Albino Frogs


Fish Fanatic
Aug 26, 2008
Reaction score
Wrexham, Wales
I currently have a albino frog. I used to have tetra's, platy's & mollie's in the tank also.

I have been advised to get rid of it because they eat fish? :unsure: I have had it about 2 months and noticed that 2 of the tetra's went 'missing' but other than that no signs of aggresion or harming the other fish.

I have been told by a fish keeper of 25 years that albino frogs and fish should not be kept together int he same tank although they are kept together in my LFS.

Anybody have any problems or can anybody give me any information?

Many Thanks
Albino frogs are normally African clawed frogs the easiest way to tell is the front legs don't have webbing just slender fingers which resemble claws hence the name. They should not be kept with any fish smaller then them (they grow up to 5-6") or any other tankmates, they should just be species only. 1 frog needs 10 gallons then 5-10 gallons for every additional frog, do not mix ACF's of different sizes as the larger ones will eat the small ones. African dwarf frogs are what you need if you want frogs in your tank.
Not to mention how long this species live for!!

I have a gentleman that brings his two frogs to the shop for two weeks every year when he goes on holiday and has done for the last 15 years. He still has the reciept from when he bought them... 30 years ago!! And they were fully grown even then!

They are a very long lived species that has pretty much no eyesight and a big mouth, therefore... anything that moves is fair game to them! Hence why they shouldnt be kept woth fish.
Thanks for the info everybody :)
I was just wondering how come the LFS are allowed to sell them in a tank with fish?
There are very few regulations on the aquatic industry, hence why bettas can be sold in 500ml cups

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