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    New To The Site (not New To Fish Keeping)

    I never got the email. And I've been waiting...
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    New To The Site (not New To Fish Keeping)

    thanks everyone! How do I reply on the other forums? It says : The error returned was: Sorry, you do not have permission to start a topic in this forum
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    New To The Site (not New To Fish Keeping)

    sorry no pictures right now! I might be able to show some soon though.
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    I hava a south americn amazon tank (40 gallons) With 1 silver hatchetfish, 1 red-clawed crab, 1 Jack Dempsey Cichlid, 1 African Cichlid (I need to get that african fish our of my south american aquarium!) and 1 Bumblebee catfish. Right now its quite empty, but I'm going to get more fish soon...
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    Poorly Fish

    i'm sorry about your fish :( I don't know what is wrong with it.
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    Hiiii =)

    hi! How many fish do you have? and what kinds?
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    Hello, Emma Here

    awww those are cute guineapigs! :D
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    Hello Everyone!

    HI! Welcome to the forums!
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    Whats Going On

    I havent got the email either...
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    New Mh

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    My Custom Tank Arrived

    wow thats huge! I hope you enjoy it!
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    Can't Wait

    welcome tothe TTFs!
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    welcome to the forums! Do you have an aquarium?
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    Welcome to the Tropical Fish Forums! I hope you find everything ok
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    Hello All

    You have a cleaner shrimp?!?! I want one soo badly. Is its name Jacques? like the one from Finding Nemo?
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    Hi There

    welcome to the forum. This really is a great forum. Its so friendly! You can find anything about fish keeping here!
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    Hi! Welcome to the forums!
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    hi its nice to meet you. Do you have fish? If so what kinds?
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    Hi I like fish (DUH!) Anyways welcome to TTF!
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    i'm so sorry. I don't know what type of desease or whatever that is, just don't overfeed your fish. Maybe once or twice, no more than 3 times a day. you could have over fed it.
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    wow where are you from?
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    welcome to the TTF!
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    welcome to the TTF! I'm not new to fish keeping, but I recently made an amazon aquarium withome cichlids and a bumblebee catfish.
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    Old Newbie

    do you have any fish yet? If so, what kinds?
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    Please Read

    Do you like dolphins and whales?
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    New Fish Keeper

    HI Nikki! Welcome to the forum! B) I'm new to the site. But I'm not new to fish keeping!
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    New New New

    I think a bigger tank is a good idea. The bigger the better B)
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    New To Fiddler Crabs

    Don't buy fiddler crabs if you are not prepared! I was new to crabs. I did not have salt, so it died after a week! fiddler crabs are not freshwater crabs. They will not survive in freshwater for very long. They come from brackish and saltwater. So if you are thinking of buying some of them, be...
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    Another Newby

    hi i'm a newby too. Your tank may be cloudy if: •Your tank is too small •You don't have a filter •There is decaying matter in it •There is leftover food in the tank And here are some solutions to your problem: •Buy a snail/shrimp/crab to eat leftovers, algae, and decaying matter...