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    Question About 55 Gallon

    just got a 55 gallon tank and it has the divider in it so i cant buy a hood that is 48x13. it measures 48 long and 13 deep, so im guessing i need two 24x13's, but i havent seen any all i saw was 24x12. so i was wondering if maybe since there is a little lip, if it only needs two 24x12s
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    Hood For 55 Gallon

    someone i know is selling their 55 gallon for pretty cheap and i may buy it. i just need to buy everything else separate. i was just wondering what kind of hood it should get, because i know there is no hood that is 48" long (its 48x13). Ive seen the ones that have double hoods but are those 24"...
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    i cant say ive ever seen any of my corys fight. theyre one of the most peaceful fish ive ever seen. what are the dimensions of the tank theyre in? maybe its territorial
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    Looking For A Specific Type Of Fish

    that's what i figured...thanks for the help :good:
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    My Natural Exodon/cory Tank

    yea the gravel is a little larger than i want. but truthfully its not all that big. i have some gravel in there that is a good size and some that is a little larger (i used to have piranhas in the tank so it didnt really matter then). I thought about sand but i'll probably just get a little bit...
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    Looking For A Specific Type Of Fish

    its not going in either i was just curious because at one point i was thinking about how most all barbs and tetras like to be in groups. the reason i say 4-5" was just because if i ever got one that was around the size id get
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    Looking For A Specific Type Of Fish

    Is there a type of fish that grows to about 4-5" and does not need to be in a school (can be ok by itself)? I figured probably some kind of cichlid but I was wondering if there were any barbs or tetras like this. I don't think too many tetras would be since most like to be in schools
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    My Natural Exodon/cory Tank

    Here is my 20 gallon long: 12 exodons 2 peppered corys 1 emerald green cory 1 bulldog pleco penguin 200 filter maxi-jet 600 powerhead I will be taking out the plant on the right side (dwarf lilly) because it's growing too tall and taking up too much room. If anyone lives around me and wants...
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    Exodon Feeding

    alright thanks. how much do you feed them? I just want to make sure I don't over/under feed
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    Dyed Gravel.

    if the gravel you read about is the gravel you have, then i would say take it out. if you are unsure, try to find out somehow.
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    Exodon Feeding

    do u usually feed them at night or in the morning or whenever u remember
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    What To Do, What To Do...

    sorry rdd i thought u just meant there were too many exos, cause corys apparently are supposed to be by surface area not gallons so i thought overstocking in that category would be a little different. i came back today and the cory was dead and he turned almost white so idk what that could have...
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    What To Do, What To Do...

    if you think it's overstocked with the exos, that's your opinion. i didn't post this though to ask if it was overstocked in that aspect. I just wanted to know if 4 corys (maybe 5 for a little) were ok in the 20 Long which is 30" long and 12" wide Also, the question involved would it be better...
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    What To Do, What To Do...

    from everyone ive talked to with exodons, they only get aboue 3-4" in captivity. and theyve been getting along fine with my corys
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    What To Do, What To Do...

    im not quite sure what you're saying anyway i have a 20 gallon long (exos and 3 corys) and a 10 gallon (community - at my house) and i'll see if i can pick up some medication for him and allow the most bubbles out that i can. guess ill just bring up the two from here so i have 5 for now and...
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    What To Do, What To Do...

    by aeration do you mean create more oxygen, cause i tried that and theres no result. i have a powerhead in addition to my filter and i even had the hose connected to create bubbles. still didn't work though. the only thing i have to keep him in by himself is a small 5x3" that i use to acclimate...
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    What To Do, What To Do...

    no he just doest swim around and kinda just lays there.. looks like a normal spotted cory so i dont think it's a disease that is bad for the other fish. he doesnt get picked on or anything. the emerald and peppered one swim around together and the spotted just sits by himself. the other day he...
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    What To Do, What To Do...

    right now i have a 20gallon long with 12 exodons, 3 corys and 1 bulldog pleco...i got 2 of the corys last week (a peppered and spotted). the spotted hasnt really been that active since i got him and i think he is on the edge of death. ive done water changes etc and when i went up to him with the...
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    Tropical Sharks

    yea i didnt actually read what they wrote i was just posting the site as some examples of what he might be looking for. balas definitely don't hide and need a nice open area to swim
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    tiger barbs would probably work, and theyre very active. a lot of tetras are active too and like to be in shoals. maybe like a head and tail light or lemon or something
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    Tropical Sharks

    here ya go bala shark is probably closest to what you are looking for flying foxes are pretty cool too and they eat algae. not sure if any of them are really technically sharks
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    Tiger Barbs

    i would say no in a hexagon tank for tiger barbs. they like a lot of swimming space and theyd just be swimming in circles (or hexagons) in that tank. maybe angelfish would be better
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    Exodon Feeding

    how often should you feed exodons? mines a group of 12. ive been feeding them flakes and freeze dried bloodworms so far; one in the morning and one and night. sometimes i feed them in the middle of the day as well. so should i consistently do 3 times a day? more? less?
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    What To Get Next For My Peaceful Community Aquarium!

    yea i would say get rid of at least one if not both bristlenose as well. sometimes plecos dont get along in groups and it's really only necessary to have the one. by doing this youd free up some room for other fish to add. i agree that evening out the shoals would be a good idea before any other...
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    Exodons Soon

    3 corys is fine in the 20 right? i was almost thinking about getting 5 since the amount of corys depends on sq. ft and not gallons. the tank measures 30" long and 12". i figured 3 is ok since they like groups, but i also heard theyre best in 5 so i was wondering what the best thing to do is...
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    How Many Clown Loaches In A 75 Gallon Tank?

    there are different types of loaches, but the reason for the price difference is because of size. smaller ones are cheaper because they are more likely to die than the medium ones. even though that is the case, i still like getting somewhat small fish to watch them grow, its up to you. the...
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    Gravel Or Sand?

    if u use a siphon, i heard that u just hold it a little bit above the sand but dont dig into it. im not positive but ive seen the question asked before and i think thats what the answer was.
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    Exodons Soon

    yea i got 12 in case of any casualties and if there are none, i will probably give 2 to my lfs....i have 3 corys now and they're doing fine with the exos. they dont bother them at all
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    Red-bellied Piranha Question

    live or frozen? live ones are probably too small for a 3+" piranha. you can buy raw shrimp at any place that sells seafood
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    Exodons Soon

    i have a penguin biowheel 200 (rated at 200 gallons per hour for tanks up to 50 gallons in volume) so i should be good as far as that goes. i got one cory for now just to see how they act towards it, etc. if he is fine, ill get two more. if they bother him a lot or nip at him then i;ll put him...
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    Exodons Soon

    just one per tank or more than one?
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    How Many Cories Can I Fit In My 60liter Long Tank.

    60 liter is around 15 gallons right? if thats it then i think 3 should be ok..they only get about 3" and keep to the bottom so depending how many you want i would say 3-5
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    Ph Problems

    sand raises ph...what decor do u have in the tank? most types of driftwood will lower ph a little
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    Water Depth

    i fill mine to the bottom of the black strip across the top of my tank (its about an inch from the very top)
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    Exodons Soon

    got them today. have 12 exodons and 1 bulldog pleco (aka rubbernose or something like that). sometime later this week or next im gonna get some sort of catfish bottom feeder. are doras the raphael catfish? do those usually feed off the bottom and how big do they get?
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    Red-bellied Piranha Question

    its possible, but eventually most tank mates for piranhas turn into food. its just a matter of time
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    Transfering Piranhas

    i just used one 5 gallon bucket filled up about half way...they were in there for about 45mins and then another 30-40 for the person i sold them to. they made it ok (ps i used a lid but took it off once in a while to check on them) but they were good in the 5 gallon bucket
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    Red-bellied Piranha Question

    how big is he?
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    Red-bellied Piranha Question

    you shouldnt feed your piranhas feeders consistently anyway because of the risk of disease. buy him some fish fillets or raw shrimp. itll fill him up for longer as well as help with his health (shrimp are good for color_)
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    Exodons Soon

    sold my piranhas today to free up my 20 gallon long. tomorrow im going to buy a pleco to take care of whatever algea is in there (since i didnt have an algea eater with the piranhas) and a couple cory catfish so that gravel vacs might be slightly less insane. then sometime later this week or...