Crab Id Help Please


Fish Herder
Jan 13, 2011
Reaction score
Sunderland, United Kingdom
Found this fella 2 days ago in the live rock, he is a decent size. Having trouble finding what he may be online.
Managed to snap this video of him but it's difficult as he keeps hiding!!!
I can't tell what it is, but I've always gone with, if I didn't add it, it shouldn't be in there. The only exception being acro crabs. I usually remove them and add them to the refugium or just to the sump. Thy do help clean up scraps that make it in.
Could be a Sally Light Foot, but im not sure. Cant see it very well
Good video - this is a Chlorodiella. It might be C. nigra but I'm not too sure at the moment.

I can't tell what it is, but I've always gone with, if I didn't add it, it shouldn't be in there.

There are plenty of beneficial hitchhiker crabs. This is one of them - behaviorally just a funny-colored mithrax.
Good video - this is a Chlorodiella. It might be C. nigra but I'm not too sure at the moment.

I can't tell what it is, but I've always gone with, if I didn't add it, it shouldn't be in there.

There are plenty of beneficial hitchhiker crabs. This is one of them - behaviorally just a funny-colored mithrax.

Thank you for your reply :)
So is he safe and harmless in my tank?
Safe as much as can be said for any CUC sort of crab or hermit crab. Just think of it as another CUC animal. If a crab like that goes bonkers one day and starts trying to kill its tankmates, there is something wrong - usually that the crab is starving or badly malnourished and therefore acting out of desperation. Although these and mithrax crabs demonstrate more herbivorous tendencies than some other crabs, they are omnivores and need access to meaty foods or carnivore pellets in the same way as hermits do.

The only thing to be aware of if it is indeed Chlorodiella nigra is that they get a bit bigger than the average Mithraculus, although I'm still not 100% on that particular species. I think I'd need a top-down shot to be sure since the carapace isn't in good view. C. cythera is another possibility.

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