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  2. W

    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    Sorry... It's just that we have both kids home from school and my mom visiting, so it's been busy at home! I will post updates soon!
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    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    I agree! My canister is rated for twice my tank size, which I did on purpose. And for biomedia I will have almost twice the amount (by weight) that Eheim suggests for this tank. I think my filtration should be very good... But it remains to be seen if it's enough to develop anaerobic bacteria...
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    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    Wow this thread is moving! Jenny, the concern Slap and Badger have is not that the table isn't level, its that the entire surface isn't completely even. In other words that the surface isn't completely flat -- it might be warped or curved in some some spots, or have imperfections in some...
  5. W

    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    Essjay beat me to the punch! Canisters are outside the tank, to and just have an intake tube and an outflow (usually a spray bar) in the tank. The filter itself, in my case, is inside the cabinet below the tank, and out of sight.
  6. W

    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    Yes I do have only one basket and have been thinking about removing it completely, precisely to allow for more media volume. About the nitrate consuming bacteria, I read it can take several months for it to develop, so I'm not holding my breath. I also do know they require very slow water...
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    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    I wanted a canister filter to keep as much equipment as possible out of the tank and hidden. I chose Eheim because someone recommended them, but I can't remember who! I'm very happy with it.
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    WhistlingBadger found

    I'm sad to say that growing up abroad, I am very unfamiliar with Native American tribes or their history. I need to find some history books and fix that. :(
  9. W

    Here I go again 150 gallon reset.

    I don't know enough to comment on the filtration (well, I could comment, but it wouldn't be a smart comment 🤣) but I do know the tank looks awesome and the growth you have is amazing. You would never guess the tank is barely just a month old!
  10. W

    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    Sorry I've been silent recently. Underwent a follow up monthly treatment that put me out of commission for a few days, and now I have some family visiting from out of town. So I will be checking in daily but I'm afraid I won't be as active over the next few days. My lid is finished and the...
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    Unidentified organisms observed in my favorite tank

    It does sound like some type of algae. How quickly do they grow? Maybe try turning off the filter for a moment and see if their movement continues? Some newer phones have a "macro" setting in the camera for pictures as close as 1" from the lens. If yours does, that might help take a good close...
  12. W


    Welcome to the forum!
  13. W

    My cycling fun

    The brown algae you are seeing is most likely diatoms. They are very common in newly setup tanks. They are caused by silicates in the water and wiwill usually go away on their own after 2 or 3 weeks.
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    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    I also took advantage of nice 60 degree weather today to paint the back of the tap. It's now back inside, drying: You can also see part of the spray bar and filter intake, which I also painted
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  16. W

    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    Today I finally finished my lid. I received the weatherstripping from Amazon, and stuck a strip along the back of the piece that goes in the back. The idea is to cut holes for the hoses in the plastic (it's soft plastic, easily cut with scissors). I then took the back piece with the...
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  21. W

    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    Apistogramma dwarf cichlides... Microgeophagus ramirezi... You are making things worse! 🤣 if you keep going I will need a lot more tanks!!! Regarding your tank, it seems that the bulk of the weight rests on that center piece, not along the edges like I would in a rectangular tank. I think it...
  22. W

    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    I do have some ideas about stocking, but they are still broad. In my previous setup I kept tetras (rummynose and red phantoms), endlers, otos (o. Vitatus) and cories (c. Habrosus). I am probably going to do something similar now, except last time I limited myself to only fish from home. I'm not...
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    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    I don't think I want a single species tank :( are all gouramis single-species? I need to do some reading! :)
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    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    I've never had chocolate gouramis, or any gouramis for that matter. I haven't decided on my stocking. I know 29g is small for a group of chocolate gouramis, but perhaps some dwarf ones are worth considering? Sounds like I need to do some research!
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    Lol. I painted my tank black because you suggested it, way back when :)
  26. W

    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    Hey! I also spent a summer at the University of Poitiers!!!! I was there summer of 1984!
  27. W

    Here I go again 150 gallon reset.

    Wow, the growth is impressive! You will soon have a nice lush river!
  28. W

    How should I store unused filters?

    Sorry, after reading it again: when you say you want to use inserts to cycle New filters faster, which inserts are you referring to? The inserts from the Main filters, or the inserts from the a Secondary filters? Your New filters will cycle faster because of the bacteria from the Main...
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    How should I store unused filters?

    Ok. I'm lost 😝 there are just to many filters to keep track! Let me see if I have this correctly. You currently have two New filters you just got for a new 125 you will be setting up. You put each of these New filters in a different established tank. Those tanks previously had two filters...
  30. W

    How should I store unused filters?

    It could work. My only concern with this is that I don't know if an air pump will provide enough water movement in the bucket to make sure the ammonia gets distributed throughout the bucket and filter media, or make sure there are no dead spots around the filter media. It probably will work, but...
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    I spray painted the back of the tank black. You can use krylon fusion or Rust-Oleum painters touch, both will paint on glass.
  32. W

    How should I store unused filters?

    If you want to keep the "little Fluvals" out of the new filters, there are 3 things you need to worry about to keep the bacteria happy: ammonia, oxygen and water flow. For ammonia, you can maintain the bacteria by feeding the little Fluvals 1 ppm ammonia every 3 days or so. The more important...
  33. W

    125 G tank project

    Very eager to see this set up! I won't be able to get a big tank any time soon, so I'm enjoying your 125 vicariously!
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    125 G tank project

    You left the goldfish filter in place with all it's media, right? If so it's hard to tell how much it will take the new filter to develop a good bacteria colony. It depends on the bioload of the tank and the colony of the existing filter. They new filter will develop some bacteria, but since you...
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    Here I go again 150 gallon reset.

    Wow. Looks amazing. How long after it gets dark does the light stay on? Do you expect the plants under the light to grow faster than the rest?
  36. W


    Lovely tank! Welcome to the forum!
  37. W

    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    Looking forward to seeing pictures of your new tank! (The fish tank, not the tanks at the Ukrainian border! :oops:)
  38. W your thoughts here...

    Very very well said. Thank you for being a voice of reason. And, I might add, mRNA vaccine technology is insanely cool.
  39. W

    Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

    I started making my lid today following a design similar to the one in the videos posted above, but with a minor modification. I did make a few design mistakes along the way which were thankfully easy to fix. It's not finished yet, as I'm waiting for some small parts from Amazon, but here is...
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