Search results

  1. the_lock_man

    Small Fish Right At Home In A Stream Biotope

    There aren't actually that many that can thrive in something that small. The only things that spring to mind are hillstream loaches and bulldog plecs, and even then you're pushing things. None of the shoaling stream-type species (zebra danios, WCMMs) would want to be in something that small.  ...
  2. the_lock_man

    Last One To Post Here Wins Thread 2

    Because of all the things we said before. And some that we didn't.
  3. the_lock_man

    Help With Stocking

    Don't see the piccy, best try again. :)
  4. the_lock_man

    Platy Gender Ratio

      Doesn't change a thing, IMHO. ;) I wouldn't really recommend platies in a 10G anyway.   Remember that platies are so easy to breed that it is incredibly difficult to find new homes for the fry. Best to avoid getting into difficulties in the first place.
  5. the_lock_man


      >.< Not spectacularly good advice. Not all loaches eat snails, and you don't know whether the tank, and proposed tank mates are suitable.       Clown loaches need to be in a group of 6+, and require a VERY large tank, as they grow to over a foot long. If they are kept for any length of time in...
  6. the_lock_man

    Danios Are So Fast!

    It was a tad frustrating, I must admit......
  7. the_lock_man

    Harlequin Query

    When you say "fine" for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH, can you tell us what the actual levels are, please?   A 21l tank with a shoal of harlies plus others is rather overstocked, sorry to burst your bubble on that one. The stress of this might be contributing to the problem. Did you add...
  8. the_lock_man

    Water Testing Kits

      The Tetra 6-in-1 does NOT include an ammonia test. This fact alone means that however cheap they are, they are not worth the money. I have to say that I, along with most experienced aquarists, consider ammonia to be an essential test to have at one's disposal. Ammonia in the water is the first...
  9. the_lock_man

    Fish Bubble

    Looks like a prolapse to me. Not a huge amount you can do, apart from keep the water pristine clean (ie 20% water changes daily) and hope it sorts itself.
  10. the_lock_man

    Hi From Swindon, Uk

    Welcome to the Forum, Tess. I'm liking your choice of screen-name (Terry Wogan would be proud).
  11. the_lock_man

    28 L Tank... High Ammonia

    I'm with Tunagirll, likely a misread test. The API kit can be a very iffy, especially if you don't hold the tube so it's touching the colour card.
  12. the_lock_man

    Danios Are So Fast!

    Yep, been there. As it goes I caught 6 in 90 mins. Sounds like either I got lucky or my fish catching skills are awesome.
  13. the_lock_man

    The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread 2

      I wouldn't necessarily think catastrophic failure, in all honesty. I would probably do the procedure, comparing expected and observed responses at each step, to see where the procedure was failing. That would inform my action steps. But you have clearly done similar.
  14. the_lock_man

    My Clown Loach Need Help.

    You haven't given us a lot to go on, unfortunately. Can you post up the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels of the water, and a photo would be really helpful too. What size is the tank? How long has it been established? Do you know what the nitrogen cycle is, and is it established in your...
  15. the_lock_man

    Short Guide On Aquascaping

    Yes, it just means that whoever posted the photos has removed them from their Flickr account, so there is no photo in the location.   We always recommend that people attach photos to their posts, rather than linking, so that this problem doesn't occur.
  16. the_lock_man

    Egg Drop Gone Horribly Wrong

    Not really anything that you can do, really. It may sort itself out, but unlikely.
  17. the_lock_man

    New Peacock Gudgeon

    Just to add - she is NOT pregnant.   The female does not have foetuses growing inside her, neither are the eggs fertilised. Ninjy is quite right that she will not lay eggs until there is a male to fertilise them, and the female would not guard them.
  18. the_lock_man

    The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread 2

    Ah..... potentiometers....... capacitors.......  semi-conductor diodes and transistors.......... microprocessor architecture..........   *signs wistfully*
  19. the_lock_man

    Last One To Post Here Wins Thread 2

      I've heard of sibling rivalry but that takes the biscuit. ;)
  20. the_lock_man

    The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread 2

      That's the British equivalent of the "Elvis working in a Walmart in Tennessee" thing in the US.
  21. the_lock_man

    Update On Funfair Goldfish

    Well done, Nic!
  22. the_lock_man

    Wiesbaden Swordtails

    Certainly shut on Wednesday afternoons (it was always the traditional half-day closing for Portsmouth), but not sure about in the morning.
  23. the_lock_man

    The Official " Happy Birthday America 2014" Thread

      Yeah, I assumed it was meant humourously, but others may have taken it at face value.     Who was beating up the US ????
  24. the_lock_man

    Wiesbaden Swordtails

    I have a very poor opinion of Emsworth Aquaria - it strikes me that they don't really want the aquatic stuff if they didn't have to, they'd prefer to concentrate on the reptiles. At one point I was in there, and they had 5 or 6 tanks with a dead fish in each - now I know every LFS gets the...
  25. the_lock_man

    Your View On Aquarium Maintainance

    I enjoy it, but sometimes, with 4 active children who need to be in different places at different times, it can slip by.   Certainly not a chore, but I really don't fancy doing it at 10:00 at night.
  26. the_lock_man

    Happy Independence Day, Fellow Americans!

    Except during the World Cup
  27. the_lock_man

    Happy Independence Day, Fellow Americans!

    If you look up Independence Day in Wikipedia, it tells you that this is also known as the Fourth of July. Well, duh......
  28. the_lock_man

    Happy Independence Day, Fellow Americans!

    I say, old chap, steady on.....   Ah, yes, Independence Day. Well done for defeating those aliens.
  29. the_lock_man

    The Official " Happy Birthday America 2014" Thread

    To our younger members - I suggest you don't quote Hambone in your history lessons, the facts have been a little skewed. In particular, the action at Normandy was nearly 200 years later, when the UK and US were allies.....
  30. the_lock_man

    Help With Identifying Cichlid And Possible Problem.

    Can you post the exact readings, please. You're idea of "OK" might be different to mine ;)   And are you using strips or a liquid test?
  31. the_lock_man

    Wiesbaden Swordtails

    Ah, yeah, this is Dale's place, the guy that used to be the manager of The Aquatic Centre, about a mile up the same road. Not been in yet, and sounds like I want to leave it another month or so yet!   I'd guess you also went into Arundel Aviaries and Fisheries, since it's jsut around the corner...
  32. the_lock_man

    50% Water Changes Everyday

    Think about it mathematically.   You have changed 25% everyday for the past 14 days. 0.25ppm of ammonia, reduced by 25% 14 times should mean that you have around 0.005 ppm ammonia. Your test kit is not sophisticated enough to pick up that little amount of ammonia, and yet it is still showing a...
  33. the_lock_man

    Wanted To Add Fish Tomorrow But High Nitrates!

    If you have fishless cycled, and it sounds like you have, then you should really add fish all at once. If you add the fish gradually, the bacteria you have built up will kinda die off (they don't actually die) and you run the risk of a minicycle when you add extra fish.
  34. the_lock_man


    Went there, a good 8 or 9 years, did the Land's End thing (well, you've got to really, haven't you?). If the BLue Reef at Newquay is anything like the one at Southsea, then it's decent enough, but not what you call huge - it used to be a Sea Life, but I guess it was too small for them.  ...
  35. the_lock_man


    Did you go down to Falmouth?
  36. the_lock_man

    Finally New Tank!

    Obviously having a funny-five-minutes yesterday.
  37. the_lock_man

    I'm Baaaack!

    I'm another that remembers you Cezza. Welcome home. ;)
  38. the_lock_man

    Seriously Confused By Water Results?!

    Like Rob, I don't use API (and never have) so I don't know, but I thought there was an expiry date on the box.
  39. the_lock_man

    Seriously Confused By Water Results?!

      And here comes the science bit. Well, sort of.   It's bottle no.2 on the nitrate test, it contains a powder reagent (the bit that "sense" the nitrate) which has a tendency, as Rob says, to precipitate out. When that happens, there is no reagent in the drops that get added to your water, so...