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  1. Zenn

    Whats going on here?

    Ok, i fed my fish about 2 hours ago, all fine and normal, right now i have every fish apart from my pleco at the surface and they seem to be taking in air, why is this, this has never happened before, and it is HIGHLY unusal for my black tetra's to be hover at the surface too Somebody help me...
  2. Zenn

    Can someone teach me how to raise guppy?

    Hey dont worry, i saw a gebbicep in with Goldfish the other day, not all tropical fish have to live in heated water just to survive, some just aint too bothered about the temperture of the water
  3. Zenn

    Can someone teach me how to raise guppy?

    A heater is advisable actually in my opinion, see fry have a possiblity of living in cold water, but in heated water they will grow faster and get more colours making them more pretty... also they wont be very active in cold water, since they are in the nature found in tropical water which with...
  4. Zenn


    HAHAHA, thats a good one, no, no, no the veiltail is called ice-cream because it suits her, you look at her and it seems to remind you of ice-cream, plus also it was my friend who named her... I did have 10 neons but my blue one popped the can ALONG time ago, i also did have 4 black neons, the...
  5. Zenn

    Goldfish in 5 gallon??

    Instinct and Memory are two very different things, it like riding a bike, once you have learnt it, it doesnt leave you, you dont need a great memory span to remember that, second of all, fish approaching the front of the tank, typical to the carp family, goldfish house tamed will approach the...
  6. Zenn


    Nah, not all swordtails fin nip, only when my swordies are being territoral will they nip each other (not hurting) just to warn off other swordtails, but otherwise Swordtails are peaceful to any other type of speices, it aint that
  7. Zenn

    Goldfish in 5 gallon??

    It depends on the type of goldfish you are getting really, i kept coldwater fish for oh 6 years, and i kept 5 golden rudd (my fav) and two alantic goldfish... Now some goldfish tend to actually grow to the size of their enviroment and have no problem just swimming around in circles, because as...
  8. Zenn


    pH was 7.0 Ammonia - 0 Thats all i found out before the shop assistant was dragged away by a ar$ehole of a customer... But she did say that my water was in good condition and was alright... its after i asked the perameters... I also forgot to mention is my bala shark like swimming against...
  9. Zenn


    One double black Angel One golden marble veiltail angel One normal angel One male green swordtail Seven female green swordtails Two red finned swordtails One Common pleco One Bala shark Three Black tetra neons That is all
  10. Zenn


    Ok people this is how i know it Now i had all my fish in perfect condition, but i have realized more than ever recently, splits and that in my fishie's fins, now angy i can understand, because when Angus and ice-cream want to be left alone the nip her top fin to tell her to go away... however...
  11. Zenn

    Gonopodium or Sword

    I heard that sex can also be determined by the temperture, 25 C tend to be the level of male swordies and higher is female swordies, and i tested that out when i lowered my temp to 25 C, out of a batch of 5 fry, i got three males, then i raise it to 28 C and i got from another batch of 10, all...
  12. Zenn

    my new swordtails

    Right here is the time to be careful... If you actually only have two swordtails, and i mean only, i ould actually suggest tank birthing, which means the female giving birth in the main tank, for you see the fry would have a high chance of surviving long enough for you to find them and net them...
  13. Zenn


    Well i can explain to you what they are like You will notice a change in the size of their bellies, but the most noticable part you will see is a black spot just by their anal fins, this black gavid spot as it is known, it fry in development, sometimes if you look close, some people can...
  14. Zenn

    What is the dimensions of a...

    Yeah, good news to me, since i only keep four swordtails and two SAE's in my two foot tank, i guess i could add these new babies into the tank once they have grown up enough *Begins to wonder what his 27 gallon tank capacity would be in the US gallonage?*
  15. Zenn


    My god something like that happened to me too, however it was my 27 gallon tank, and insted of cracking along the front it crack length ways across the bottom of the tank, my bedroom was under water, when someone had discovered it (My mum because i was at college at the time) the fish only had...
  16. Zenn

    Gonopodium or Sword

    In my experience i have had the sword and the gonopodium develop at the same time during development (Points to bubbles as a example) she reverted to a he and got his sword and gonopodium at the same time
  17. Zenn

    Swordie males??

    Actually i am quite surpise the males have not tries dominating above one another, because it is normally suggested that you keep one male per tank... But hey what am i saying, i have two males together despite they chase one another from time to time... I would give the pinapple male a chance...
  18. Zenn

    What is the dimensions of a...

    I have a 15 gallon tank that is 24" x 15" x 12" O.o
  19. Zenn

    fin nippers

    Well i know Blue tetra neons and black tetra neons are classed fin nipper too, but i think that some tetra couldnt care, because i have three black tetra neons in with three angels and they are fine together
  20. Zenn

    new project

    Got to be careful Danbedfordshire, with all the snow that has cover bedfordshire for the past couple of week, tropical fish wont last long in that weather, not let alone the bitter wind that was going around yesterday... (If you didnt Guess i live in bedfordshire too, i am in Luton) I was...
  21. Zenn

    What Fish

    Oh this is a tuff choice, because i like my swordtails as much as i like my plecos and angels... :fish:
  22. Zenn

    Plastic Plants

    What i would suggest is a little salted warm water, its what i do mine in, see algae is bacteria as it is, and living forms all react to salt in one way or another, the salt loses the algae up and then a good scrubbing and it comes right, nice and easy, i havent had to do it too much laterly...
  23. Zenn

    Price's of the fish at ur LFS

    Here in Bedfordshire the prices go as follows Tetra's - £0.99 Swordtails - £1.50 to £2.50 Platies - £1.50 Guppies - £1.95 Mollies - £1.50 to £2.50 Angels - £4.25 Common plec's - £2.25 Bristlenose plecos - £2.25 Albino Pleco's - £2.50 Danio's - £1.25 Algae eaters (Thats ranging from SAE, CAE...
  24. Zenn

    The Live Food vs. Flake Debate

    Ok that is cruel, i have to admit, however when you think upon it, it is cruel in nature too, because fish tend to die when a their pool of water drys up, of if they jumped out of the water and misjudged and landing on the bank and died... It is all horrible, but fish are cannibals no matter...
  25. Zenn


    Livebearer do tend not to drop all their fry at once, but in intervals, the intervals can be space between hours, days or sometimes a couple of weeks before they drop another load, which my swordtails always do to me, thats why i have given up with trying to put them in breeding traps... Just...
  26. Zenn

    my tank

    Siamese algae eaters, Bristlenose pleco, or some of the other smaller varity of pleco you can get, or as Wilder said Otto are nice as well ;) The one algae eater you want to avoid is a Chinese algae eater because they get violent no matter what you try, i lost one of my very favorite...
  27. Zenn

    Question for all the BIG fish keepers

    I would bury them, thats what i do with all my pets, and trust me the amount of fish i have lost due to lack of experience when i started, i have my very own cemetary in the garden :rip:
  28. Zenn

    Fish tank

    Yeah i guess but look at it in my way, my tank is a foot wide, thats enough for a large majority of fish to turn around, but that one is half a foot wide, now in the wild though, fish have PLENTY of space and swim in all kind's of directions, i thought a fish keeper was supposed to make a tank...
  29. Zenn

    Your prize fish

    The prize word is "IF"... If someone was to come up to you and ask you "IF" you would sell your prized fish in your tank, how much would you sell it for, "IF" you would sell it at all What we are looking for is this Species - Name - Selling price - So for me it would go like this Species...
  30. Zenn

    Feed How Much?

    I dont work in Nickle, dimes or anything like that, so i aint sure on their sizes, but once aday feeding for me, and that consists of a daily feeding of a pinch of flake, enough the cover 1/8 of the tankon impact, then some algae pellets which all the fish eat, a pleco tablet, and three Ciclid...
  31. Zenn


    Oh thanks, so thats a full course meal you give them then, i will have to try that one at some point and see what they think, Thanks ;)
  32. Zenn

    Fish tank

    Ok here is something i seem online while surfing the net Unsual Gift items Now yes that would be saving space, but look how think it is, what type of fish would you put in that size tank that they could live comfortable... I can only think of Angels and Discus fish finding that a suitable...
  33. Zenn


    Well i have this book that provide usual information on feeding foods that fish can eat... It says a fine sliver of raw red meat can be put into the tank for fish to eat, itf you want to put white meat into the tank, to make sure it is well cooked before considering feeding it to the fish, but...
  34. Zenn


    How about small peices of meat? I was thinking of trying that next since i have angel's, how long would i leave that in for?
  35. Zenn

    Can snails get out of the water?

    Snails can also become a pest too, if you have one i dont think you will have much problem but if there are two, then you ought to be careful because livebearers are class water bunnies, these snails will put that name to shame, because they will breed faster than bacteria, and so infest your...
  36. Zenn


    Ok thanks alot Wilder... You seem to be the person who helps me the most, thanks alot ;)
  37. Zenn


    I have a question, i aint sure where it belongs so i will ask here... I have gotten some cucumber and put them into my fish tanks, now this is my first time doing this, and i have seen my fish nibble on them, but what i was wondering is how long should i keep the cucumber in there for, i only...
  38. Zenn

    [Funny/Warning] Fishkeeping made me go blind...

    Sorry if i dont laugh and i can actually completely assoicate with you, though for me i was blinded in my left eye while fishing with my brother You see, i like to keep fish and on the odd occassion go for a spot of fishing... Now i went with my brother fishing just over two years ago now, and...
  39. Zenn

    Strange pleco Behaviour

    Oh ok, thanks, hats settle me down abit knowing he is fine... It actually rather amusing... My SAE and my pleco (bristlenose) are sticking together like parent and child, funny and freaky since they are two completely different species
  40. Zenn

    New Angel

    Oh then you will ve glad to hear Ice-cream is fitting in well, the three angels swim around together, though Angus, my double black angel seem to try and stay away from Ice-cream, when she goes near him he swims to the opposite end of the tank away from her, though Angy couldnt care less...