Help Why Are They Dead


New Member
Feb 7, 2007
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hi all new here
have a 20g nano all water parameters good had them checked out at lfs
but my hermits snails and cleaner shrimp are all dead within 2 weeks of having them
ive been told my water may be too clean as i have been doing 5gal water change every week
i do not have any preditory fish so im lost as too what is happnen
any help would be fine please my setup has been running for 8 weeks now fish are fine and thriving
i also have coral algea growing now purple and fed is this ok

Has the tank ever been treated with copper? Many medications have copper in them and its deadly to inverts.

Have you used normal tap waster for water changes? This may have copper or other chemicals in it. Only use RO water for a marine system as it is free from toxins and impurities.

How old is the tank and what type of filtration do you have?

How long do you take to acclimatise them, inverts are delicate during this time so i always suggest thelongest possible acclimatisation time. some willtakeit up to 5 or 6 hours beore introduction
hi thanks for taking the time to reply
i have not used any medication at all so no copper my water i buy from the lfs salt water wich is from ro water
my setup is only 8 weeks old
the filtration is via live rock and mechanicle filtration built in the back of the tank
also i have a powerhead for extra water movement
alltogether i have 20x tank volume water movement
as too aclimatising roughly around 2 hours
Ok seems a little more puzzling... lets dig deeper then.

You say water perameteres are good but what exactly are they?

PH, Nitrite, Nitrate, Ammonia, Temperature and any other water permaters you can test for.

Lets also look at what isin the tank.. What livestock do you have? Do you hear clicking in the tank expecially when the lights go on or off? If so then perhaps you haved a stray mantis shrimp thats preying on your inverts.
my water was tested at my lfs they didnt tell me ecxactly the readings but just said they are fine
i have done a test my self for amonia nitrate ph and nitrite
and are good
i cut down on my water changes and things are looking better now
x2 clowns
x2 scooter blennies
x2 nano gobie
x1 blue cheek goby
x1 royal gramma

just purchased 3 turbo snails so hopefully things should be ok i hope i will keep posted as too the snails progress
also i have noticed some thin brown thread like worms being dragged into my live rock by a thread looks like someone fishing in there as i can see the line dragging the worms into the rock
any ideas lol
I'm new to this too so excuse me if I sound stupid, but what is a nano goby? Do you mean a neon goby? I thought you could not mix large gobies with small ones.........maybe the blue cheek has eaten your shrimps?

If all your fish are healthy then it does sound like there may be something toxic to invertebrates in there. My LFS will add things to the salted RO if you ask them, maybe there was copper in there somewhere? You do need to test your own water regularly, what is your nitrate reading as invertebrates are even more intolerant to this than the fish you have? If your set up is only 8 weeks old then maybe you stocked it too fast also?
I'm new to this too so excuse me if I sound stupid, but what is a nano goby? Do you mean a neon goby? I thought you could not mix large gobies with small ones.........maybe the blue cheek has eaten your shrimps?

If all your fish are healthy then it does sound like there may be something toxic to invertebrates in there. My LFS will add things to the salted RO if you ask them, maybe there was copper in there somewhere? You do need to test your own water regularly, what is your nitrate reading as invertebrates are even more intolerant to this than the fish you have? If your set up is only 8 weeks old then maybe you stocked it too fast also?

hi brittlestar
howz u
the nano gobie is a very small red and silver fish it looks very same as a yellow rock gobie i got them from my lfs and that is the name they give
my blue cheek gobie is also small juveniel so could not have eaten shrimp
my nitrite readings are 0 as is my amonia
my gobies seem to get on wel with each other so no probs there

also i forgot to mension i had a metal star polyp but that died too so i am going to wait a while untill i try soft corals again
tube worms on my live rock are ok though
x2 clowns
x2 scooter blennies
x2 nano gobie
x1 blue cheek goby
x1 royal gramma

just purchased 3 turbo snails so hopefully things should be ok i hope i will keep posted as too the snails progress
also i have noticed some thin brown thread like worms being dragged into my live rock by a thread looks like someone fishing in there as i can see the line dragging the worms into the rock
any ideas lol

i'd say you were overstocked... you added all this in just 8 weeks!?!?!

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