Bad News


Fish Herder
Apr 2, 2003
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cardiff uk

I'm really upset coz i just went up to check my fish were ok and 1 female was floating on the top belly up, i noticed this fish had been quiet & had took up residence at the back of the tank for a couple of days, a awhile back my guppy had suffered from a baterial infection on her tail (due to a hard birth) which stressed her out. I treated her with Melafix for this and was making good recovery until today even though she has been eating she isn't looking good in fact she has been losing weight.

I took a closer look at her lifeless body and noticed that her gills were severely swollen and had a blue green tinge underneath the gill area. I immediately thought Ammonnia poisioning!!! but the ammonnia level is at 0.1mg/litre as always, Nitrite is zero

Could anyone shed some light one it? could it be a secondary bacterial infection?

I'm really upset coz i just went up to check my fish were ok and 1 female was floating on the top belly up, i noticed this fish had been quiet & had took up residence at the back of t
my Guppy's body was floating belly and gills were severely swollen and had bluey green tinge underneath,
my water chemistry is as follows:-

Ammonnia:- 0.1mg/litre (always been like this since day 1)
Nitrite:- Zero

Can someone shed some light on it?
Sorry to hear that. Its always sad to lose a fish. We got home yesterday from a daylong trip to find one of our tiger barbs lying on the bottom. We think it was a female ready to lay eggs because of how plump she was but can't be sure. On the other hand as they were already a bit large when we got them, we may just have some old fish. We went on a frenzy checking water and watching all the others for any sign of problems. Everything seems fine except today one of the other barbs is swimming kind of strange but no signs of injury or anything.

Again sorry to hear of your loss.
Aww I really hate when any of my babies pass..
I always end up depressed for a few days.. It is hard when we become attached to them so easily.
My female had been a abit low and depressed since giving birth to 18 babies (which all have now died due to a muscle wasting disease very destressing)

It was a shock to see her belly up and dead.

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