Your View On Aquarium Maintainance


Fish Fanatic
Apr 19, 2014
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Do you see aquarium maintenance as a chore or as bonding time with your fish :p

What does your maintenance usually consist of?

How often do you do it?
I enjoy doing tank maintenance to be honest with you. So not a chore really, get everything set up and have a routine, find it relaxing actually.
Maintenance usually consist of at least 35% water change, light gravel vac, trimming plants, taking out any browning or dead leaves. Forgot to mention i clean glass of algae as well.
Filter maintenance, clean some sponge in old tank water, clean pipes and impeller, change filter floss if required.
I do tank maintenance once a week, every week. 
Edit - Forgot to mention clean glass of algae as well.
TheAquariumGuy said:
Do you see aquarium maintenance as a chore or as bonding time with your fish

What does your maintenance usually consist of?

How often do you do it?
Depending on the mood im in how i view tank maintenance varies lol
I usually enjoy it, being up close to the tank, caring for my stock and in my case corals etc as i keep a reef tank is very fulfilling. It also gives me a sense of pride keeping my tank nice and clean.
If im feeling lazy getting around to doing any work on my tank can feel like some what of a chore but that soon changes once i start doing it and i find myself stuck staring at the tank.
My maintenance consists of topping up water and cleaning glass on a daily basis as it did with my fresh water tank but i then have some more specific maintenance to do with a saltwater tank such as cleaning my skimmer, sump, reactors, macro algaes etc, etc which is usually a weekly thing.
I think if tank maintenance feels like a chore more often then not that it may be a bad sign lol
18 tanks
rinse bio-media, sponge filters and all pre-filters
replace filter floss
vacuum bare bottom and tanks and those with substrate but no plants in the substrate.
replace 40-50% of water
fertilize all tanks with plants
acid water tank, 55 gal., get pre-prepared water at pH 5.8-6.0 and TDS in the 60 ppms range as well as containing brewed rooibos tea and Black Water Expert. (catappas changed every other week)
fry care, when needed, may be twice weekly
pruning as needed, algae removal as needed
It is work, but it helps insure I see almost all the fish at least weekly since all are not out for feeding before I move on to put food in the next tank.
I enjoy it, but sometimes, with 4 active children who need to be in different places at different times, it can slip by.
Certainly not a chore, but I really don't fancy doing it at 10:00 at night.
I own a 20 gallon and a 15 gallon planted tank.

Every Friday I :
- gravel vac and water change at least 20%
- dose with fertiliser and algae remover (phosphate and silicate remover)
- clean algae from the 10 gallon (bristlenose plec cleans the 20 gallon :p )

Daily I pick out snails from the 20 gallon and check the fishes general health and well being

I secretly look forward to maintenance even though I always end up with soaked clothes :D
I love maintaining my tanks, I do 6 on a monday, 5 on Wednesdays and 4 on Saturdays. Each one gets gravel vacced (or sand cleaned) glass wiped inside and out weekly, the filter cleaning is done in a routine, I do 1-2 filters a week.
Sometimes its a chore for me, its not the easiest to clean my tanks and filters, i always do weekly water changes of 50% though. I sand vac when i have a chance to, but cleaning the filters is a total pain in the butt haha. I have a 180 gallon and a 55 gallon to clean the 55 gallon i have to use buckets though, so tech. the 55 is harder lol
On top of that i have to clean my 9 leopard geckos twice a week. But it is sometimes fun i will admit
A chore sounds too hard. Why not a responsibility? Lol

Honestly, i enjoy the maintenance 'coz i love getting wet :p
I have an automatic python type thingy.
Set it to siphon, Run the vac end over my sand, drain about 30% of the water and then switch it to re-fill. Renew white floss and That's about it lol

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