There is no such thing as a small sized goldfish. Basic fact. Fancies are smaller than comets and shubunkins in length yes, but they make up for it in body size/girth.
You cannot keep two of any sort of goldfish in a 30 gallon at all. It's tempting to buy two, as in the fish stores they are only very young and 2-3 inches, and will look like they have plenty of room in a 30 gallon at first. But they soon grow into a fish the size of a tennis ball, often even bigger than that and a 30 gallon is barely big enough for even one fancy goldfish, certainly not a pair.
If you want a pair of goldfish you will need a 55 gallon LONG.
A 30 gallon, cannot support them in the long term, and you DO need to think long term as goldfish can easily live for 30 years when kept correctly. The oldest recorded so far lived to be around 42 years old . It's big fish and a long commitment. If you can't imagine having one for that long then don't get one.
If I were you I'd stick to tropical. If you still want Dojo/weatherloches then aim for mid to low tropical temperatures, they do perfectly fine up to around 25 degrees and a group of at least 4 is best as they are friendly schooling fish and like to be in groups just as Cories do. In those temps you can still keep Danios and most tetras ect.