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  1. L


    (Pleco + food) x time = BIG! I didn't beleive int hsi formula until I was in a LFS last week. They had recently moved and were in the process of getting their tanks recyceld and set up. In one tank I saw a pleco that was about nine of ten inches long and I was suitable impressed (yes, I'm new...
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    Rainbow Celebese...

    Hi all, Today...err..yesterday ( I work night shift so my days are messed up), I was at a new LFS (they're really starting to grow on me) gettting prices for a new tank, oggling the fish, and gettting a pair of tongs for planting, etc. While I was there, I saw these beautiful silver fish with...
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    Does your betta act like this?

    I'll second that. The new female betta I got yesterday has got to be one of the laziest fish I've seen yet. I don't know what type of enviroment she had when she lived in my roommate's father's office tank, but I get the feeling she didn't move around much. When I put her in the five gallon...
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    What's a good SMALL bottom feeder fish...

    Could some one provide me with links to some good iformation about the kuhli Loaches and the ottos mentioned in this thread. I'm not really familiar with either and would like to investigate. IF not for my fivegallon, they maybe something to add to a future tank. I don't think I'll be adding...
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    Does your betta act like this?

    It depends on the mood my betta (lacey) is in. Generally he becomes very active when he notices me and he will follow my finger when I I run it back in forth in fron of his double betta hex. He swims about, but not as much as the other fish. When I fisrt got him I used to worry that he was...
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    Getting a female betta.

    I placed the female betta in the five gallon tank with the guppies this morning. I don't think the guppies are two comfortable with her though. They've started hanging out out the bottom whenever she's moving around the tank. I haven't actually witnessed her do anything to them and none of...
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    Gouramis and....

    Good point. My twelve gallon has a VERY large castle decoration in the middle of it (Eh heh heh...misjudged the size a little when I was buying it :rolleyes:) and is fairly well planted with cabomba and pennywort. This setup definately gives them a place to hide if they need it...which also...
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    What's a good SMALL bottom feeder fish...

    Thanks, but I'd prefer to avoid a snail if possible. The big one's are cute, but I was hoping for something that thinks that moving around the tank is going faster then an inch an hour :P Besides, I've already got a bunch of his smaller brethern occupying the five gallon. the fact that the...
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    who here hates taking the lid of there fish tanks?

    LOL. Me too! I think my bathroom towels get wetter wiping down my tank and dressor after a water change then they do off me after a bath. And of course, I know everybody loves the spongey floor effect that happens whenever the hose slips out of the bucket an sprays a nice little lake of...
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    What's a good SMALL bottom feeder fish...

    Hey, all. I have a five gallon hex aquaruim and I was thinking about adding a bottom feeder fish to it. I know corys are out (darn that whole shoaling fish thing! and they're so cute too!) and as we all know (or has at least has been posted over and over in this forum) plecos are apparently...
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    Getting a female betta.

    Good to know. I wasn't to hot on that idea anyway. I actually forgot to mention there was a third possibility, but I didn't think it was a viable solution. I do have a five gallon aquarium with a pair of yellow fancy tail guppies in it. I've always heard that bettas don't get along well...
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    who here hates taking the lid of there fish tanks?

    I agree with everybody else. Tank the lid off is a pain in the @$$! My twelve gallon eclipse has this little flip top on it for feeding, but when ever I flip the whole lid over to try and avoid condisation from dripping onto my dressor, the stupid thing comes loose and falls to the floor...
  13. L

    Getting a female betta.

    Hi all. My roommate's parent's are giving away another one of their bettas (I got my first one from them too!) and as of right now it's camping out in a pickle jar while we try to decide where to put it :blink: It's a female and I have only two other options on where to place it right now...
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    Another Walmart Rescue

    LOL! :lol: :lol: :lol: It actually wouldn't suprise me though. My betta, who bears the oh-so-masculine name of Lacey (blame my ex-girlfriend for that one :rolleyes: ), used to look at me like he wanted to beat the crap of me when I first got him. He's mellowed out now, but he still gets...
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    Gouramis and....

    I had two male powder blue dwarf gourami in the same tank, and all though there were times when they would quarrel, mostly they were peaceful with each other. They are currently seperated due to my twelve gallon tank having to be re-cycled. I decided to seperated them to ease the strain on the...
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    Online fish vendors?

    Thanks for all the advice. Although I'm dubious of my local LFSs, I guess I'll give one or two of the better ones a try with my requests. I had wondered about shipping costs, but they weren't at the top of my list. Didn't realize that shipping was so outrageous (although I should have :X )...
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    How Do You Ammonia/Nitrite Test?

    Hey, all. While we're on the subject of test kits, can anyone recommend a particualrly good, easy to read liquid kit? I bought one that was simply labeled Freshwater Master test kit (I'd tell you who made it, but I'm at work right now and can't reference it :shifty: ). My biggest complaint...
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    Online fish vendors?

    Hey all! I was wondering who has dealt with online fish dealers and what your experiances have been. I've seen some beautiful fish at some online sites that most of my LFSs just doesn't seem to be able to aquire right now (or in some cases, I don't trust them to aquire them for me :angry: )...
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    Ammonia creeping up...

    Hmm, if it is calcium build up, how do I deal with it? I mean with out scrubbing my tank so hard I scratch it? (stupid acrylic tank..thought it was glass when I was getting it since the next size up IS :angry: ) I could actually see the CO2 getting low with all the plants and the airstone I...
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    So tell me, who's got crabs?

    Thnaks for all the info so far, everybody. I think at some point, I'd defintely like to seriously look in to setting up a tank for one, but I don't think it will be anytime soon. The requirements to get it right, are a little bit beyond me as a beginner right now. *sigh* And they're such...
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    Ammonia creeping up...

    Nope. Today was the first day I tried anything rougher then a very soft sponge :sad: I was wondering if it might be some sort of mineral build up??
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    Ammonia creeping up...

    Just checked my tank. I'm fairly sure the ammonia is going down. looks to be 1 ppm now and the nitrites are definately rising (up to .5 ppm from yesterdays barely .25 ppm). Hopefully, this is a sign my tank is finely starting to cycle itself again. :unsure: A new problem seems to be...
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    Ammonia creeping up...

    Thanks aquamanis! Glad to know that I may not be just wishing things to be better then they are. :unsure: In the past month, when I've dealt with issues relating to my aquatic plants, it seemed to me that they responded very quickly to changes in their enviroment, but I always thought I was...
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    Ammonia creeping up...

    I could always replace the fliter with a new one, I guess. I've been reluctant to do so right now though, since I was under the impression that helpful bacteria can colonize in the filter as well and I didn't want to suddely reduce my tanks ammonia/nitrite fighting ability at this time. My...
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    Ammonia creeping up...

    Alright, gang, I went out and bought some swag. I bought an Rena 50 air pump and an air stone, some Bio-Safe to help get rid of any ammonia that may already be in my water system as well as get rid of chloramin and chlorine, and lastly, a packet of Bio-Spira. The LFS told me to only use half...
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    Ammonia creeping up...

    Thank you Alien Anna and Lthril for your speedy replies. Anna, I have indeed read your link concerning new tank cycling (first thing I read when I found this forum ;) ), but I had forgetten that you had info in there about the accidental uncycling of a tank. Lithril, My tank has been set up...
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    Ammonia creeping up...

    High all. I needs some help/suggestions concerning the rising levels of ammonia in my tank. I know, everybody gets tire of seeing these questions and I really did try to handle it on my own using the advice previously posted on here before asking. Much to my regret, I believe I did indeed...
  28. L

    Pure ammonia brands?

    Yeah, I saw that stuff the other day, but I wasn't sure about it. I had completly forgotten that I wanted to ask about in in this forum until you mentioned it. I was unsure is it was okay because in the contents it listed it as having chelatin [something something something. :unsure: Of...
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    So tell me, who's got crabs?

    Hey all, I've been wanting to ask for more info about crabs (and other crustecians as well) and I figured now would be as good a time as any. I've been surfing around google looking for info and I did some fact reading on, but I want to know more. I'd like hear some personal...
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    Pure ammonia brands?

    I appreciate all the replies so far. Although, I will say that vagueness seems to the order of the day :P I will try the pharmacy the next time I'm near one, bt if anyone remembers a particular brand name, please let me know. Thank you :)
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    Pure ammonia brands?

    Hi all. I'm not currently cycling a tank, but I have a cousin who needs to clean his tank bad and start from scratch again. I wanted to recommend fishless cycling to him so his fish wouldn't all die on him like the past two times. Unfortuantely, I have yet to find any pure ammonia. The...
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    Blackouts! (Also cleaning and oveheating...)

    Thank you, Anna and Many_a_Molly, for the info concerning battery powered water pumps. That is an option I will defintely look into. I also appreciate all the info that was given concerning my other questions. I haven't had too much trouble out of the Gourami. I have noticed a bit of a...
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    Blackouts! (Also cleaning and oveheating...)

    Hi. I just set up my first freshwater tank about three weeks ago. I purchased an Eclipse 12 and set it up the day I got it. The very next day, I started the cycling process using two guppies ( I wish I had known about the no fish cycling method back then...the guppies are pretty, but not...