Egg Drop Gone Horribly Wrong


Fish Herder
Oct 12, 2012
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My peacock gudgeon dropped her eggs in a mating dance yesterday with her mate. Today she's swimming about, but on closer inspection, maybe she didn't drop all of the eggs??? She looks awful, she just wants to rest on the substrate in a dark area. Like parts of her belly are still swollen, there looks like an egg still in her tube which looks like it might have prolapsed. Is there anything I can do besides making her comfortable?
NH3 - 0
NO2 - 0
NO3 - 5ppm
Sorry, the picture doesn't really show it too well. (Maybe she looks good enough to be entered in the FOTM again? Haha.)

Click for larger image.
Not really anything that you can do, really. It may sort itself out, but unlikely.
But unlikely?! Are you sentencing her to death???
Prolapses often do go back in but also often lead to there is a high chance that the next time a fish has babies/lays eggs that it will prolapse again as there seems to not be the proper connection to hold the womb inside their body.
I've got her in the hospital tank right now, though she still has a lot of vigor because it took me about 20 minutes to catch her. I've got some antibiotics on hand, but I wont administer anything until I can confirm that she needs it. She's eatting so I'll just watch her for now.

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