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  1. K

    What Plants...?

    i have already putmy tank size in the first post and me tank is ot over crowed before you say
  2. K

    What Colour Molly ....... ?

    yeh but what colour molly would make a good mixture with the orange ones
  3. K

    What Colour Molly ....... ?

    well i dont think if i get a small male molly that it will go for the big ones it for my small mollys and my plecos have stayed a certain size to the same size as me tank
  4. K

    What Plants...?

    hi peeps what plants do you think would be ideal for my tank it is a 2ft record 60- 70 ( jewel) you lot know what fishi have since i have listed them below in my signiture
  5. K

    O Well Would You Fancy That !

    yeh but for them to grow that quickly you have to have a big tank and hell of alot of food so realy mate you have alot of time to save up for a bigger tank and if they get to big you can always take them back to the shop and get a smaller one
  6. K

    O Well Would You Fancy That !

    yeh i looked up pencil fish should be alright with the others
  7. K

    Need A Nice Pleco

    a nice looking pleco is a nugget they are wicked
  8. K

    What Do You Think Is The Best Diet For Baby Molly Fry

    that alrigth then coz my babys are round bout 2 or 3 weeks old i thnk 3 and i may be up for some more
  9. K

    What Do You Think Is The Best Diet For Baby Molly Fry

    o ok fair enough is it possible for me to crush frozen brine shrimp if i carnt get baby brine shrimp
  10. K

    What Colour Molly ....... ?

    well i dont have tht many big fish the 2 orange mollys are quite small tht why i wondering wht colour molly i should get coz it is to go with them
  11. K

    What Is Cycling

    o okay i have replied on another one of your posts as well if that helps u
  12. K

    O Well Would You Fancy That !

    i think these fish will live comfortably i no the guppies swordtails and the loaches will :good: because me gf mother have them in hers and i geuss the pencil fish will aswell :unsure:
  13. K

    White Spot Stop!

    i just use normal white spot treament formalula which is a blue liquid takes for days to clear it up plus another good thing is to put the temp up a bit if u can
  14. K

    Small Bubbles On The Water Surface

    i think it might just be your air stone i get the bubbles sometimes from my filter
  15. K

    What Is Cycling

    cycling is were u let the water get to the the right temp and get the water filtering properly and make sure u put water conditioner and what not in it to protect your fish but it is better if you dont put fish in straight away because it can be dangerous for your fish if you already have you...
  16. K

    What Colour Molly ....... ?

    :rolleyes: what colour molly do you think would make a good match if i was to match it up with 1 of my orange sailfin mollys?
  17. K

    Some Of My Guppies

    love the pics great fish and good way of selection breeding by keeping the males and the females seperate what ones do you think you are going to breed now then :fish: :kewlpics:
  18. K

    Pic Of Guppy Tank-any Feedback Please!

    nice tano but the gravel makes it look over croweded but part from that it looks good how the fry doing at the moment
  19. K

    New To Hobby And Outlook Is Not Great... Help

    i think it is justthem chilling because my gf mums yo yo's do that just lay there looking like they dieing but in a way it there way of sleeping if you get what i on bout
  20. K

    What Do You Think Is The Best Diet For Baby Molly Fry

    cool well if i have the money i will get some tomoz as well as some blood worm for my bigger fish or do u think that the fry will eat it as welll or do you think it is to big for them to digest
  21. K

    What Do You Think Is The Best Diet For Baby Molly Fry

    ok does it have to be bay brine shrimp or can you crush the frozen one so it easy for them to digest it
  22. K

    Butterfly Fish

    yeh the fresh water butterfly fish
  23. K

    Butterfly Fish

    butterfly fish? how can u sex them coz i have 2 but i dont no if they are males or females how can i tell? and are they live bearers or do the lay eggs?
  24. K

    Is This A Thick Lipped Gourami?

    yeh ur pic is a red honey gourami i have one and i have 2 thick lipped gouramis
  25. K

    What Do You Think Is The Best Diet For Baby Molly Fry

    hi peeps people say that you should give them a good diet so the fry can grow well but atm all i use is the liquifry food but is this enough or not? :unsure: anyone got any suggestions :rolleyes: