Rebuilding an old abandoned 29g

Oh my dear, I have still so much to work with the google translater! Isn't funny! But so I keep learning. Just to say you that, if you are using silicon for aquaristic purposes, you only can use this one which is exclusively made for this purpose, probably you know this already but just in case..., there is only this one kind of silicone that can be used and that is the one for aquariums (others may be and will be toxic). The same thing should be considered from the paintings you could use, I don't like to have some of this stories near the water of my tanks (excuse my wgoldfarb surely you know all of this issues PERO POR SI ACASO).

I've got a funny tank last (black) friday just from the alley (no costs), I've saved and brought it along to my home (y me duelen aún los huesos viejo!), I'm wating for some sunshine to shoot a couple of photos I want to show you and Jenny and whoever wants, it is a hexagonal tank with the bottom entirely made of thick plastic, 117 L and can be filled with 105 L net of water, I'll realize a little nice proyect out of it soon, maybe next year (probably the last proyect at all).

Well I'm hearing on TV right now the russians are coming to the ucranian border with masses of tanks (rolling, fire shooting tanks, not like ours), soldiers and a lot of everything, It's a matter to be a little concerned, the NATO is already in high alert, and you know that's really not far from here, well we'll see, possibly something is going to happen soon (in case you don't hear anything from me in the near future, you do know why). Don't worry. be happy, hasta la vista!
Did you know they make a black silicone aquarium sealant? I ordered some to make axotle caves from ugly white pcv pipe. Will use black sand & attach silk leaves. Busy with the 125 G project, but will get to it.
Merci encore for all your excellent advice on the 125 G tank project.
Did you know they make a black silicone aquarium sealant? I ordered some to make axotle caves from ugly white pcv pipe. Will use black sand & attach silk leaves. Busy with the 125 G project, but will get to it.
Merci encore for all your excellent advice on the 125 G tank project.
My silicon is also black, this is the silicon for aquaristic purposes which I can buy in such a pet shop (others aren't not suitable). These leaves you want to use are really made of silk? They will desintegrate under water (if this is the one made by butterflies). I love urodela you know, North America is the home of newts and salamanders in the world, as a was a child these animals have still fascinated me, I've kept some of them but never an axolotl. Today I have got 6 of the chocolate guramis I have been waiting since several weeks for, now I've 8 of these lovely fishes together in a 150 l tank, they feel well there and I'm really happy to own them now, tomorrow I will remove lots of guppies from this tank and I'll see, that will be interesting. My little advice is not worth talking about ma chère madame but thank you very much. Here a photo of the gurami made by myself before 2 weeks or so for you and wgoldfarb, à très bientôt alors!
Truthfully I don’t know what they’re made of. However the artificial aquarium plants I’ve seen are described as either plastic or silk. I will google & see what this “silk” really is. I am challenged by the low lighting level required by the axolotls & have not done well by way of living plants.

Congratulations on the new chocolate guramis! I am certain they well thrive under your good care.

vos conseils sont tourjours apprecies, mon ami.

PS. Did I get that right? Monsieur Google translated. I don’t know how to make accent marks on this iPad.
Apparently the manufacturers are abletreat silk for aquariums. I used a silk ficus in my axotles tank. She’s inside the caveView attachment 149284.
I find it amazing that this artificial plant don't get algae all over it, nowhere in this tank are any algae to be seen, what is the secret behind it? (or is it an old photo from the very beginning of the tank?).

Ton francais est parfait et je suis impressioné même si c'est monsieur Google le traducteur, I don't believe it's possible to make the accent markers this way on an iPad, should be interesting to know, but your French is excellent like that mon amie, don't care too much about it, à la prochaine!
That photo was hot off the press! Taken for you when we mentioned silk plants. I have never had much of an algae problem. I wipe down the interiors with that white sponge, vacuum & change water. I took French & college, spent a summer studying French at the University of Poitiers in France.
OMG! It‘s a small world! Sad to say, I ditched most classes & explored the area with an American girl & a few cute French boys. This was after my senior year of high school & before starting college. I failed all the classes! But I did l learn some French. Visited Paris. Loved it!
Looking forward to seeing pictures of your new tank! (The fish tank, not the tanks at the Ukrainian border! :oops:)
I will be doing my best to shoot some fotos of the hexagonal tank in the next days, I'm also looking for some advice regarding the base for this tank to be placed on, because its bottom is entirely made of plastic, at the moment I'm been ocuppied with my group of 8 chocolate guramis (fantastic!), that's for me an highlight in my life as an aquarist I must say, very especial fishes!, yesterday I took out a big amount of guppies from the 150 L. tank, some 60-70 of them, because they are too frantic but there are some still extant in the tank, plants would also have to be taken away, now is the tank fine for the guramis and I can breathe again. I'm eager to hear what's going on with your tank, you are a great handyman, I hope you are doing well mon vieux, vamos poquito a poquito y despacito, greetings from Perico in Berlin!🐸 C'est la grenouille!
That photo was hot off the press! Taken for you when we mentioned silk plants. I have never had much of an algae problem. I wipe down the interiors with that white sponge, vacuum & change water. I took French & college, spent a summer studying French at the University of Poitiers in France.
You have really a good hand for this hooby! You should continue learning and practicing French and even others (perhaps a little spanish, both are quite related) I would like to say, learning languages is a very reasonable pastime.
I will be doing my best to shoot some fotos of the hexagonal tank in the next days, I'm also looking for some advice regarding the base for this tank to be placed on, because its bottom is entirely made of plastic, at the moment I'm been ocuppied with my group of 8 chocolate guramis (fantastic!), that's for me an highlight in my life as an aquarist I must say, very especial fishes!, yesterday I took out a big amount of guppies from the 150 L. tank, some 60-70 of them, because they are too frantic but there are some still extant in the tank, plants would also have to be taken away, now is the tank fine for the guramis and I can breathe again. I'm eager to hear what's going on with your tank, you are a great handyman, I hope you are doing well mon vieux, vamos poquito a poquito y despacito, greetings from Perico in Berlin!🐸 C'est la grenouille!
Je l’attends avec impatience, mon ami!

Never heard of a plastic bottomed tank before. I did see some really antique ones posted by Fishmanic, as I recall. Stunning! And exceedingly rare so far as I can determine.
I will be doing my best to shoot some fotos of the hexagonal tank in the next days, I'm also looking for some advice regarding the base for this tank to be placed on, because its bottom is entirely made of plastic, at the moment I'm been ocuppied with my group of 8 chocolate guramis (fantastic!), that's for me an highlight in my life as an aquarist I must say, very especial fishes!, yesterday I took out a big amount of guppies from the 150 L. tank, some 60-70 of them, because they are too frantic but there are some still extant in the tank, plants would also have to be taken away, now is the tank fine for the guramis and I can breathe again. I'm eager to hear what's going on with your tank, you are a great handyman, I hope you are doing well mon vieux, vamos poquito a poquito y despacito, greetings from Perico in Berlin!🐸 C'est la grenouille!
I've never had chocolate gouramis, or any gouramis for that matter. I haven't decided on my stocking. I know 29g is small for a group of chocolate gouramis, but perhaps some dwarf ones are worth considering? Sounds like I need to do some research!
I've never had chocolate gouramis, or any gouramis for that matter. I haven't decided on my stocking. I know 29g is small for a group of chocolate gouramis, but perhaps some dwarf ones are worth considering? Sounds like I need to do some research!
29g is fine for a group of Chocolate Gouramis, but they are really a single species fish and do best just by themselves.

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