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    Albino Frogs

    I know its terrible :( Well Thanks for the advice evrybody anyway :)
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    Albino Frogs

    Thanks for the info everybody :) I was just wondering how come the LFS are allowed to sell them in a tank with fish?
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    Albino Frogs

    I currently have a albino frog. I used to have tetra's, platy's & mollie's in the tank also. I have been advised to get rid of it because they eat fish? :unsure: I have had it about 2 months and noticed that 2 of the tetra's went 'missing' but other than that no signs of aggresion or...
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    How Often Do You Feed Your Fish?

    Flake Food Once a Day Veg For A Treat No for starvation days
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    Too Big A Bubble

    I recently bought a ornament that you connect your air pump to that release bubbles XD Instead of small bubbles every now and then i seem to have one big bubble :S Anybody else had this?
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    Gonna Sound Stupid

    Thanks Everybody for your quick replys I didnt want to buy the ornament and then it not work etc. I havent seen the diffrent collour air tubes so will have a look around Thanks Again
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    Gonna Sound Stupid

    I Think This Sounds Really Stupid But Would Rather Ask Than Waste Money. Currently I have a air stone in my tank. I want to buy a ornament that will produce the bubbles instead. Do you just take off the air stone and connect the wire to the ornament? Is there any way to make the wire not...
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    Cleaning The Tank

    If you have sand how often do you have to clean the tank? I have been told twice a week but I would rather your opinions :D Many Thanks
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    Plese Help!

    Ok Thanks Again
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    Plese Help!

    Thanks for all the info guys she feds it aquarian goldfish flake food I have a feeling the fish wont last much longer. It looks worse than in the picture to be honest.
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    Plese Help!

    The tank is 70L and hs been set up for 4 months. The filtration is the elite stingray. The fish won't let me gently hold it so i can't tell you about the swelling. She is swmming fine and isnt un-balenced she has just started to rub up against the castle once or twice and is also trying to...
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    Plese Help!

    When I bought her a month ago she was larger than the rest but grew at a steady pace and suddenly has balloned :S It has also stopped eating today There are 2 other fish in the tank who are fine Yes has been excreting normally and is off a browny/black colour I don't know the water stats my...
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    Plese Help!

    Over the last two weeks my goldfish has gotten huge and when i awoke this morning it luks lyk it is going to burst
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    Stocking Ideas

    Thanks the mesaurements are: 46 width - going across x41length - top to bottom x 38 depth- front to back - in cm I have used the calculator on the forum and it says it is 72 litres
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    Stocking Ideas

    Thanks my c button doesnt work sumtimes :( I don't think it is 32L that was what i was told before on the forum i will post a pic That was when it ws being cycled
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    Who Do You Support ?

    The Mighty Blues and not chester :hyper: CHELSEA !!
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    Stocking Ideas

    I used to have tetras, mollies and platys but they all died :( Now In my Orca Mt50 (38L) I currently have: 3 Platys 1 albino frog Stocking ideas please aquascaping ideas also please I hate the way the tank looks now Thanks
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    My Main Tank From Day One To Now

    Looks loads better now Well Done :good:
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    Rio 300 Angel Tank

    love that tank and agree it needs a background i love the 1st angel 2 :D
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    Pets @ Home In Wrexham

    I live in wrexham and i agree the place is a state. Chrik Morton garden park is the best place locally for fish
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    Quick Sand Question

    Thanks for the advice
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    Quick Sand Question

    Thnaks just wanted 2 check i sorted my tank out last month but im really not happy with it so im gradually getting a little every now and then for how i want it to look. Im going with the beech/sea theme with sand, live plants (luks lyk seaweed) and pebbles anymore ideas would be great Thanks
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    Quick Sand Question

    I no their are loads of threads about sand but just a quick question would the sand in the link below be ok for a tropical tank? Many Thanks
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    What Should I Do?

    jus an update that my last mollie died :( dont know the caus eof death cause all other fish are fine going to get more platys and hope either they are bought pregnant or they get preganant
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    What Should I Do?

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    What Should I Do?

    Thanks all for your help what is the female to male ratio?
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    What Should I Do?

    Thanks but what are the chances she will get pregnant?
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    What Should I Do?

    My LFS wont sell pregnant fish (knowingly) after looking in their tanks for pregnant mollies or platys they dont have any i asked would they order them ina dn they sed no :( I have also tryed other local stores but no luk I currently have 1 female mollie after the other 3 died :( And 4 platys...
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    New Films In 2009

    cnt wait 4 transformers 2 july i think next harry potter also the third film in the ali G / borat series -bruno
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    My Golden Lab Logan

    I'm a fan of choc labs and have one my self but monty is adorable :)
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    My 2 Boxers.

    OMG! Aint them boxers just the biggest posers ever lol they are so cute :)
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    Thanks for your advice every1 my aunty does all the testing as im more into tropical fish and she give them me as a present :S I am using an elite stingray filter and seems to be working fine the water is clear and seems fine On the box for the tank it said up 2 5 fish could be stored in the...
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    I havent got a clue :S
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    Tank is 32L 3'' Each roughly Tank is cycled Fish seem fine otherwise and have had them about 2 months
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    Peppered Cories Warwickshire

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    I currently have 3 lionheads and 2 of them are trying to get up the otherone's backside :S This started wen it was just a couple of times but now it is becoming more often and the 1 fish looks distressed any help?
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    Fish For Offer

    shame im in your area but my tank is complete otherwise i would have had them gutted now :(
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    Bumblebee Gobby

    Thanks for your help everybody :hyper:
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    Bumblebee Gobby

    went to LFS today and noticed they had 1 for £1.99 and was in with clown loaches just wondering if anybody had any info or could shre some light on these fish thanks