The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Hey Lovelies!!!!

Getting ready to go to BT's Smokehouse..

I has a good friend who moved last year to Arkentucky.. He is a BT's addict like me.. going to hook him up with a quart of brisket..

Hey Lovelies!!!

Got a BBQ care package together.. quart of brisket, one andooey sausage, and a 1/4 pound of beef jerky
Hey Lovelies!
Glad the fish are ok Lucy, Hambone you have a way of makin a body huungryyyy!
Conducted me some water changes today. My 180 was literally full of vallis so I pulled lots of it out and now I can see my fish again! Looks better now.
It's guppy time. :cool:
Hey lovelies

So Louis the betta fish moved into his own 5 gallon today as he's a tail biter when he is with other fish, so he obviously wants to be alone! Also he was finding it hard to get food, past the greedy zebra danios and platies :crazy:

But he seems to have got himself lodged in the sponge filter opening at the top (He will have a normal filter this time next week...) but when I went to help him, he wriggled out himself! However he has got an injury... He has taken a chunk out of the top of his body :/ Put some healing meds in and that should fix him up! :X
Ouch, poor Louis.

Hey Lovelies!

Today i went to the LFS, and HOORAY!! They had Ricordea Florida! I got one (of coarse), a HUGE Purple mushroom (5$) and , Jack, the Starry Blenny.
Suicidal Betta? Good luck with him. :crazy:

What type of filter are you changing to? The reason I ask is because my Penguin 100 biowheel has too much current for the 10 gallon after I put the divider in. You might be "betta" off using an internal type or just keep the sponge filter running as is.

All's fine in Betta Town if it weren't for that filter turning one half into a washing machine. I'm actually going to get (2) small sponge filters, one for each side, and see how that goes. Either way I'll need some sort of baffle so I can keep the biowheel running until the sponge filters are cycled.
Half a water bottle works magic.

Yup, finished up about an hour ago. I used a Gatorade bottle because the plastic is thicker. That and some clear tape to the plastic cover............ :good:

Because of the biowheel it's a bit different to not interfere with that spinning wheel:


Suicidal Betta? Good luck with him. :crazy:

What type of filter are you changing to? The reason I ask is because my Penguin 100 biowheel has too much current for the 10 gallon after I put the divider in. You might be "betta" off using an internal type or just keep the sponge filter running as is.

I already have a weak internal filter which I am currently using in the fry tank which Louis will have (I say weak, but I mean the current isn't strong at all...I had it with Oscar for a while and had no problems) but for my birthday I am getting a new HOB filter, so all of the filters will be switched round to suit everybody! :)
Hey Lovelies!!!

Funny the difference a year makes.. You know how in Obammer Land we turned the clocks back last night (except for Arizonner).. Well last year on roll the clocks back day it was quite the scene..

I was at a wedding.. I drank two bottles of wine by myself and a lot of beers.. Had a blast at the wedding.. around four am when I started puking, not so much.. We were in Half Moon Bay south of San Fran.. Due to my ingenuity and long term planning I was able to make a lil tick mark as to cool thangs I was able to do whilst in Cali.. Haight Skreet.. Mmmmmmm.. namely walk through the redwoods with the red woods... NOAM SAYEN??
Hey Lovelies!!!!

Fried up an andooey sausage for breffus, had that and sticky rib tips..

Gots to bring in some pellets for the stove, fall is in fullo effect this weekend.. Then it's off tot the home depot for returns.. bought too much stuff for a project that I was working on.. I bought a camouflage tarp that I dint really need, the wife is making me bring that back too..
HAMBONE - Do you eat anything other than meat?! :lol:
Hambone is a carnivore........aren't we all? :hyper:

Well Zach's team lost in the first round of the playoffs but we went out to eat at the Texas Roadhouse with some parents & kids after the game. Had me a 16 oz. NY Strip, steak fries with brown gravy, smothered green beans & mozzarella cheese sticks with sauce for an appetizer! Good times..........
Well Zach's team lost in the first round of the playoffs but we went out to eat at the Texas Roadhouse with some parents & kids after the game. Had me a 16 oz. NY Strip, steak fries with brown gravy, smothered green beans & mozzarella cheese sticks with sauce for an appetizer! Good times..........
I love this restaurant! I've only eaten there twice, because it's in Tennessee and we go there when we go on our yearly skiing trip, but it's amazing! Love their steaks!
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