Can someone teach me how to raise guppy?


New Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Hi experts out there

Can anone please tell me how to raise guppy?
Do guppy needs air supply (means buying others gadgets to supply airs to them)?
Is it very easy to have babies guppy?

:S I wanted to buy them but I felt :/ like I'm so dumb~~
Someone plz help~~~
:hi: to the forum

guppys are very easy to raise
what you need:
a ten gallon tank
a air pump
a filter
a heater
optional:gravel and plants

guppys are the easiest fish to breed
get 2 female guppys to every male and you will have babys with in a month

Dwarf_Dude said:
guppys are very easy to raise
what you need:

a heater
u dont need a heater they can live in cold water my local pet store said that it doesnt make them last longer but he said they breed more in cold water dont ask me why cause i dont no.i hav all of my guppies in cold water and so far they hav all had a batch of guppy fry except from my 2 older ones which i got of my friend.

ohh and :hi: to the forum bubble_gal :drink:
paige said:
Dwarf_Dude said:
guppys are very easy to raise
what you need:

a heater
u dont need a heater they can live in cold water my local pet store said that it doesnt make them last longer but he said they breed more in cold water dont ask me why cause i dont no.i hav all of my guppies in cold water and so far they hav all had a batch of guppy fry except from my 2 older ones which i got of my friend.

ohh and :hi: to the forum bubble_gal :drink:
your localpetstore gives bad advice unfortunatly

you need a heater to raise fry otherwise they will die

I agree - i would not try to raise fry in acold water unless the tank is in a ver hot place in your room (next to a radiator for example).
nooooooooooooooooo you dont my fry are 4 months old nice and health and have been without a heater since they came out n mum's always been without a heater too
I would personally recomend a heater but you do not need a bubbler if your filter is aggitating the water.
Good luck-(but not like you will need it as guppies are really easy to look after)
A heater is advisable actually in my opinion, see fry have a possiblity of living in cold water, but in heated water they will grow faster and get more colours making them more pretty... also they wont be very active in cold water, since they are in the nature found in tropical water which with a heater you can be mimicing their natural enviroment and they will be more active...

I hope that was helpful

Hi bubble_gal :)

Welcome to the forum! :flowers:

I've moved your thread into the Livebearers section because I think you will get more help here than in Newbies.

If you are new to the hobby of fishkeeping, it would be a good idea to let us know. There is a little bit of science involved, but our members will be happy to help you through it. It's not all that complicated really.

There is never any need to feel dumb here. We all started out and some of us even waited until we lost fish before we thought to ask for help. That's dumb! :look:

What kind of tank do you have and how long have you had it? :unsure:
soo guppies can live in cold water :nod: but i'v just checked my tempreture and its not cold and its not hot either :dunno: .thanx for ur help :thumbs: .i think i might consider getting a new tank :D with a heater :nod: a light :) and everything :p just for my beautiful guppy fry :wub:
Welcome to the forum :D
Yes guppys can live in cold water but if they have lived in cold water most of their lives i wouldn't advise you move them straight to warm water; what i would do is put them in the new tank or whatever tank they are in and very gradualy raise the temperature over about 2 to 3 weeks so they can adjust let their metabolisms get used to it.
You will find not only will it help extend their lifespans but also they will become more active and you will have more sucess in breeding them. I would say from my experience the ideal tank temp for them would be around 24 to 25 degrees :).

Diet wise guppys aern't very demanding, they can happily live off fish flakes their entire lives but they appreciate things live freeze dried daphinia, bloodworms and tubifex every now and then(about once a week, if they are small guppys crushing the food to a certain extent is advised so it is easier for them to eat).

Other than that, there isn't realy much to it; just equip the tank with the usual equipment like a heater, filter and lighting if you decide to have live plants etc.
Just remember when you stock he stock to slightly under stock it so there is room for fry as your guppys will probably breed and to add stock the tank gradually to help avoid water quality problems etc.
Overall your guppys will pretty much look after them selves and will breed with no problem.
Good luck :thumbs:
half of my guppy fry were only born yesterday and were born in warm water so they will be alright
Hey dont worry, i saw a gebbicep in with Goldfish the other day, not all tropical fish have to live in heated water just to survive, some just aint too bothered about the temperture of the water
They are still classed as tropical because........
even though people say they are keeping them in cold water they are refering to a temperature that is close or at 68 degrees as the tanks are at room temperature.
They can live in cooler water but this statement hits the nail on its head.

but in heated water they will grow faster and get more colours making them more pretty... also they wont be very active in cold water, since they are in the nature found in tropical water

There are a few types of fish that will LIVE in coldwater tanks but this does not mean that they will be at there best, be as healthyand have a shortened life.

The best advice is Tokis-Phoenix reply which i agree with.

My guppys and fry are in water with a temperature of 72 degrees or if you are metric 22 degrees. Which as far as tropical fish go is I suppose cold water.

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