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  1. Myuu

    Does Anyone Else Break Glass Diffusers?

    I just broke my second glass diffuser. =___= I broke the first one removing the tubing so I could clean it, then I got a different style of diffuser so that wouldn't happen. So I was cleaning it and replacing the yeast mixture and I suction'd the diffuser to the side of my counter and just...
  2. Myuu

    Do Amano Shrimp Really Poop This Much?

    I can just sit and watch my amano shrimp poop, it never stops. I changed the water yesterday, as well as vacuum up all the poop left from the shrimp. I came home from school and it looked like I never even cleaned up the poop. Might it be because I have a ton of algae in my tank? I mean, the...
  3. Myuu

    30 Gallon Cold Water Options?

    You could probably get away with one fancy goldfish and a small shoal of dojo loaches, depending on your filter.
  4. Myuu

    Fish Keeping Quiz

    So, I get to make a question now, right? What are the physical differences between a ranchu goldfish and a lionhead goldfish? :3
  5. Myuu

    Fish Keeping Quiz

    If I'm correct in thinking that 'mystery snail' is another name for an apple snail (and I think ii is >>) they are sexually dimorphic and must find a member of the opposite sex. The female then lays the eggs above the water line, then they hatch, etc..
  6. Myuu

    Tank Is Shocking Me

    I just did a water change just a bit a go and went to grab a plant that came out of the sand, and whenever I touch the surface of the water I get a small shock. Mt thermometer is reading 78 degrees, but it's usually at 80. And the glass canopy is steaming up, it's never done that before. I hope...
  7. Myuu

    Sponge Filter

    Yeah Amerce, that's the filter I have. And it's air powered, btw I guess I could just fill up the tank all the way, does it matter that much for the fry? ~___~
  8. Myuu

    Sponge Filter

    Well, I bought a sponge filter about a week ago, and put it in one of my tanks so I could use it for a fry tank, as I just bought a pair of rams two weeks ago. They have spawned twice, and both times the eggs were devoured by my kuhli loaches. The filter is an ATI hydro-sponge 1 filter and I was...
  9. Myuu

    Tank Temp And Eggs

    Whew, that's good.. ^____^ I just hope nothing goes wrong with the temporary heaters >>
  10. Myuu

    Tank Temp And Eggs

    My brand new german blue rams have already spawned just last night, and I was so happy to find that the eggs made it through the night.... Then I looked at my thermometer. I think the heater broke yesterday and the tank temp went down to 70 F. Will the eggs survive? I could only pull heaters out...
  11. Myuu

    Glass Co2 Diffuser

    Kay, I'll try that. Thanks for the help! ;3
  12. Myuu

    Glass Co2 Diffuser it says it's compatble with DIY systems :/ Maybe I should remake the mixture. and I used 2 cups of suagar, 1 teaspoon of yeast, 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, and I filled the bottle up to 2/3. Also, When I first set it up, the tubing...
  13. Myuu

    Glass Co2 Diffuser

    I just ordered a glass co2 diffuser from ebay and I'm not sure if it's working or not. I'm using a DIY set up and it's been over 12 hours and I don't see any bubbles coming out of it, and I'm know it's making co2. Due to some circumstances, I had to take the cap of of the bottle after I had set...
  14. Myuu

    Omg, I Feel So Bad!

    Oh, that's good. I bet if the siphon had hit her at any other angle she would have gotten her fins ripped pretty good. And she's not acting skittish or anything so it must not have phased her too much ~___~
  15. Myuu

    Omg, I Feel So Bad!

    I was siphoning some poop out of my 20 gallon (amano shrimp poop a lot) and I had just gotten a pair of german blue rams yesterday, and they're not shy at all. They were following my hand around in the tank and I had taken large tube end off of the siphon and was just using the tubing (for...
  16. Myuu


    I got the new test today and it came out as 5.0 ppm, the other test was obviously old. x3 And the test thing came with a new test tube, and while doing the first test with it I managed to knock the tube off the table and break it. New record XDDD (I've broken two from my master kit)
  17. Myuu


    Oh, sweet. And Im checking my nitrates every day, it's always around 20 for some reason. My nitrate test might be old, though :/ I need to get a new new one. Thanks for the help! ;3
  18. Myuu


    I bet you all get tired of stocking questions by now, lol. So I was wondering about my stocking, and the plans that I have for it. My tank is a 20 gallon long with a Aquaclear30 filter (150 GPH) and is going to be planted very soon. Right now, the stocking is: 3 cherry barbs (1 male, 2 females)...
  19. Myuu

    My Filter's Making Weird Sounds :/

    It's a Penguin 350. I haven't taken out the media since it started running, which was probably around 3 months ago. In fact, I think it's been making that airy noise since I started it. I always thought that it made that sound because it was new and it would go away. I'll try reassembling it...
  20. Myuu

    My Filter's Making Weird Sounds :/

    My filter is making a noise that seems like there's air trapped in the intake tube. It's been making this noise for a while, but the other night after I did a water change it started making this horrid high pitched mechanical noise. I turned it off and took the filter apart to check the impeller...
  21. Myuu

    I Don't Think I've Ever Been So Happy To See My Fish Get Sick

    I think you misunderstand, the fish with ich is in quarantine all by itself. The older fish is fine.
  22. Myuu

    I Don't Think I've Ever Been So Happy To See My Fish Get Sick

    So my goldfish tank got wiped out recently by a new fish that had ich, so I decided to set a quaratine tank so that wouldn't happen again. So After the ich incident I got some more goldfish. The first fish I put in the old tank, now wiped clean of ich, and is totally fine. I've had him for a...
  23. Myuu

    I Need Some Help D:

    Wow, I didn't think I'd get so much help x3 Thanks a lot. *saves links* And I just had one of my dreams destroyed. I was reading that snakehead article and it said that snakeheads are illegal to keep in 13 states. I had wanted to keep a Channa bleheri (rainbow snakehead) when I get a job so I...
  24. Myuu

    I Need Some Help D:

    Yay~ Thank you! <3
  25. Myuu

    I Need Some Help D:

    Stuff like that is exactly what I'm looking for; destruction of the environment, invasive species, etc. Thanks for the help! ;3
  26. Myuu

    I Need Some Help D:

    I'm doing a pretty big research paper for my composition class and I've having trouble finding some good sources. I decided to do it on how the harvesting of fish and inverts for the aquarium trade effect the environment, and I've been searching for a while and have only found one thing. If...
  27. Myuu

    First Fish

    I can't remember the /absolute/ first fish I got, because that was prolly when I was a little kid. I first started 'serious' fishing keeping like, a 2 1/2 years and got 3 albino cory cats, 6 neon tetras and a honey gourami. I have ne tetra left, lol. I lost my precious honey gourami a couple...
  28. Myuu

    Should Pellets Be Soaked Before Being Fed To The Fishes?

    Most of the time you soak pellets because the pellets will expand in the stomach. I have fancy goldfish, and if I don't soak the pellets they might become constipated and end up having swim bladder problems
  29. Myuu

    Ich In Coldwater

    The thing is, at first, I only saw the white spots on the gill covers, and only on one fish. The other goldfish was mostly white, and I guess just didn't see them, or something. And I know nothing of breeding goldfish, and didn't know that they breed in warmer water. :/ Thanks for the help...
  30. Myuu

    Ich In Coldwater

    Kay, the tank is a bow front, so I had to improvise. I separated the tank into two different volumes; the rectangular part and the bow. I turned the bow into a triangle, since I don't know how to find the volume is a semicircle shape, so it might be a little off. I either did the math wrong, or...
  31. Myuu

    Ich In Coldwater

    Well, I guess I caught the ich too late and has killed two of fish already, and the third isn't looking too good :/ Gah, this is the worst ich I've ever had to deal with, and I'm one fish away from it wiping out my entire tank ;___;
  32. Myuu

    Ich In Coldwater

    Well, the tank stays at about 74F, which I think is around 23C. It's not so much 'cold' water, it's 'room temp' water.
  33. Myuu

    Ich In Coldwater

    I came home from staying at my dad's house on sunday, I go to say 'Hi' to my goldfish, and they're covered in ich. It was already past 7 so the petstores were closed, so I went down to the grocery store to get some non-iodized salt and dosed the take one tablespoon for every five gallons. On...
  34. Myuu

    Orange Fish?

    Ember Tetras are orange, though they might be hard to find. Serpea Tetras, they can be really bad fin nippers and need to be kept in fairly large groups. Male cherry barbs a bright red, and females and kind of orange-ish looking. There's also goldfish, but you prolly don't want a goldie tank...
  35. Myuu

    Can't Decide: Tropical Vs. Coldwater

    Hmmm, Coldwater. Large, brightly colored goldfish look absolutely stunning, plus I heard dojo loaches are really fun to watch. :3
  36. Myuu

    How Do You Say It?

    Al-Jee >_____> I've only heard like, one of my teachers at school pronounce it the other way, and sometimes people on TV. I can't help that I live the US D:
  37. Myuu

    Aahhh.. Dropsy :/

    I was just feeding my fish, and my tank is bascially covered in algea and I'm too lazy to clean it off, so I don't have a great view of my fish currently, and my old-man honey gourami swims up to the surface to grab a bite... and he's bloated, and his scales are pineconing. Gawd, it made my...
  38. Myuu

    Goldfish Tankmates

    Ah, thank you. Now I definitely can't wait to get the new tank. Another goldie AND some super-cute loaches. And I was going to try to get the biggest filter I can afford, but canister filters are pretty expensive. I WANT one, though, lol. Thanks for the help! ;3
  39. Myuu

    Clean Way Of Feedomg Bloodworm

    I buy bloodworms that come in sheets, I guess you would call them. All I do set the small bag of bloodworms sit out for a couple minutes and the ice is soft enough that I can break of a piece using a butter knife. I can feed as much or as little as I feel like ;3
  40. Myuu

    Goldfish Tankmates

    This weekend my older sister will be giving me her 46 gallon aquarium and as soon as I clone a filter, I will be moving my two goldfish into said tank, as well as getting /one/ more fancy (I hope only one, they're so cute >___>) and I was wondering if I might have room for some dojo loaches...