Snail Baby Questions


Fish Fanatic
Mar 27, 2010
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My snails layed about 3 clutches of eggs with in the last five days or so..I was curious wether once they hatch if any of my other aquatic life will harm them...I have...

3 glofish
3 platys
3 snails
3 cory cats
2 frogs
1 oto

In a 20 gallon tank..

Will I have to worry about taking the babies out and having them in a separate tank until they are strong enough?

Also on a side note about how long should they take to hatch?

Idk much about them, but they're the ones that lay their eggs above water right? I heard those lay like 150 eggs and 90% of them survive. If I were you I wouldn't even keep the eggs and take them out when they are still there. Just be sure you have enough tank space because these get pretty big, like a golf ball or larger.
mystery snails are great little snails.
my suggestion is this.
do you have room for a 100 plus babies?
do you have a place to send them when they are adults?
if the answer is to no to both those questions, then i would destroy the eggs, because the need room to grow and eat alot.

if the answer is yes to both those questions then let me know because i have raised these little guys before.
mystery snails are great little snails.
my suggestion is this.
do you have room for a 100 plus babies?
do you have a place to send them when they are adults?
if the answer is to no to both those questions, then i would destroy the eggs, because the need room to grow and eat alot.

if the answer is yes to both those questions then let me know because i have raised these little guys before.
I have homes for roughly 20 of them..and the others will be going to a local pet store most likely..i would like to let the two clutches hatch i have pulled out about 4 more since the first so I am doing control..will my fish try and eat any of them??
mystery snails are great little snails.
my suggestion is this.
do you have room for a 100 plus babies?
do you have a place to send them when they are adults?
if the answer is to no to both those questions, then i would destroy the eggs, because the need room to grow and eat alot.

if the answer is yes to both those questions then let me know because i have raised these little guys before.
I have homes for roughly 20 of them..and the others will be going to a local pet store most likely..i would like to let the two clutches hatch i have pulled out about 4 more since the first so I am doing control..will my fish try and eat any of them??
well good for you then, another mystery snail lover :)
you said you pulled them out right, then you need to set up a kind of incubator for the snails. i used two styrofoam cups. i cut the botto off of each of them then fit them on top of each other, so they were like this <> . i floated it on top of one of my tanks near the lights to keep them warm, and you want to spray a little mist on them every once in a while to keep the eggs moist.

i would also set them up their own tank if you got one, their numbers will over whelm a tank with fish.
also have baby snail food ready too, mine actually ate anything i threw in their the little savages. when they are young like humans, calcium will be critial to build up shell strength for they will grow by leeps and bounds in the comming weeks. i would get a cuttle bone and brake it down and put it in the tank were the snails are going to give it a chance to sink before the little guys hatch.
also buy tums, the snails love love love tums, espeically the flavored kind. mine where particularly fond of the troppical flavors lol. i have a varity of food for my bottom dwellers already around, so i had algae waffers sinking waffers and sinking shrimp pellets. like i said before the babies will eat just about anything thats on the ground.

if you have any other questions, feel free to pm me or leave a message here i will be more then happy to help you raise beautiful baby mysteries.
mystery snails are great little snails.
my suggestion is this.
do you have room for a 100 plus babies?
do you have a place to send them when they are adults?
if the answer is to no to both those questions, then i would destroy the eggs, because the need room to grow and eat alot.

if the answer is yes to both those questions then let me know because i have raised these little guys before.
I have homes for roughly 20 of them..and the others will be going to a local pet store most likely..i would like to let the two clutches hatch i have pulled out about 4 more since the first so I am doing control..will my fish try and eat any of them??
well good for you then, another mystery snail lover :)
you said you pulled them out right, then you need to set up a kind of incubator for the snails. i used two styrofoam cups. i cut the botto off of each of them then fit them on top of each other, so they were like this <> . i floated it on top of one of my tanks near the lights to keep them warm, and you want to spray a little mist on them every once in a while to keep the eggs moist.

i would also set them up their own tank if you got one, their numbers will over whelm a tank with fish.
also have baby snail food ready too, mine actually ate anything i threw in their the little savages. when they are young like humans, calcium will be critial to build up shell strength for they will grow by leeps and bounds in the comming weeks. i would get a cuttle bone and brake it down and put it in the tank were the snails are going to give it a chance to sink before the little guys hatch.
also buy tums, the snails love love love tums, espeically the flavored kind. mine where particularly fond of the troppical flavors lol. i have a varity of food for my bottom dwellers already around, so i had algae waffers sinking waffers and sinking shrimp pellets. like i said before the babies will eat just about anything thats on the ground.

if you have any other questions, feel free to pm me or leave a message here i will be more then happy to help you raise beautiful baby mysteries.
I left two of the clutches on top of the tank, its right next to the light and it gets a bit of mist from my bubbler..however i dont have another tank that I can put them into (I would assume that a 2.5 gallon is not sufficient and that is my only other tank that i have cycling right now) is there any way that I can do it in my 20? were you talking about putting the eggs or the babies (hatched) into the cups? Thanks so much for your replies! I do love my mysteries!!
get the 20 ready to go, unlike fish the snails can handle an uncycled tank. the 20 gallon will give them more then enough room for them to live and grow.
gently remove the eggs off the side of the tank and place them in the warmest tank for now. when you notice babies move to the twenty gallon and be prepared to be a parent
get the 20 ready to go, unlike fish the snails can handle an uncycled tank. the 20 gallon will give them more then enough room for them to live and grow.
gently remove the eggs off the side of the tank and place them in the warmest tank for now. when you notice babies move to the twenty gallon and be prepared to be a parent
They're in the 20 with my fish now is what i meant lol..i have a 10 though..I know that they need heat support but what about filtration?
snails can suvive low tempatures, i am not sure how cold your home gets but if you in say sibera i would give them a heater. also if it would make you feel more comfortable i would give them a heater too.

i would set up a filter, mystery babies will do like most babies too, eat sleep and poop. a filter will help control the tank a bit, but like i said before they will not be affected by an uncycled tank. i would also use the stocking technic for the babies as well, as they can easily fit though the filter holes. pull it tightly so water can flow though but snails cannot flow though.
Okay!! so you know about the approx amount of time until hatching?
about a week maybe two i don't remember exactly but you will not have to wait long. the eggs will start looking grayish and more brittle as the time for them to hatch grows near.

here are some links for you now i am on my home computer i found them better :p

hatching baby snails

snail egg care

mystery/ apple snail info head quarter
okay one clutch hatched today and now they are in their own tank with lots of food, i have cuttle bone sunk and algea wafers and brine now how long will they take to grow? any ideas?
the will take a little while. i have some videos up on you tube can't link you though a work computer though

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