What To Do, What To Do...


New Member
Mar 27, 2007
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right now i have a 20gallon long with 12 exodons, 3 corys and 1 bulldog pleco...i got 2 of the corys last week (a peppered and spotted). the spotted hasnt really been that active since i got him and i think he is on the edge of death. ive done water changes etc and when i went up to him with the net he didnt even swim away. so i unfortunately believe he will be gone soon. anyway, my question is this:
at my tank at home (where im at now) i have a 10 gallon community that is a little overcrowded since i left it here (my dad has added a few fish and it was already a little crowded). those fish will hopefully be in a larger tank soon but that's not what this is about. in that tank i have an albino and emerald cory and i know they like to be in groups so i was thinking of bringing them back to shool with me today or tomorrow whenever i go back. so i would have 4 corys in the 20 and none in the 10. i figure this is a good idea cause theyll be in a group and the tank here will be less crowded. there would be 5 corys in the 20 but only for a little bit because the spotted one gets worse each day.

i just wanted to get everyones opinion on this

Water stats would be good in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate, and ph.
Has the cory bloated up gone pale or darkened in colour.
Any symtoms to go on.
no he just doest swim around and kinda just lays there.. looks like a normal spotted cory so i dont think it's a disease that is bad for the other fish. he doesnt get picked on or anything. the emerald and peppered one swim around together and the spotted just sits by himself. the other day he was at the top of the tank next to the heater and i thought he was dead but when i moved the heater he swam back to the bottom
I think I would issolate him and try a bacterial med but you must increase aeration in the tank.
by aeration do you mean create more oxygen, cause i tried that and theres no result. i have a powerhead in addition to my filter and i even had the hose connected to create bubbles. still didn't work though. the only thing i have to keep him in by himself is a small 5x3" that i use to acclimate new fish to the water. i wouldnt be able to have any filter or bubbler in that, though.
I'm confused. your 20g long is your or own? or it's a second 20g tank? The reason I ask is b/c you have exodons...

The info I could find was stating that these fish are kind of aggressive. I was thinking they could be kind of mean to the other fish. Plus, the info I read was stating they can grow to 2-3 inches. Would that be too many fish w/o the corys for a 20g long?

Even if the fish is in a 'penalty box' inside the tank, it would still receive the extra aeration in the tank...
Well he dosn't sound right and corys are prone to bacterial infections, if you add a bacterial med increase aeration.
Stats would be good.
I'm confused. your 20g long is your or own? or it's a second 20g tank? The reason I ask is b/c you have exodons...

The info I could find was

im not quite sure what you're saying

anyway i have a 20 gallon long (exos and 3 corys) and a 10 gallon (community - at my house)

and i'll see if i can pick up some medication for him and allow the most bubbles out that i can. guess ill just bring up the two from here so i have 5 for now and see how it goes. if i can save him then either ill leave the 5 or bring the two back and if i cant then ill just leave the 4
He might not make it to be honest, really needed to get going now with a med.
Good luck.
I definitely wouldn't take them to put in your 20 gallon as it is already very overstocked. The exodons (bucktooth tetras) can grow to 6 or 7 inches and are definitely not a community tank fish. Here is a thread on them from the characins section.
I definitely wouldn't take them to put in your 20 gallon as it is already very overstocked. The exodons (bucktooth tetras) can grow to 6 or 7 inches and are definitely not a community tank fish. Here is a thread on them from the characins section.

from everyone ive talked to with exodons, they only get aboue 3-4" in captivity. and theyve been getting along fine with my corys
Maybe not right now they do, but it may happen over time. Then again, maybe it wouldn't.

Just thought of something since being overstocked was mentioned. Since you have a long tank w/ more surface area, wouldn't that allow more fish than a regular 20g?

I definitely wouldn't take them to put in your 20 gallon as it is already very overstocked. The exodons (bucktooth tetras) can grow to 6 or 7 inches and are definitely not a community tank fish. Here is a thread on them from the characins section.

As stated, exodons rarely get that big in captivity. Plus it's not a community tank, if you noticed, the fish selection consists of armoured bottom dwellers that the exodons are unlikely to a) notice and b ) Do a great deal of dmage to. And RE the large numbers, again, that's to help with aggression but also to allow for natural 'thinning' of the numbers.
As stated, exodons rarely get that big in captivity. Plus it's not a community tank, if you noticed, the fish selection consists of armoured bottom dwellers that the exodons are unlikely to a) notice and b ) Do a great deal of dmage to. And RE the large numbers, again, that's to help with aggression but also to allow for natural 'thinning' of the numbers.
Even if they don't get that big and only grow to 2", the tank is still overstocked with 16 fish, all of which will grow to at least 2", in a 20 gallon tank.
Even if they don't get that big and only grow to 2", the tank is still overstocked with 16 fish, all of which will grow to at least 2", in a 20 gallon tank.

Again, that's a matter of personal opinion. None of the fish are high waste, and it's likely the number of exodons will decrease over time. It's also got plenty of surface area and according to other posts, a Penguin 200, which is more than enough filtration.

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