

Fish Fanatic
May 15, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska, USA
I bet you all get tired of stocking questions by now, lol. So I was wondering about my stocking, and the plans that I have for it. My tank is a 20 gallon long with a Aquaclear30 filter (150 GPH) and is going to be planted very soon. Right now, the stocking is:

3 cherry barbs (1 male, 2 females)
3 ember tetras; the petstore only had three, I had planned to get 6 or more, I will find some more asap)
3 kuhli loaches
and there is a neon and serpea tetra in there temporarily. I will most definitely be moving them.

I was planning on getting probably two more kuhli loaches and completing my school of ember tetras. But the bigger thing I wanted to add was a pair of german blue rams. I found a fish store (that just had fish!) that had tons of fish that I had not seen outside the internet, and I fell in love with the rams. They also had celestial danios (or galaxy rasboras, whatever you want to call them), and they were so cool x3

I'm kind of paranoid about overstocking, and I'm also having trouble with the nitrates in that tank (but my goldfish tank, of all my aquariums, has normal levels of nitrate, go figure) so I need to fix that before I get the rams. So my final planned stocking would be;

3 cherry barb
5 kuhli loaches
6 ember tetras
2 blue rams

Yes? No? Mebbe?
3 cherry barb
5 kuhli loaches
6 ember tetras
2 blue rams

Yes? No? Mebbe?

This stocking is fine, you could actually get away with 3 more cherry barbs as they are only tiny and you have good filtration but as you said, the water must be pristine before you you add the rams, they are fussy and will die if you aren't 101% on top of the nitrates
Oh, sweet. And Im checking my nitrates every day, it's always around 20 for some reason. My nitrate test might be old, though :/ I need to get a new new one. Thanks for the help! ;3
Oh, sweet. And Im checking my nitrates every day, it's always around 20 for some reason. My nitrate test might be old, though :/ I need to get a new new one. Thanks for the help! ;3

Yeah get a new one cos old ones give very false readings
i love stocking Q's gives me ideas

I love stocking Q's cos it gives me the chance to have people use my ideas, whereas I can't cos I don't have the room for more tanks lol
I got the new test today and it came out as 5.0 ppm, the other test was obviously old. x3 And the test thing came with a new test tube, and while doing the first test with it I managed to knock the tube off the table and break it. New record XDDD (I've broken two from my master kit)

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