I Would Like To Get A Betta


Fish Fanatic
Mar 27, 2010
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So I have several questions...Since I have not purchased my betta yet which kind would be best?
Next I was wondering...
Tank size?
Water conditions?
Can I have 1 and have it be happy alone?

I have a 2.5 gallon (10ish L)that I am currently cycling with some of my baby snails..
My 20 gallon community eats a varied diet of algae wafters, tetra min tropical (basic and the one for "color enhancement"), Brine shrimp, tubiflex worms and frozen bloodworms. (not all at once of course haha)
The 2.5 is sitting at a happy place right now for my other community tankmates.

Thanks to anyone who has some advice!:)
I would go as a min to have a 17ltr for a betta male on it's own. They will live on their own but I've only ever had male bettas, so couldn't answer with females.

As long as the water temp doesn't jump about, your betta will be happy. Pref 24c is good to have the tank water at. If your room is naturally cold, you may need to raise the heater 1 or 2 c above 24c, to get it sitting right. For a 17ltr, I would say a 25w heater is best.

Diet wise, they will eat blood worm, the odd shrimp may disappear and never to be seen but you can get betta foods from your LFS.

Bettas also like live plants and will occasionally investigate hideaways, they also have a habit of wrapping themselves around heaters (so try to get one with a protective cover). Mine likes to go in and out of the terracotta pots I have on the bottom of the tank.

I am not a pro with bettas but this is what I find mine like x

When buying a betta, shop around. Look at their coloring and tails; is the color dull and unattractive and are the fins in tact, don't buy a betta that is rough looking. Alot of LFS have a mixture of healthy and not so healthy bettas.
you can get any kind of betta splendens the most common is the veil tail but it depends on what you want! there is nothing different about each of them, its just aesthetics really

most people recommend 5g with 3 being teh minimum, but as long as the tank is heated and filtered then 2.5 will be great for one on his own

bettas like higher temps of around 27C, they arent particularly fussy about PH and teh rest is teh same as any other tropical fish

i feed mine JBL betta food, but truth be told any good flake/crisp tehy will take, bloodworm or artemia as a treat every now and again, feed them once per day

they like densely planted tanks preferably with real plants, but if there is no light then get some soft plants so he wont take his tail off on them! they like to sit on plants and hide in them
Unless your betta is like mine............constantly humping the heater :blink: I'm being serious lol
Unless your betta is like mine............constantly humping the heater :blink: I'm being serious lol
lol ok thanks guys! im curious though would a femal betta do ok in a community setting with...3 platys 3 glofish 3 corys, 3 snails & 2 frogs..thats what i have in my 20 as of now...
Might be but the females can be like the males, so it's something you may have to 'try and see'. You can always get a breeders net and hook it in the tank.
So I have several questions...Since I have not purchased my betta yet which kind would be best?
Next I was wondering...
Tank size?
Water conditions?
Can I have 1 and have it be happy alone?

I have a 2.5 gallon (10ish L)that I am currently cycling with some of my baby snails..
My 20 gallon community eats a varied diet of algae wafters, tetra min tropical (basic and the one for "color enhancement"), Brine shrimp, tubiflex worms and frozen bloodworms. (not all at once of course haha)
The 2.5 is sitting at a happy place right now for my other community tankmates.

Thanks to anyone who has some advice!:)

i think decor is more important than size as long as you have at least 2.5 gallons. by that, i mean a 2.5 gallon densely planted tank is much better than a 5 gallon tank with a plastic plant and a treasure chest.

look into plants like wisteria that have lots of foliage and are low maintenance. coconut caves are great too. these are both widely available in pet stores. java moss would be a great idea too. also, if you need a light, i found this one recently for my 2.5 gallon and i love it... http://cgi.ebay.com/JEBO-JB13-SMALL-AQUARIUM-LIGHT-HOLDER-13-WATT-/160426917127?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item255a307d07#ht_1033wt_1167

you should also get yourself some liquid plant fertilizer which is also widely available in pet stores.

tankmates such as a snail or ghost shrimp are a great idea as long as the tank is heavily planted (lots of hiding spots) and the betta is added last. if tank-mates are added after the betta, they will be seen as intruders to his territory and most likely harassed or killed.

when selecting a betta, you should stay away from bettas with uneven fins, discolored skin, or clamped fins. good signs are bubble nests and some sense of alertness (most are seemingly dead in those tiny containers) good luck :good:

lol i have a lot of thoughts on this topic cause i just set up my own 2.5 gallon betta tank a couple months ago.
I have 2 males in a 5.5 gallon tank. So roughly about 2.25 gallons a piece. They are loving it! I wouldn't recommend any smaller and I would definitely go with plants. Mine love to snake themselves through my java fern. Keeps them entertained!


Plus the plants look so exotic! :D
I like all types of bettas so really it's your choice. Some can get fin rot easier than others though.

A 2.5 gallon tank would be fine. That's exactly what my betta is in and he has been doing great.

The water should be some where in the high 70's and the PH around 7.0.

It's best to mix there diet. I feed mine flakes, and pellets. Also they can eat blood worms and brine shrimp. Just search betta diet on Google for other stuff too.

And yes, male bettas prefer to be alone. DEFIANTLY don't keep any other bettas with it unless they are in one of those split tanks like Larkspur's.
Yes...my bettas tolerate seeing one another, but if the divider is moved then all heck will break loose.

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