How Often Do You Feed Your Fish?

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  • Three Times A Day Every Day

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  • Twice A Day Every Day

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  • Once A Day Every Day

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  • Three Times A Day Every Other Day

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  • Twice A Day Every Other Day

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  • Once A Day Every Other Day

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  • Three Times A Day Every Two Days

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  • Twice A Day Every Two Days

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  • Once A Day Every Two Days

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  • Three Times A Day Every Three Days

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  • Twice A Day Every Three Days

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  • Once A Day Every Three Days

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  • Other - Please Post

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Mar 4, 2009
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Just being nosey really. :good: Would be good to get other peoples opinions to see the variations in feeding.

Mine Was:-

Once a day every day

Pellets as staple
Flake as treat
Veg as treat
Frozen as treat


I feed them once a day just find it easier, and frozen once a week as a treat, because I feel they deserve it lol.
I do give them starve days because I know they will have them in the wild.

Bit difficult to choose, as its different for each tank and each set of fish.

Main tank, Usually 3 times a day, sometimes only twice a day, never miss a day. They get pellets, flakes, crisps everyday, every other day, bloodworms, shrimp, prawn, tubiflex and occassionally algae wafers, every three days, veg.

Coldwater tank, flakes and pellets, twice a day, the odd frozen bloodworm, brineshrimp.

Frog/shrimp/snail tank, frozen bloodworm every two days, algae wafers on the days in between.

Breeding tank, 3 x a day at present for the fry, twice a day for the adults.

So I havent actually picked any of the choices, but have given my answer.
twice a day with flakes, cucumber/spinich/lettuce for the plec every few days
pellets/wafer for bottom feeders
frozen twice a week
live once every few weeks
Flake as a main food, with dried foods, veggies, and wafers as treats. They don't like the wafers though. Mainly for my algae eaters. :)

Edited for spelling.
For tank listed in sig:

Other - Once a day everyday with a starve day once a week

Frozen as treat
Live as a treat
Veg as treat

Pellets as staple
Flake as staple
Wafers as staple

Yes - I only use one starve day a week as my fish are all quite small so it wouldn't be good for them to regularly have a starve days. I wouldn't do this with small fish unless there are plenty of plants and such for them to forage in. For my fish it means they spend their starve day routing around in the plants and generally making sure all food is eaten etc. I keep an eye on their growth and weight and everyone seems healthy. :)
Depends which tank.

Betta and ADF tank gets fed twice a day:
Flake for bettta, pellets for ADF, algae wafers for shrimp and snails. Treats every 3 days

Guppys and their fry tank:
Flake fed 6 times a day, algae wafers for snails and shrimp every 2 days. Treats every 3 days
Other - Once a day during the working week. Twice a day at the weekend.

Pellets as staple
Flake as staple
Veg as staple
frozen or live as treat.
Never any one on their own - mix for fishies needs.

Yes. Starve day usually midweek every other week and any day that I rinse out the filter. (reduces bioload a little to prevent spikes) - No tho if I have any "nursing" fish - Mums need dinners!

Good poll.
I use to feed once a day. But I stared a new tank and have a lots of young fish that I feel need more food since they are still growing. I feed pellets, wafers, shrimp pellets, flakes and dry shrimp as a treat. Mostly just pellets I crush up for the little guys.

It's fun feeding the fish so I like doing it twice a day. In fact it is time for thier breakfast right now.
once every 2 days ;)

put i drop the odd sinking pellets it ;D
I feed once a day everyday always before i go to bed lights out so they can hunt for it :shifty:

They get fed a mix of pellet, flake and frozen everyday . Algae Wafers 3/4 times a week with cucumber at least twice a week and live food once a week . Lfs only order in 6 wee bags of the stuff and i need 2/3 to feed them all lol
I feed them once a day everyday, with a treat of either frozen or live blood worm once a week and Daphnia once a week or so.

Haven't attempted the veggies just yet but will be starting them soon, mainly for my plecs as I don't think they should be living on purely algae wafers.

Also have done the odd starve day, but mainly if ive been away overnight. It is natural afterall
flake everyday
bloodworms/brineshrimp (freezdried) treat, once a week
veggies (treat) whenever i have something
algae pellets once a week

1 or 2 starve days
Pelletts twice a day, small amount in the morning, a bit more on the evening.
Frozen twice a week replacing the evening pellet feed.

Starve day now and again, particularly if my maintenance is overdue. However they always eat everything I feed them so not much point in them really.

Great poll by the way! :good:


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