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  1. M

    Long Time No See

    I have missed you guys! ...hmmm all those ABBA songs... now theres some fond memories. KH is back too? Wow its like our own little reunion, you all look great lol. Hope to see ya soon.. I'm working 0500-1330 at the moment with fri/sat off so those will be my main online days. At the moment I am...
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    Long Time No See

    Thanks William... Hi Colin. William I was a bit surprised to see a few of the old mods have retired... I have been gone way too long. I'm going to go with a planted and you guessed it mollies mollies everywhere.. I'll submit pics once everything gets going and growing. Talk to you soon
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    Long Time No See

    Hi everyone... :hyper: Some of you may remember me from what seems like a million years ago... It's Mollymomma! I took a long break from the hobby and kind of dropped off the planet for a bit but I am returning to the hobby and there was only one place for me to start.. HERE!! I am glad to see...
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    New Pics of Hades

    :wub: Hades... so when will you be sending him to me? LOL just kidding the pics are amazing though good work!
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    Dog owners/trainers, hear my plea!

    :cool: good Luck!!
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    Dog owners/trainers, hear my plea!

    Beautiful dog you have there. I just wanted to let you know pointy that the others are right professional training is going to be a must if this behavior is to be controlled. Right now as I write this my year old Cocker spaniel is at "dog camp" She is boarded at the trainers for 4 weeks... she...
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    :wub: Willow!! man you are off to a great start Carrie :kewlpics:
  8. M

    I actually got one to flare!

    :wub: I want him! Be right up to pick him up :D
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    Nix Pix

    :wub: the tank shot.. TOTM nomination
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    My New Betta

    :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: I just have to second the Nomination!!
  11. M

    say CHEESE

    FOTM Nomination for sure!!! But I can't decide which pic.. hmmm okay I nominate them all!! :kewlpics: :thumbs:
  12. M

    Betta question

    I wouldn't put the betta in there.. the barbs & balas will eventualy get way larger than the betta and possibly eat him..
  13. M

    my JD

    looks good! as always I might add :wub: Just love him juan
  14. M

    PVC cave = Death

    Could it have been the alcohol? But if I'm reading the post right the cave was constructed then placed in the tank and has been there for three months..if thats the case then the plec had to die of non cave related disease or injury... 3 months is way to long, if it was the cave...
  15. M

    What do u like and dont like about fish keeping

    Like adding new fish Dislike Water Changes & finding a dead fish eww
  16. M


    :smb: :smb: :kira: :kira:
  17. M

    "Stress Coat" versus Water Condition

    I use the tetra aquasafe too goldene. It has been the cheapest and have not had any problems with it. But I have noticed that the same size bottle at the LFS costs more than it does at walmart. I buy very little chemicals for my tanks, I try to keep the enviorment as pure as possible with water...
  18. M

    How Much gravel 55?

    I have about 40pounds of gravel in my 55g.. it's really a personal choice..I like the gravel but just don't like a thick layer...some people like more. I have never had cichlids so I'm not sure about that & have never bought anything online so can't help there LOL Okay so I didn't help much lol...
  19. M

    good mix of fish

    Your common plec is going to need a new home in the future he will get way to big for a 29 g. tank...I have one that I'll have to find a new home for in my 55g..they get to be about 12 be ready As the others have said I would lose the heater in the goldfish tank. If they are kept at...
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    total newbie in at the deep end!

    the bacteria will continue to grow and help with the toxic levals but I would do a small water change if the levels start to get to high. You don't want to slow the cycle but you don't want the levals too high... does that make sense? sometimes with me it's hard to tell lol.. Keep up the great...
  21. M

    another page from the " Am I the only one Book"

    I'm right there with you juan lol...matter of fact I did that this week :/ But once I started 2 days late I gave it extra special was the guilt eating away at me :D
  22. M

    The Pond That Quinton Built

    See that's an example of why I moved from Upstate NY LOL.... Got very tired of ice storms, snow & power outtages..
  23. M

    The Pond That Quinton Built

    :kewlpics: Quinton, Love the pond. Hey could ya come & do one for me in Va.? Hubby keeps putting it off & I'm too lazy to dig LOL :kira: More pics please
  24. M

    Our Kitties

    they are all adorable! Glad to here you foster animal's in need special people do special things
  25. M

    Tuesday & Harley

    :wub: Awww nothing is cuter than a little kid & the loved doggy. Have you had any problems with Harley nipping? My cocker is giving us a run for the money in that department. She's only 6mons. so she's really only puppy nipping but the kids don't understand that & think she's biting them..She's...
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    may as well add my angel

    :D :kira: :kira: Teenagers are scary LOL. And come up with some of the dingy slang I have ever heard.
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    may as well add my angel

    Wait til the baby wants to get her drivers permit! Happening at my house and I don't like it. lol It gives her too much of an oppertunity to meet more BOYS that are not good enough for her. LOL Love her extra now while she is little and still believes everything you say. All to soon they turn...
  28. M

    Python Clean and Fill all in one thing :)

    :wub: my python.. If you have multiple tanks it is such a time saver! I dreaded water changes on my 2 tanks before I got the python. Afterwards water changes are a breeze. I hook it up, vac, dump in the aquasafe & refill. The only problem I have ever had is if you don't get the threads just...
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    Lfs that exchange fish

    I have 3 stores near me Petsmart, petco & an independent...the first 2 will not take any fish back unless it is dead I believe up to 10 days after purchase.. Petco's also needs a water sample before giving you credit..the independent shop only gaurantee's certian fish. Clown loaches never have a...
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    Look what I just came home with........

    Love her name! Such a big name for a tiny girl.
  31. M

    Look what I just came home with........

    :wub: Oh, Pure what a sweetie pie! :wub: If ya get her to be a purse baby ya just have to post pics :lol: P.S. does she have a name yet?
  32. M

    10 gal about to become empty

    I voted for 2 betta's, gives them a wee bit extra room but 3 would be okay. I personaly have never done a divided tank but have seen them done. Looks nice, easy to do & get 2 betta babies...can't go wrong there! Good Luck :thumbs:
  33. M

    What should I name my new Girl Betta?

    I would name her Gypsy... Or match something to her color or personalitiy
  34. M

    Dyed Tetras

    I have had 2 strawberry tetra's & 2 blueberry ones since Jan.10, 2003... I bought a tank for my daughter's birthday & they were the fish she picked out. I explained to her why we really didn't want to buy the fish how they were dyed ect. She looks at me with big blue eyes & says "then we really...
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    My 10 gal community tank

    Great tank! :kewlpics: Keep up the good work the fish look very happy & healthy
  36. M

    tank heating

    P.S. if you are running a sump system you could put one in there so you don't have to look at all the equipment. GL
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    tank heating

    I would use the 2 300 watt heaters. If you place them near the water movement from filters/air stones the heat will be spread out evenly.
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    Pics of new aquarium from novice

    :wub: it :wub: it. The detail work is awesome. I have real plants in mine & have thought about going back to fake because my water baby's love the salad bar I currently have for them LOL
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    Starting up new Tank

    I'm guessing after about a week since the tank will be seeded very well from the get go. Good luck, have fun & keep us posted. New tanks are always exciting
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    Starting up new Tank

    Deb I don't think it will cause a crash to your 60g. If you leave the 60 g. gravel alone for about a week You will still have all the good stuff in there. imo you have it pretty well planned out and just needed confirmation. Plus as you said you won't actually be running a completely new filter...