime :thumbs:
  38. M

    2 Male Bettas

    Rough up the divider with sand paper and put some plant coverage so they don't see each other constantly. They need to flare some "betta exercise" but you don't want them do it all the time. It would open them up to disease, stress and blown fin's Hope this helps :D
  39. M

    betta trouble

    How about taking a ziploc bag instead of the cup that way you have more room to add the new tank water and you can float the zip closed bag in top of tank. I have gotten alot of conflicting advice for my guys. Add salt, don't add salt, full changes etc.. I now rarely listen to the lps..I get...
  40. M

    betta trouble

    The only thing I can come up with is to tell you to slowly acclimate him. Try to do this over a couple of hours. He should be fine.What are you using for the fin rot? I would leave him in the 2 gallon without the carbon and treat the finrot before moving him to the bigger tank. I have 2, 1...