Poorly Fish



Hi guys, i have been keeping tropical fish for only about 1 month now! it had all been relativly problem free.
However after curing a case of ich in the tank, i have noticed that my female fighter is showing different symptons to the rest of the fish (some fish had white spots) she seems to distance herself from all the other fish in the tank, is hardly ever active, And the main cosmetic thing is, Imagine her tail fin was like a new paint brush soft and brissling out. Now imagine the brush once its used looking all claggy and stuck together and about half the size it started out. Thats how she looks. I have no idea what is wrong with her, And i have now noticed other fish getting ich again! Is she ill? is she infecting the other fish? Can any one help me? Many thanks

Just incase it helps,
Tank is a 96 litre tank
Between 25 to 27 temprature wise.
5 part filter, 2 green sponges, 2 blue sponges, and one white fine filter,
Feeding on normal flakes & Pellets

Other fish in the tank.
male fighter
and a red tail shark
Hi Legend. :)

Move the betta to her own tank, a gallon or so will do. Lower the water level and keep it warm. Using some aquarium salt will help - not human salt, it can be deadly for fish.

Keep her warm (78-82 degrees fahrenheit) and in a stress free place.

Just noticed, you're not validated yet. You need to go to your email account, the one you used to sign up with. There will be an email there from fishforums.net, open it and click the link. You will be able to post in the main forum then.

Yikes - just noticed that you have a male fighter in the tank too! Male and female fighters CAN NOT BE KEPT TOGETHER. They will kill each other eventually - separate them to prevent eventual death.

That's probably what has the female stressed out.

Once you have validated, post this again in the Betta section and you will get more help. :) (Bettas are another name for 'fighters')
Can I also add that the guppy and male fighter will need to be seperated too.

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