Search results

  1. Navarre

    New Baby, Blue Hippo Tang

    Yep completely normal. If they can find a good cave or crevace then they will hide inthis. They also play dead if they are starled etc.
  2. Navarre

    Green Brittle Star?

    I have seen too many posts where a green star has traped and killed a fish. I would never have one.
  3. Navarre

    New Baby, Blue Hippo Tang

    Regals tangs are one of the fastest growing tangs i have ever witnessed. A year from now its going to be 3 or 4 times this size. It will be ok for now bt that new tank needs to be onthe drawing board lol
  4. Navarre

    45 Gallon Reef Diary From Setup To...?

    Safe journey. Hope everything stays safe and well for your return.
  5. Navarre

    My Anenome Is Killing All My Fish!

    Sounds like a condy anenome to me. They are renowned fish killers and are not natural hosts for clowns. The clown may have gone in thinking he was safe and didnt live to regret it. :unsure:
  6. Navarre

    Urgent, Sick Fish?

    Im pretty sure its not whitespot but the more lethal oodinium. I beleive that whitespot doesnt formon the eyes of fish whereas oodinium will. Remove the fish, give it a freshwater bath and put in isolation. treat it with copper if needed, raise the temprature on the main tank and run ozone...
  7. Navarre

    Long Time No See!

    WOW sun!!!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: Its great to see you back again! You still got your fish or had a break from keeping them? My my it seems so long agao since we spoke last. Good to see you back with us! :good:
  8. Navarre

    How Mnay Fish An I Get In A 75 Us Gal

    This is a mimic tang An adult A Yellow eye bristletooth And a watanabei angel. Now these angels are oneof hte larger dwarf angels but there are similar deep water angels that are 100% reef safe and just as gorgeous.
  9. Navarre

    How Mnay Fish An I Get In A 75 Us Gal

    I know its not blue but why not try a mimic tang or a bristletooth? both are striking and vey active fish. A coral beauty is a stunner of course and even some of the deeper water angels give real nice blue colours off
  10. Navarre

    Any Ideas?

    Yeah their lifespan is short.. between 6- 12 months so even if there is plenty of food its only a short term arrangement unless i can get it to lay eggs :rolleyes:
  11. Navarre

    45 Gallon Reef Diary From Setup To...?

    I love purple firefish, hope it settles in well
  12. Navarre

    Marine Reef Pictures

    yep, a nice loking tank you have there :good:
  13. Navarre

    How Mnay Fish An I Get In A 75 Us Gal

    Ok i had reservations this would end up going steadily downhill. I didnt enter the tang debate for this very reason. I have just got rid of my 220 UK gallon system that was kept purely for tangs. I have owned many tangs, from achilles to emperors, sohals to bristletooths and only 1 tang IME...
  14. Navarre

    Any Ideas?

    yep i do and im already losing sleep over it even though they are fairly well covered
  15. Navarre

    Any Ideas?

    Ok ok well done boys and girls.. Go to the top of the class! :good: I made the photo to see if any of you were on the ball with IDing things and you got it right on the button. I got it 3 days ago for some hair algae in the wifes tank. At the moment its doing a fantastic job. They dont...
  16. Navarre

    Any Ideas?

    can anyone give me an ID on this? The green thing in the center of the picture.
  17. Navarre

    How Mnay Fish An I Get In A 75 Us Gal

    I agree, I have just downgraded my 220 UK gallon system and about to build a 75 gallon Uk system (which is larger than a 75 US gallon). I have got rid of all my tangs as i simply wont stock them in a tank this small. 100 UK minimum for most tangs... maybe a bristletooth might get into a 75...
  18. Navarre

    Peppermint Shrimp Turned Out To Be A Camel

    Horrid little critters. I have seen the damage they can do. The lfs should be ashamed of itself for selling these shrimp under the guise of Peppermints.
  19. Navarre

    Shy Coral Beauty

    Give it time.. the more liverock for it to feel happy to hide in the bolder it wil become.
  20. Navarre

    What Would Kill A Dwarf Zebra Hermit?

    All of the above and of course... Other hermits :blush:
  21. Navarre

    Would Two Of These Work For My Tank?

    Keep well away from Halogen lights. They look a cheap and powerful alternative. However as Ski mentioned, they are completely the wrong light spectrum. :unsure:
  22. Navarre

    Splendid Wrasse And Clarkii Clown

    Ski, mine started out as red and changed colour as it grew so your might do the same.. i actually think its turned male as the males tend to be greener and the females are red. They are very picky eaters so i urge anyone who wants one to be sure they are feeding before they leave your lfs. I...
  23. Navarre

    Cracked Snail Shell!

    It may heal in time.. as long as a shrimp doesnt spot the weakness and try to eat it fromthe inside out :sick:
  24. Navarre

    Help Why Are They Dead

    Ok seems a little more puzzling... lets dig deeper then. You say water perameteres are good but what exactly are they? PH, Nitrite, Nitrate, Ammonia, Temperature and any other water permaters you can test for. Lets also look at what isin the tank.. What livestock do you have? Do you hear...
  25. Navarre

    Cracked Snail Shell!

    Is the shells badly damaged or is is a small hole? as menioned it might be a secretion to fix itself but i would pay very close attention to it.
  26. Navarre

    Help Why Are They Dead

    Has the tank ever been treated with copper? Many medications have copper in them and its deadly to inverts. Have you used normal tap waster for water changes? This may have copper or other chemicals in it. Only use RO water for a marine system as it is free from toxins and impurities. How...
  27. Navarre

    What Would Kill A Dwarf Zebra Hermit?

    Glad to see there was a happy ending! :good:
  28. Navarre

    44g Cube Addition - Build Thread

    Yep Ski got there before me but he is right. Ven the same pumps never match each others output exactly.. over a period of time one would out pump the other and you would end up with problems somewhere along the line. What i suggest is that you place the refugium higher than the sump and run...
  29. Navarre

    Id Please

    Ok now im 99% sure its a majano. i only need to be 98% sure to act on it and kill it so i urge you to do the same. if it maoves that fast and its left one behind then imsure you have a majano
  30. Navarre

    Scooter Blenny's And Algae Blennys

    I would prefer to see mysis over brine shrimp. Brine shrimp has almost no nutritional value at all and fish fed soley onthis are still capable of starving to death. If you must use brine shrimp then use ones that have been enfanced with additional protien etc.
  31. Navarre

    Med Safe?

    Nope it will kill all inverts. Once you have used this medication you will never be able to put inverts back into the tank as it contains copper which is deadly. The copper will leech into the silicon and sadn etc thus making it impossible to rehouse inverts backinto the tank without...
  32. Navarre

    Id Please

    95% sure that the first is a majano... If it is then take this advice... Take a ship and nuke it from orbit... its the only way to be sure :angry: Seriously though, if its a majano you need it out ASAP before it wipes out every coral you have i nyour system. I have just stripped my 220...
  33. Navarre

    Stupid Coral Question

    Thanks,I couldnt have explained it any better myself :good:
  34. Navarre

    Risky Stocking Options For Your Marine And Nano Tanks

    I agree with SH. Anenomes are notbeginners fish. Not only forthe reasons given above (which are enough IMO) but many beginners buy them simply to house clowns which is simply wrong. Clowns will host in far easier things such as sarcophytons. Also the poor survival rates means that they are...
  35. Navarre

    What Would Kill A Dwarf Zebra Hermit?

    agreed, its probably a molt. If the shell has gone then he is in hiding. If the shell was visible then i would say that your most likely candidates would be the blue leg hermits
  36. Navarre

    Saltwater Tank

    No, no a skimmer wont increase nitrates, in fact it wil help remove nutrient before they can be used in the nitrogen cycle. The comment... You say "filter" I Assume you mean a mechanical filter. A skimmer is not a filter.
  37. Navarre

    Trouble In My Tank

    Your nutrient readings are high. How much liverock do you have in the system? Also is there any mechanical filtration? Because your nutrients are so high i am trying to find outif you are feeding to high or whether there is mechanical filtration dumping high nutrients into the system. Or...
  38. Navarre

    Scooter Blenny's And Algae Blennys

    err no.. brineshrimp is not algae. I would ask to see an algae blenny eating brineshrimp as this seems very very unusual to me. The scooter blenny might well eat them though. i would askto see that also though, nothing worse than having a fish that you cannot get to feed.
  39. Navarre

    Can't Figure Out Chemicals

    Yep thats right, 1lbs per gallon minimum. It sounds alot and the cost seems alot but its the best you can have for your tank. As for prawns.. just go to your local supermarket and buy a bag of prawns.. the kind you have for a meal.. like prawn coctails or something similar.
  40. Navarre

    Am I Doing Anything Wrong?

    Yeah i would go with that ID. I looked it up in my Aquarium corals bible and they are remarkably similar. Caring for them is almost identical to the dendro. These corals dont need light to survies as they usualy hang upsidedown in deeper water under reef shelves. They are strictly plankton...