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Jul 9, 2006
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Hey all, i'm new to fish forums but i have had a tetra tank in the past. Times have changed, i need some ideas on some good starting fish to go into a 29 US Gallon tank. Also an idea of planted versus fake plants. my last tank didn't really last long, but i really want to make a tank last a long time. Im in the Air Force so money isn't really a question. any idea will be very helpful, for example undergravel filter or a regular filter. anything will do, thanks in advance for all the help.
Hey all, i'm new to fish forums but i have had a tetra tank in the past. Times have changed, i need some ideas on some good starting fish to go into a 29 US Gallon tank. Also an idea of planted versus fake plants. my last tank didn't really last long, but i really want to make a tank last a long time. Im in the Air Force so money isn't really a question. any idea will be very helpful, for example undergravel filter or a regular filter. anything will do, thanks in advance for all the help.

You have come to the right place. Try posting a similar question in the Beginner section.

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