Finally New Tank!


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2012
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So after having a 29 gallon for 6 years, i'm finally getting a new tank. It's another 29 (given to me free!!!!) but yeah, i'm excited! So Bascially, I am using my brother's old fluorite gravel (the red looking one) that he used to use. Also I found some power head pump so I was thinking about making this tank a current like tank. I am wondering what kind of fish would be good in the type of  current environment  and what type of plant environment they will like. It's kinda broad but any info would be fantastic. Thank everyone!
This would be ideal for a shoal of Denison Barbs (aka Redline Torpedo barbs), a shoal of zebra, leopard or pearl danios (NOT celestial pearl danios) OR white cloud mountain minnows and 1 or 2 of either ctenocephalus species of hillstream loach OR chaetostoma species rubbernose plec.
Remember here that water temps need to be cooler than your normal tropical, keep temps down to say 20degrees.
Ideally, your substrate would be sand with a load of pebbles strewn over, rather than a gravel substrate (this is primarily for the loaches or plecs). Plantwise, you could have rocks with anubias or java fern tied to them.
WOW!!!! okay let me slow you down there I'm shocked TLM Denison barbs, is a huge no for a 29gal sadly they will outgrow and need like a 100Gal tank plus they get huge but they are stunningly beautiful fish, minnows are great fish for currents but i agree sand is much preferred that gravel esp for a current (river setup) any plant really is great altho i like the look of vallis in a strong current and DHG like a strong flow over it as well if u wanted to break up the sand, other options are stem plants like my Nomapgila Stricta i have this in my most recent tank and its great tall and has a strong stem so will hold well in a high current situation, roots well if u keep the florite as i have Flourite black sand and its rooted strong and quickly other alternatives are Alternanthera reineckii Purple (seems to like high light tho) or one of my old favourites Hygrophila Guanensis
Got to agree red line torpedo barbs are no way suitable for a 29g tank, theyre schooling fish and mine grew to roughly 5" each, had them in a 95g but wouldn't put them in anything smaller.
Obviously having a funny-five-minutes yesterday.
Thanks! Is it okay if I added sand on the top of the fluorite?

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