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  1. crazyforcordoras

    Lie To Me

  2. crazyforcordoras

    The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

    Why do you have any ;)
  3. crazyforcordoras

    Last One To Post Here Wins

    This setup is like the other one... Yah now... Cant mention name itsmagainst the rules...
  4. crazyforcordoras


    Welcome to the forum! The setup looks quite nice it really brings out the cories. And WOW! That platy's belly is HUGE!!
  5. crazyforcordoras

    Last One To Post Here Wins

    I win because my new blenny is starting to come out
  6. crazyforcordoras

    The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

    Im going to try and take a pic of the Blenny after chool, he is starting to come out more. This looks a lot like the oher forum...?
  7. crazyforcordoras

    Keeping Cukes And Keeping Them From Cuking And Damage Control

    Well, at leats the ones i had didnt. They looked like that one too. Sorry :/
  8. crazyforcordoras

    So, What Is It?

    Sorry to hear about your cory, bmonki. :sad: I didnt know guppies got that big! :hyper:
  9. crazyforcordoras

    Hi, From Newbie Who Is Already Addicted!

    Once you start, you can't stop! Take it from a reefkeeper, its more addicting! Welcome to the forum too!
  10. crazyforcordoras

    Lie To Me

    Man of fish you got it! I only have two tanks. I have a 16 year old cat named Isabella
  11. crazyforcordoras

    My First Attempt At Marine (cheap Custom Tank 80ish Litres)

    The orange spot goby is really nice. Very beatiful.
  12. crazyforcordoras

    Keeping Cukes And Keeping Them From Cuking And Damage Control

    Actually, holothuria do not posess toxins. I had one in my 10 gallon for a while and when it passed, nothing died. I then read that they dont have toxins. It wuld be nice to give up the peps. Mine would also pick at the cukes.
  13. crazyforcordoras

    Lie To Me

    Yay its my turn! 1. Im so thin you can see my heart beat 2. I have a cat 3. I have three fish tanks
  14. crazyforcordoras

    Lie To Me

  15. crazyforcordoras

    Lie To Me

  16. crazyforcordoras

    The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

    Hey lovelies! Starry blenny is still wicked shy.
  17. crazyforcordoras

    So, What Is It?

    These are some cool fish! I ant believe that guppy is 4"!
  18. crazyforcordoras

    Last One To Post Here Wins

  19. crazyforcordoras

    Last One To Post Here Wins

  20. crazyforcordoras

    Last One To Post Here Wins

  21. crazyforcordoras

    The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

    Ouch, poor Louis. Hey Lovelies! Today i went to the LFS, and HOORAY!! They had Ricordea Florida! I got one (of coarse), a HUGE Purple mushroom (5$) and , Jack, the Starry Blenny.
  22. crazyforcordoras

    Last One To Post Here Wins

  23. crazyforcordoras

    So, What Is It?

    So, whats your favorite fish you have kept? Please attach a pic if possible. Mines my Starry Blenny.
  24. crazyforcordoras

    What Pets Do You Have?

    Flowerhorns are cichlids, degus look kinda like gerbils
  25. crazyforcordoras

    My First Attempt At Marine (cheap Custom Tank 80ish Litres)

    This will look awesome when done! You could a couple more fish, how abou pair of Black and White clowns Yellow Prawn goby with pistol shrimp Neon Dottyback Falcos hawkfish Yellowtail damsels can be very nasty, i had one that would bite my hand when i stuck it in the tank.
  26. crazyforcordoras

    Crab Id Help Please

    Could be a Sally Light Foot, but im not sure. Cant see it very well
  27. crazyforcordoras

    October Fish Of The Month Winner...............

    Hes an Orange Spot Prawn Goby. And thanks
  28. crazyforcordoras


    Welcome to the forum! I think your setup looks great!
  29. crazyforcordoras

    The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

    Happy birthday!
  30. crazyforcordoras

    Dart Frogs In Aquarium?

    5 gallons is too small, and a Fluval Chi is not a suitable home for frogs.
  31. crazyforcordoras

    Last One To Post Here Wins

    RIP Poppy the Peppermint Shrimp.... :byebye: :-(
  32. crazyforcordoras

    October Tank Of The Month Winner.............

    Congrats! Got my vote, loved it!
  33. crazyforcordoras

    New Betta! Name Ideas?

    I would have called him Wisp, but i can always name my betta that when i get him.
  34. crazyforcordoras

    The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

    Hey Lovelies, also hoping to hit the Lfs. Looking for a Starry Blenny, a royal gramma, or a wrasse. And another peppermint shrimp to replace Poppy.
  35. crazyforcordoras

    Hi . New To This .

    The silver one could also be a highfin variatus, do you have a closeup pic of her? Welcome to the forum!
  36. crazyforcordoras

    New Stock

    I would have done Glass Catfish, personally. But black rubies are nice too, especially males in breeding colors.
  37. crazyforcordoras


    This tank looks cool, it will look even better with the rock in it. Just wait until it grows in, then i will be even cooler! Whats in the tank?
  38. crazyforcordoras

    Bubbles Forming Under Rocks?

    Epoxy is full of ammonia, make sure the levels are zero before adding anything. I had the same experiance with my Refugium, i had to wait for the epoxy to cure before attaching it to the tank to prevent ammonia breakout