Hello All


New Member
Jul 24, 2006
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hello all,

Im a fairly new aquarium owner, going on about 6-7 months now. (55 gallon marine tank, 75lbs LiveRock, 2 clowns, 3 green chromis, cleaner shrimp, 2 banggai cardinals, 2 neon gobies, scooter blenny). Still going through an irritating algae phase. hope thats over soon to start adding some corals. recently had a bad incident where i went out of town, had the brother feed the fish. he accidentally unplugs the protein skimmer which goes unnoticed until my return (5 days gone, been back a week). since then ive lost a goby, a cardinal and the scooter blenny. :/
:hi: to tff, its always a worry when you go away, its a shame about the fish you lost, i have fresh water tanks, and left mum in charge, i lost a guppy but it was ill anyway,next week im looking after a large salt tank my friends got, its had loads spent on it, i hope nothing goes wrong. enjoy the forum all the best donna :)
You have a cleaner shrimp?!?! I want one soo badly. Is its name Jacques? like the one from Finding Nemo?

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