Scooter Blenny's And Algae Blennys

I dont think there wold be an issue. Scooter blennies are carnivores whilst Algae blennies are herbivores.
Colouration might be an issue but idont think there would be a problem.

be aware however about these fish. Algae blennies only eat algae.. they very very rarely take any other form of food so unless you have a real algae problemin your system they will starve to death.
Scooter blennies have the same feeding requirements as mandariins and these fish usually feed exclusively on pods. Unless you have huge quantities of liverock to harbour a pod colonoy then i would recomend you see the fish feeding from your lfs before purchasing.
I asked the LFS man what they feed them and they said they said they feed spirulina brine shrimp. Does that count as algae?
err no.. brineshrimp is not algae.
I would ask to see an algae blenny eating brineshrimp as this seems very very unusual to me.

The scooter blenny might well eat them though. i would askto see that also though, nothing worse than having a fish that you cannot get to feed.
But its Spirulina Brine Shrimp that has Blue-Green algae mixed in with it. Yeah but i'll ask the LFS man again to see if they eat anything else.
My scooter bleeny eat frozen brine shrimp and haddock. I make brine shrimp once a week. I throw them in there in the week-end.
Does constant pecking at the L.R and Sand count as feeding? Hes been doing this often and i wonder if hes even eating. He scoots from one place to another and just pecks. It seems like hes eating though.
Does constant pecking at the L.R and Sand count as feeding? Hes been doing this often and i wonder if hes even eating. He scoots from one place to another and just pecks. It seems like hes eating though.

Its a hunting behavior for sure... Whether there is enough food for him to sustain himself is another matter. So long as his belly looks plump he's fine. When he starts getting sunken around the midsection... He's hungry ;)
Thanks Ski! I'll take pictures and ask you guys wether or not he doesnt look healthy or not...

Here are some I took of him the day he came in...

I took another glance at the pictures and he does look skinny :sad: I better start on that coepod sanctuary soon :X

What are you guys' take?

Well he does not look plump even though the shot is focused on the rocks rather than the fish. Stupid autofocus :lol:. Do you ever see him eating frozen at mealtime?
Try to feed him frozen brine shrimp for a couple of days. It should take care of that. You can see the bones on is back.
I would prefer to see mysis over brine shrimp. Brine shrimp has almost no nutritional value at all and fish fed soley onthis are still capable of starving to death. If you must use brine shrimp then use ones that have been enfanced with additional protien etc.
Alrighty, lol sorry for the focusing on rocks. I'm not sure how to turn it off auto focus. Anywho, i have mysis but the thing is im not really sure if he eats it. He doesnt chase it like the others, he just stands around waiting for food to come to him. I'm pretty sure when I get my coepod sanctuary all set up he'll be happy =) but for now i'll just keep using myisis.

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