Pic Of Guppy Tank-any Feedback Please!

its looking good it gonna be great with the plants :D so post us a pic of it then :good:

Hi there...just so you know the above pics are of the same tank with plants in it...its just I will be placing more in there as there are spots uncovered at the back wall of the tank...they need filled. The pic without plants was the tank in week 1. The tank has now been set up for about 2.5 months...we are currently setting up another tank for kitchen bench for a quarentine tank...we will be purchasing another batch of gups in a couple weeks, so want to make sure they are disease free before putting in main tank.

See plants in tank...this pic is taken from a different angle

nice tano but the gravel makes it look over croweded but part from that it looks good how the fry doing at the moment
nice tano but the gravel makes it look over croweded but part from that it looks good how the fry doing at the moment

HI there. Fry are doing great & Growing fast. They have started to develop colour on their tails. The quarentine tank we have now decided to use for the fry and allow them more room to frow and a small current to develop their fins etc..

Sadly we have lost a couple teenage fry that already had most of their colour, they were about 3-4 months old and resided in main tank. Tank has been under treatment for the past week or so with Pimafix & Melafix to treat for Columnaris. Most of the gups that are left are healthy looking appart from Blue my teenage male gup I raised from birth. All new fry in net are thriving.
I dont get it. All water stats are good and have been for the past few weeks at the least and fry are fine. So must be a disease already in the fish. I personally think that some of them had other probs like intestinal worms, so treatment didnt entirely help all gups...just the ones with Columnaris.

On a good note.... I have 3 heavely pregnant guppies, two black and yellow tails and a yellow fan tail her entire body is yellow. One of the males wont leave one of the females side, and she is attacking all the other gups that go near her. I hope its nearly time. I had hoped to have fry out of the net and into new tank...but ammonia was above 0 and so was nitrite...so put a ammonia block in and slowly the water levels are adjusting. So will be a few days yet before fry go in. Will have to use small plastic breeding box if I see her drop anyway. I have plenty of plants to catch a few from the drop, I guess some are better than none. FRY fry fry fry fry!!!!!! MORE MORE!!!!! I love fry. so cute and you never know what you get until they have developed. Its like a big Surprise!!! Is my life boring???????? lol! I dont think so.

Some of my guppies!!

lovely tank i would love to see more pictres =], what type of filter do u have ? just wondering
lovely tank i would love to see more pictres =], what type of filter do u have ? just wondering

Hi.. More pics on way..pc is always active so little time to load pics on it. The tank has a gravel filter and a submerged filter...I also run a pump for the canon that goes up and down so the tank is well airated. The gravel filter has two valves on pump hoses so I can change the filteration of the gravel suction. As this is a must during time of medicating sick tank. All water chemistry has been spot on for weeks now even through treatment. So I believe the gravel filters are excellent, its just a mater of knowing how to use them.
It looks great now, you should be proud

Thanks heaps... !! Today though we changed it again...I took breeding net out and added more hair grass in pots..and moved a few things around spacing it all out more. Looks very nice now..A couple more banana lillies on order and one more java fern for an empty spot. I havnt yet taken pics..but will do so in the next couple of days and post them.

Ive got the fry in a plastic breeder in the main tank...Fry tank was set up 2 weeks ago.. but got an ammonia spike so treated for that and still waiting for levels to balance again. All is good no ammonia...but nitrite still 0.25. ph is good at 7.0 and so is nitrate at 10 ppm. I'm not sure if 0.25 is safe, so I have done another water change at 35% and added another ammonia block as the last one finished 4 days ago. So I just have to wait before fry go into their new home.

Im treating main tank with sterazin at the moment, as gups are scatching. I just finished a two week treatment with melafix & pimafix for Columnaris 4 days ago. Everything cleared up in tank although gups were still itching and a couple developed red type sores or spots. So I suspect the melafix and pimafix helped those gups with columnaris and not those with fluke or ich. Most of my fish were purchased all at once from 3 different fish shops. I had a bad outbreak of disease and lost at least 20 gups. The ones I have left have done excellent over the past 3 weeks apart from the scratching. So Im hoping Im at the end of my problem. I have planned to purchase no more gups and just breed the ones I have left and the fry I have growing. I also have 3 heavily pregnant gups...so looks to be interesting.

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