

May 2, 2004
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England (Bedfordshire)
Ok people this is how i know it

Now i had all my fish in perfect condition, but i have realized more than ever recently, splits and that in my fishie's fins, now angy i can understand, because when Angus and ice-cream want to be left alone the nip her top fin to tell her to go away... however my bala shark now also has a few split fins, his dorsal, Pelvic and Caudal finnage...

I could do with some help on discovering how this is happening

It is not fin rot, i can tell you that now, i know fin rot and this is not fin rot, i have a few possible explainations though

Could it be the rocks in the tank, since i heard Bala sharks are skittish

I have three tetra neons which are known to be fin nippers (Though i heard thats only for long flowing fins and they have not at all touched my veiltail, because they seem to be scared of Ice-cream, plus they are quite old now...

Otherwise i cant put my finger on it, and if it is any of these two, any suggestions will be acceptable...

my neon tetras are always hiding, so I dont think they would nip bala sharks fins, they would be scared of the bala shark if anything else. Can you please clearly list All of the fish in your tank, so I could get a better idea on what fish you have please?

P.S. It is not your neon tetras
One double black Angel
One golden marble veiltail angel
One normal angel
One male green swordtail
Seven female green swordtails
Two red finned swordtails
One Common pleco
One Bala shark
Three Black tetra neons

That is all
pH was 7.0
Ammonia - 0

Thats all i found out before the shop assistant was dragged away by a ar$ehole of a customer...

But she did say that my water was in good condition and was alright... its after i asked the perameters...

I also forgot to mention is my bala shark like swimming against the flow of my filter, as does my common pleco, however there is a point where i have the flow hitting the heater to disburst the heat faster and more evenling, i was wondering if he could have tried to swim into this part and underestimated the flow and got hit into the platic holder that is holding the heater, because the flow is very strong hat i have angled my heater towards the bottom of the tank and the flow blasts bubbles all the way to the bottom of my tank, could he have hit himself there, because i know when i first got my angels they swam into it and they got hit on the heater and angy got her fins done, however i never saw the bala shark go near there ever since i got him???
my swordtails were always fin nippers. Dunno if thats true for all of them
Nah, not all swordtails fin nip, only when my swordies are being territoral will they nip each other (not hurting) just to warn off other swordtails, but otherwise Swordtails are peaceful to any other type of speices, it aint that
HAHAHA, thats a good one, no, no, no the veiltail is called ice-cream because it suits her, you look at her and it seems to remind you of ice-cream, plus also it was my friend who named her...

I did have 10 neons but my blue one popped the can ALONG time ago, i also did have 4 black neons, the head of the group died so it all brought me down to three and they are all ok, there are two who fight for leadership, others they plod around from time to time and all have there own favorite swimming spots swimming against the flow in the tank...

Ok i gave my fish a full works of food yesterday since they havent had it in ages, and the greedy pigs they are ate it all, though their waist size comes as a emabasiment, however they seem to be VERY active this morning, the Bala shark it shooting all over the place, the angels are fighting against the strong flow at the back of the tank and swordies and swim like nutters around the bottom, do fish get energy burst like we do sometimes?
1 suggestion would be to perchase a water test kit of your own, to test for:


I would suggest this because taking your water to be tested by your local fish shop can be a watste of time and money, ive had results of them in the past which were totaly inaccurate!!. Seems like they just wanted to get another fish sale out of me by telling me my water was fine. Maybe your Nitrates are high?
Its just piece of mind to have your own test kit.
How sharp are the rocks? If they're rond, it's not that likely that they've done it. Real or fake plants? Plastic plants can rip up fins. It might be the filter, but it is a mystery...

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