Exodons Soon


New Member
Mar 27, 2007
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sold my piranhas today to free up my 20 gallon long. tomorrow im going to buy a pleco to take care of whatever algea is in there (since i didnt have an algea eater with the piranhas) and a couple cory catfish so that gravel vacs might be slightly less insane. then sometime later this week or early next week ill be getting my exos (plan on buying 10-12) i might buy 12 in case i have any casualties. ill post some pics up during the next fews days for updates, etc.
actually exodons and corys could work.
CFC suggested corys as bottom dwellers for me when I was finding out about exodons,
I went for spotted doras instead, but the advice was still sound.

currently with my exodons are
3 spotted dora and 1 adult CAE :good:
Maybe Brochis splendens or Britiski woul be better for they're slightly larger. If it were me I would not risk it.
actually exodons and corys could work.
CFC suggested corys as bottom dwellers for me when I was finding out about exodons,
I went for spotted doras instead, but the advice was still sound.

currently with my exodons are
3 spotted dora and 1 adult CAE :good:

Wow, I would have never guessed that!

It's working for you and CFC also suggested it so I would definitely believe it if he says so. I would have never thought that tho. Thanks for sharing that. :good:
actually exodons and corys could work.
CFC suggested corys as bottom dwellers for me when I was finding out about exodons,
I went for spotted doras instead, but the advice was still sound.

currently with my exodons are
3 spotted dora and 1 adult CAE :good:
Ok then I take it back :)
You live and learn eh.
got them today. have 12 exodons and 1 bulldog pleco (aka rubbernose or something like that). sometime later this week or next im gonna get some sort of catfish bottom feeder. are doras the raphael catfish? do those usually feed off the bottom and how big do they get?
spotted dora agamyxis pectinfrons
very similar body shape to a striped dora aka raphael catfish
the main difference (apart from patterns on body) is adult size
spotted = 5"
stripped = 6"

they do a good job, in my tank, of cleaning up any uneaten food :good:
you will need something for them to hide in/under as they will only come out in pitch blackness
so don't plan on seeing them much
spotted dora agamyxis pectinfrons
very similar body shape to a striped dora aka raphael catfish
the main difference (apart from patterns on body) is adult size
spotted = 5"
stripped = 6"

they do a good job, in my tank, of cleaning up any uneaten food :good:
you will need something for them to hide in/under as they will only come out in pitch blackness
so don't plan on seeing them much

just one per tank or more than one?
really depends on the size of tank and it's filtration.
your 20G with a school of 6-12 exodons is going to need heavy filtration
anyways, due to their diet and the amount of mess they make.

I can see no reason not to have 3 doras with them if your filtration is good.
you should be looking at around 10x tanks volume per hour for the filter.
really depends on the size of tank and it's filtration.
your 20G with a school of 6-12 exodons is going to need heavy filtration
anyways, due to their diet and the amount of mess they make.

I can see no reason not to have 3 doras with them if your filtration is good.
you should be looking at around 10x tanks volume per hour for the filter.

i have a penguin biowheel 200 (rated at 200 gallons per hour for tanks up to 50 gallons in volume) so i should be good as far as that goes. i got one cory for now just to see how they act towards it, etc. if he is fine, ill get two more. if they bother him a lot or nip at him then i;ll put him in my other tank and get a spotted or striped dora
I have found that bottom dwellers work with exodons quite well as long as there is pleanty of cover for them to swim through and under below the exodons which are evolved for attacking fish and insects above themselves near to the surface, the exodons hardly notice fish on the bottom and dislike having to negotiate obsticals as their fast movement causes them to bump into solid objects.

In my exodon tank i have a pair of dwarf giraffe catfish, a bristlenose, a Morgunda goby and two Leporinus all of which have co habbited happily for the last 16 months in a 40 gallon tank.

12 exodons in a 20 is pushing it for space, i would expect them to thin their numbers out to 8-10 within the next few months.
I have found that bottom dwellers work with exodons quite well as long as there is pleanty of cover for them to swim through and under below the exodons which are evolved for attacking fish and insects above themselves near to the surface, the exodons hardly notice fish on the bottom and dislike having to negotiate obsticals as their fast movement causes them to bump into solid objects.

In my exodon tank i have a pair of dwarf giraffe catfish, a bristlenose, a Morgunda goby and two Leporinus all of which have co habbited happily for the last 16 months in a 40 gallon tank.

12 exodons in a 20 is pushing it for space, i would expect them to thin their numbers out to 8-10 within the next few months.

yea i got 12 in case of any casualties and if there are none, i will probably give 2 to my lfs....i have 3 corys now and they're doing fine with the exos. they dont bother them at all
3 corys is fine in the 20 right? i was almost thinking about getting 5 since the amount of corys depends on sq. ft and not gallons. the tank measures 30" long and 12". i figured 3 is ok since they like groups, but i also heard theyre best in 5 so i was wondering what the best thing to do is since they only get about 3"?
yup 3 corys is fine.

I started with 13 exodons and they thined theiselfs down to 10 :good:

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