Orange Fish?

Red honey gourami? Coral red pencil fish? There aren't many just red fish.

Did your user name come from LOTR?

EDIT: Harlequin rasboras!
Ember Tetras are orange, though they might be hard to find. Serpea Tetras, they can be really bad fin nippers and need to be kept in fairly large groups. Male cherry barbs a bright red, and females and kind of orange-ish looking. There's also goldfish, but you prolly don't want a goldie tank...
Red honey gourami? Coral red pencil fish? There aren't many just red fish.

Did your user name come from LOTR?

EDIT: Harlequin rasboras!
lotr all the way!
i use it for a lot of onlnie stuff
I've seen creamsicle mollies that were orange, though most of the time they're yellow. Plenty of platy and swordtail varieties that are bright red or orange
rosy barbs. they can be a bit too boisterous for some fish though.
Not sure what sort of tank size, water params, availability, price range, etc you're looking for but:

Rasbora / related
- Rasbora kalochroma : Clown Rasbora
- Trigonostigma hengeli : Smaller and more colorful than Harlequin rasboras
- Trigonostigma espei : Even smaller than abvoe
- Boraras maculatus : Nice pic here Very small!

- Hemigrammus erythrozonus - glowlight tetra
- Paracheirodon axelrodi - Cardinal tetra
- Hemigrammus rhodostomus - Rummy nosed tetra

- Danio choprae - Glowlight danio
- Celestichthys margaritatus - Celestial Pearl Danio (I don't recommend these, they're endangered b/c of the aquarium trade)

Also avoid: Puntius denisonii (Redlined torpedo barb) unless you know it's captive bred. Very expensive anyway.

Some other fish:
- A few species of Apistogramma including: (these are SA dwarf cichlids)
A. cacatuoides
A. mcmasteri
A. agassizii

There is also the "orange laser" var. of Corydoras.

There may also be some species of killifish that would be acceptable in a community tank, but I'm not an expert on those. Also, there should be some rainbow fish that could work (but rainbows require larger tanks)

*Edited to add fish and reorganize my messy post
serpae tetras, red honry gourami, koi swordtails have orange on them, male dwarf gourami have orange on them
Since the OP specifically stated they did NOT want livebearers...I think it should be pointed out that Mollies, Platies, and Swordtails ARE livebearers.

It would be helpful to know how much orange/red the OP wanted, because while there aren't a lot of species that are predominately red/orange, I can think of a few more that do have orange/red markings.

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