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  1. AKGrown


    Thanks so much I will look into those sites! :)
  2. AKGrown

    Still Struggling With Ammonia

    I will give it a shot ill try to locate some in town tomorrow Thanks for all of your help! I will keep updating. :)
  3. AKGrown

    Still Struggling With Ammonia

    okay thanks guys will do! do i put it in the filter system or?
  4. AKGrown

    Snail Color

    Hi there, I had a clutch of eggs hatch from a very light Ivory snail (mom) and a wild card(black?) father. Now these guys are about a month old or so and are about pea sized. I was wondering if anyone knew when their color would change(or if they do?) because they all have light feet and bodies...
  5. AKGrown

    Still Struggling With Ammonia

    I dont have anything secure to buy with online, i'll see if my dad will help me out with that :) Thanks for all of the good advice!!
  6. AKGrown

    Still Struggling With Ammonia

    I have been doing water changes daily for the past three months to help with my ammonia and my pH is still dropping and my water is still soft or course lol. herm...I'm just not sure im so lost and i havent found a single place in town that sells crushed coral :(
  7. AKGrown

    Still Struggling With Ammonia

    Well I have been giving it to them for approx 3 months? and it hasent done much they do eat it but their shell is still deterorating.. :( it should harm my tank right? like cuttle bone shouldn't effect my ammonia levels etc.
  8. AKGrown

    Still Struggling With Ammonia

    Thanks so much! My tapwater is "soft" according to the test strip and my alkalinity is maybe 20? my pH is approx 7.4. I'm not understanding why my pH drop is so significant? Also is crushed coral the only way to go for my guys?
  9. AKGrown

    Still Struggling With Ammonia

    My local stores dont have gh/kh testing kits but they do offer test strips that test both of those. The only reason I would like to alter my water is because of my snails shell deteroration. I am very concerned and I have taken the cuttle fish bone out of the tank to access the possability that...
  10. AKGrown


    I dont have pictures of the plants I moved them all to my 2.5 gallon tank housing my infant snails. I am hoping to start anew. I want to first see if my ammonia levels go down to rule out any other issues that could potentially be causeing it. I purchased all of my plants from the aquatic...
  11. AKGrown

    Still Struggling With Ammonia

    I'm not sure that we have a tmc? we have a petco? but not much else..are they online?
  12. AKGrown

    Still Struggling With Ammonia

    our water is on the soft side too. what kind of powder did you get? or can something else be used. I've removed all of my plants and I am cutting feedings way way way back to as minimal as possible. I'm guessing that I need to do something different because these months of constant water changes...
  13. AKGrown

    Still Struggling With Ammonia

    Thank you! I will do a 75% change in just a little while hopefully things will start to look better. :)
  14. AKGrown


    Hello! Since putting a plant in my tank i have seemed to have ammonia issues. Now I wonder if perhaps what I was doing for care was not enough. I have an 8,000k 15w aquarium lighting fixture and use the API plant "food" can anyone tell me if this is sufficient? I originally had a bamboo plant...
  15. AKGrown

    Still Struggling With Ammonia

    Okay i'm even more puzzled by today. I did a 50% water change this morning and got the ammonia down to 0.25 ppm. Then waited several hours and did another water change, 25%. Tested again and it was back up! So I did another water change just now about 20% and added 5x the dosage of prime in...
  16. AKGrown

    Still Struggling With Ammonia

    I keep hearing alot about sponges and yet i'm not too sure what everyone is talking about..could you explain? And I got my corys at the good ol petco where they use salt all of the time and told me it was "ok" until I did research and found that to not be the case!! So I have since ceased all...
  17. AKGrown

    Still Struggling With Ammonia

    I have been shaking the bottles as directed however perhaps ill shake a little longer next time its hard to tell sometimes with the chart provided where exactly the reading falls you know? I will test again this afternoon. I just did a 40% water change. On a side note my filter says that you...
  18. AKGrown

    Still Struggling With Ammonia

    Thanks for all of your good advice!! With my filter I attempted to take media from the first one but in all honesty I am not sure how to properly do so. My filter does have a biowheel on it though and I was hoping that would save my butt! Perhaps I did not properly transfer the media? Also since...
  19. AKGrown

    Still Struggling With Ammonia

    I have always done frequent water changes/and gravel vacd weekly. I did change my filter about a month and a half ago because I had differing opinions on the changing of the media from multiple people. My previous filter had stayed in for 4 months and I still had the issues that I am having now...
  20. AKGrown

    Still Struggling With Ammonia

    Thanks me too! If you happen to come accross any ideas send them my way! :D
  21. AKGrown

    Still Struggling With Ammonia

    I have tested with a liquid kit which I typically use and then i tested with strips for that reason. Had very close readings. and then took it in and had it tested at my LFS. Same story. and no one seems to know why..apparently several people in my area experienced similar happenings. My...
  22. AKGrown

    Still Struggling With Ammonia

    I've had my tank for approx 7 months..cycled it and then got my fishies I was doing well until the last two/three months or so and everything just went nuts. My city treated they're water and since then I havent been able to get things to shape up again. I do test my water before adding and it...
  23. AKGrown

    Still Struggling With Ammonia

    Okay, so i have tried and tried to get my aquarium water healthy. I have a 20 gallon tank with 3 platys 3 corys 2 glofish 1 oto 2 frogs and 3 snails. It is kept at roughly 80 degrees most of the time and is planted (about 1/4 of the tank) I can not seem to get my ph neutral or my ammonia down. I...
  24. AKGrown


    I use dechlorinator (stress coat +) I also have an established penguin 100, it is an over the back filter with a biowheel. I also laready have prime but dont see that it makes the difference that i would like it to :( THanks you THanks you! :)
  25. AKGrown


    what are ammonia chips? and what brands would be best? thanks for all of your help btw!! :)
  26. AKGrown


    I did check it it always goes up i gravel vacc every night..:(
  27. AKGrown


    6 or 7 months ph 7.0 Chlorine 0 nitrite 0 nitrate very low ammonia now at 0 i am using the api liquid test kit and i have been doing water changes every day to every other day because i am having issues keeping my ammonia down.
  28. AKGrown


    Thanks! My ammonia was at about .25 and i couldnt get it below even with 50% water changes daily. I have reduced feedings to bare minimum. Also my tank now had 3 platys 3 corys 2 glofish and 1 2 frogs & 3 snails, it is a 20 gallon tank, planted. All other levels seemed to be doing...
  29. AKGrown

    Community Tank - Ich - What To Do?

    ill just throw this out there i have been using salt in my tank at about half the recommended dose for my tank size, I have 2 spotted corys and 1 leopard as well as three happy snails :) The store that i purchased them from also used salt in their tanks. my platys started to get the ick and it...
  30. AKGrown


    i'm not to sure what to do here. I did a rather large water change about 80% because i have been dealing with ammonia issues. I then added stress coat to the water. My lil glofish (who was deformed already) passed away only minutes after. my platys are now acting strange!! swimming irratically...
  31. AKGrown

    I Would Like To Get A Betta

    lol ok thanks guys! im curious though would a femal betta do ok in a community setting with...3 platys 3 glofish 3 corys, 3 snails & 2 frogs..thats what i have in my 20 as of now...
  32. AKGrown

    I Would Like To Get A Betta

    So I have several questions...Since I have not purchased my betta yet which kind would be best? Next I was wondering... Tank size? Water conditions? Diet? Can I have 1 and have it be happy alone? I have a 2.5 gallon (10ish L)that I am currently cycling with some of my baby snails.. My 20 gallon...
  33. AKGrown

    One Of My Snailys :)

    Just thought it was neat!
  34. sized 3.JPG

    sized 3.JPG

  35. AKGrown

    Snail Baby Questions

    if you want to send me a link id greatly appreciate it :) my email is [email protected]
  36. AKGrown

    Snail Baby Questions

    okay one clutch hatched today and now they are in their own tank with lots of food, i have cuttle bone sunk and algea wafers and brine now how long will they take to grow? any ideas?
  37. AKGrown

    Snail Baby Questions

    Okay!! so you know about the approx amount of time until hatching?
  38. AKGrown

    Snail Baby Questions

    They're in the 20 with my fish now is what i meant lol..i have a 10 though..I know that they need heat support but what about filtration?
  39. AKGrown

    Snail Baby Questions

    I left two of the clutches on top of the tank, its right next to the light and it gets a bit of mist from my bubbler..however i dont have another tank that I can put them into (I would assume that a 2.5 gallon is not sufficient and that is my only other tank that i have cycling right now) is...
  40. AKGrown

    Snail Baby Questions

    I have homes for roughly 20 of them..and the others will be going to a local pet store most likely..i would like to let the two clutches hatch i have pulled out about 4 more since the first so I am doing control..will my fish try and eat any of them??