Any Ideas?


Marine Moderator
Jun 11, 2004
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can anyone give me an ID on this?

The green thing in the center of the picture.
It looks very similar to my lettuce nud. And I know mine can stay in one spot for several hours.
Ok ok well done boys and girls.. Go to the top of the class! :good:

I made the photo to see if any of you were on the ball with IDing things and you got it right on the button.

I got it 3 days ago for some hair algae in the wifes tank. At the moment its doing a fantastic job.

They dont live long but they are cheap if you can get them and mow through the algae likes its not there!
lol, nice nav :D. although you prolly allready know, cover those powerhead inlets with foam, cause they make mincemeat out of soft bodied inverts like these ;)
yep i do and im already losing sleep over it even though they are fairly well covered
Testing us out huh? :hey: We sure have alot of knowledge in the marine pages now, a bit different to when SW wasn't so popular here. The nano section really picked things up for "the dark" pages. :good:

Do those Nudi's die off quickly because they exhaust there supply of HA, or is it a genetically determined short life span?
Testing us out huh? :hey: We sure have alot of knowledge in the marine pages now, a bit different to when SW wasn't so popular here. The nano section really picked things up for "the dark" pages. :good:

Do those Nudi's die off quickly because they exhaust there supply of HA, or is it a genetically determined short life span?

Short life span and suceptibility to powerheads or other dangers to soft-bodied inverts.
Yeah their lifespan is short.. between 6- 12 months so even if there is plenty of food its only a short term arrangement unless i can get it to lay eggs :rolleyes:

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